Trade dispute with Russia. War Firtash.

"The large-scale trade war", which is the second day of Ukrainian media and which can hardly understand Russian - is not a war against Russia and Ukraine is not even a war against Vladimir Putin, Viktor Yanukovych. This is war "RosUkrEnergo group" against the inner circle of President Yanukovych - a war in which information resources involved ambitious oligarchic group and its relation to the Russian official circles. It is worth noting that the official structures of the two countries have not yet commented on the situation. All news about a trade war instigated by the press service of the same organization - Federation of Employers of Ukraine, headed by billionaire Dmitry Firtash. However, even in its report does not say to stop the Ukrainian export - only to stop "Ukrainian exports in fact" - "until weeks or even months." Stop exports "essentially" - is not stopping. If the number of export enterprises really will be stopped for a few days - it's not a trade war. If experiencing difficulty Firtash personally - it's only a question of its corporate relations with Russian ammunition: Firtash in Ukraine and its partners represent them, and do not forget about yourself. That has repeatedly led to serious complications for all. Most tellingly - the agreement Putin and Yulia Tymoshenko, in fact deprived the company RosUkrEnergo fabulous profits from gas supplies to Ukraine and permanently crossed out lobbying efforts of Leonid Kuchma and Viktor Yushchenko. It is for this - and for nothing else - Tymoshenko went to prison in the honeymoon period, and Yanukovych "rosukrenergovskoy" group.
All news about a trade war instigated by the press service of the same organization - Federation of Employers of Ukraine, headed by billionaire Dmitry Firtash
And now the honeymoon is over. Moreover, "rosukrenergovtsy" do not feel solid ground under their feet. They are not confident in their political prospects, and in the case of signing an association agreement with the EU to lose perspective on business. That is why today in their interests - and the failure of the agreement, and the weakening of the Yanukovych. It is absolutely not necessary to exclude Russia's participation in the current information provocation, because the interests of groups RUE today one hundred percent coincide with the interests of the Kremlin. Russia will not hold formal large-scale trade war, but it may well take actions that will facilitate the press service of the correct spelling of the press releases.
Along the way we approach the Vilnius summit in November carefully organized information such provocations will be more. If the guys managed to organize such fur fly in August, during the summer holidays and from scratch, what they will do with the beginning of a new political season, when they started raising resources most honest in the world of Internet media and most influential in the country's TV channels? When in Kiev arrive refreshed masters of television shows and analytical programs, and tanned Russian spin doctors write for them new instructions! We will live in interesting times: Ukraine on the verge of agreements with the European Union will try to stop all her well-wishers - among them Putin and Firtash. Here are just confused Putin Firtash still not worth it.
Vitaly Portnikov journalist