Economy grandfather

Recently we had a case of fun.
Wife decided to sell old shoes on small slando. Among other things, put pop rubber boots, for 50 hryvnia, purely symbolic.
Baba calls, rasprosy about them, such as the state in which they and all that.
Asks - well throw off a bit of money, his wife - so do not question, take 40 hryvnia
Baba - well, ok, for them to come our grandfather, take
The wife thought they could do it for free give away, probably no money, once traded for pennies, but God is with them.
Comes in 2 hours grandfather ... straight from the tin on the Lexus.
Press the dough pulls out a long time looking for among the 200 acres and 500 acres, forty hryvnia.
Picks up the boots and says - like if we suddenly do not fit I will come and will return!
Tryndets. To throw him back and forth through the city more cost ...
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