"Topol M" missile system
Well, friends, wait!
Once each Aztec tried to tell us this story
It turned once vyalenko, try in their interpretations do not repeat it, but only to supplement and to disclose more fully, in order not considered accordion. In general, the theme is infinite, and therefore interesting.
14 ph + text.
In fact, about a new strategic missile systems "Topol-M" and its early adopting spoke in 1995. While the rocket passed flight tests. The first four were successful start-up, allowing the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of Russia to force the course of checking the fighting qualities of the complex and put it on early pilot - on combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces. It happened December 25, 1997. For service Taman Missile Division, located in the village of Tatischevo Samara Region, received the first two mine complex intercontinental missile RS-12M (option 2) or "Topol-M" (in NATO classification SS-X27). New ballistic missile was replaced at his post obsolete and reduces under START-1 complex of MS-18.
Taking over a new set of combat duty in these times - a significant event. Moreover, the new missile, according to the main authors of the project from the State Moscow Institute of Thermal, which is headed by general designer Yury Solomonov, was a major step towards further improvement of domestic solid fuel ballistic missiles. In their series "Topol-M" can be seen as a fundamentally new creation of our defense industry.
This fact has caused a great interest among the American side. According to bilateral agreements between Russia and the US states are obliged to share complete and accurate information about each step in the direction of the improvement and modernization of strategic weapons systems. American experts were provided comprehensive data on the external appearance of the product, its tactical and technical characteristics, and even called the coordinates of the mines, which will set a new complex. Furthermore, Americans could be considered "godchildren" all coming down the assembly line GAP "Votkinsk plant" complexes "Topol-M".
In late 1993, Russia announced the development of new Russian missiles, designed to become the basis of a promising group of Strategic Missile Forces. The development of missiles RS-12M2, dubbed "Topol-M", being Russian cooperation between enterprises and design bureaus. The lead developer of the missile system is the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology.
The missile "Topol-M" is created as the modernization of ICBMs RS-12M. Terms of modernization defined by START-1, according to which is considered to be a new missile, which differs from the existing (analog) according to one of the following:
- The number of stages;
- Fuel type any of the stages;
- Starting weight by more than 10%;
- The length of the assembled missile without a head portion or along the length of the first stage of the rocket more than 10%;
- The diameter of the first stage of more than 5%;
- Throw-weight more than 21% in combination with the length of the first stage by 5% or more.
Thus, the mass-dimensional characteristics and some model features ICBMs "Topol-M" severely restricted.
Step government flight test missile complex "Topol-M" took place on the 1-GIK MO. In December 1994, the first launch of the silo. April 28, 2000 the State Commission approved the act of adopting the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation intercontinental ballistic missile "Topol-M".
Dislocation parts - the regiment Tatischevo (Saratov region) (November 12, 1998) / h in the Altai (approx. Siberian village, Pervomaisky district, Ataysky Edge). The first two missiles "Topol-M" / RS-12M2 / were put on experimental combat duty in Tatischevo in December 1997 after four test launches, and December 30, 1998 the first regiment of 10 missiles of this type of atonement for combat duty.
In the process of alerting the missile "Topol-M" is in the transport and launch container. It is used as a part of stationary (in silos), and mobile systems. This option is used in a stationary silo launchers (MSE) Missile, removed from service and disposed of in accordance with the START-2 Treaty. Stationary group created by the conversion of ICBM silos middle class 15A35 (development of OKB "Vympel") and IDB heavy class 15A18M (development OKB LACA).
In accordance with the START-2 treaty allowed conversion of 90 missile silos under the 15A18 rocket "Topol-M", with guarantees can not be installed in a refitted PU heavy ICBMs. Further development of these silos includes 5m pouring of concrete at the bottom of the mine, as well as the installation of a special guard ring at the top of the launcher. Internal dimensions of the mine heavy rocket to accommodate redundant missiles "Topol-M", even with the bottom of the PU pouring concrete. Mass missile "Topol-M", its outer diameter and length is less than the geometric dimensions of the mass-missile 15A18M respectively approximately 5, 1.5 and 1.5. To save and apply when retrofitting machines and systems heavy silo, required to conduct a series of comprehensive studies loading scheme silo at YaV and startup service systems, the impact on gas dynamics of the start of a large internal free volume of the mine, the restrictive rings and massive and large roof on download TPK with a missile in PU, and others. In this case, the WPK with the rocket should be unified for both types of silos.
Resource-saving technology when creating the serial CP provides for the preservation of the protective roof, barbet, the drum shaft to the bottom of on-site and reuse much of the equipment PU 718 - drives the protective roof of depreciation, elevators and others. Equipment - after dismantling send manufacturing plants, factories of the PBP with tests on the stands. The problem is the implementation of resource-saving technology is closely linked with the establishment of new guarantee periods for reusable equipment, including for the shaft. Placing missiles "Topol-M" modified so that the existing silos can significantly reduce the cost of developing and deploying complex.
Freight erector set (see photo), created in CB "Motor", combines the functions of the installer and freight-handling machine.
Successful flight tests enabled the State Commission to recommend adoption into service as part of the complex missile silos, converted from heavy missiles and silos in the summer of 2000 a set of presidential decree was adopted.
In accordance with the START-2 treaty allowed conversion of 90 missile silos under the 15A18 rocket "Topol-M", with guarantees can not be installed in a refitted PU heavy ICBMs. Further development of these silos includes 5m pouring of concrete at the bottom of the mine, as well as the installation of a special guard ring at the top of the launcher. Internal dimensions of the mine heavy rocket to accommodate redundant missiles "Topol-M", even with the bottom of the PU pouring concrete. Mass missile "Topol-M", its outer diameter and length is less than the geometric dimensions of the mass-missile 15A18M respectively approximately 5, 1.5 and 1.5. To save and apply when retrofitting machines and systems heavy silo, required to conduct a series of comprehensive studies loading scheme silo at YaV and startup service systems, the impact on gas dynamics of the start of a large internal free volume of the mine, the restrictive rings and massive and large roof on download TPK with a missile in PU, and others. In this case, the WPK with the rocket should be unified for both types of silos.
Freight erector set, created in CB "Motor", combines the functions of the installer and freight-handling machine.
Successful flight tests enabled the State Commission to recommend adoption into service as part of the complex missile silos, converted from heavy missiles and silos in the summer of 2000 a set of presidential decree was adopted.
When creating systems and components of a mobile launcher, the complex "Topol-M" used new technical solutions. Thus, the system enables the hanging of incomplete deployment of PU "Topol-M" even on soft ground. Improved installation and maneuverability, which increases its vitality. "Topol-M" is capable of producing launches from any position area, and also has improved as a means of masking against optical and other means of exploration.
Rearmament parts RVSN is carried out using the existing infrastructure. Mobile and stationary versions are fully compatible with the existing system of command and control.
Characteristics of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Topol-M" can significantly improve the readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces to carry out combat tasks in any environment, providing agility, stealth action and vitality of parts, units and individual launchers, as well as the reliability of the control and autonomous operation for a long time (without replenishment stocks). Almost twice increased aiming accuracy and a half times increased accuracy of the survey data, twice cut preparation time for launch.
Weight launcher - 120 tons, the length - 22 meters, width - 3, 4 m. Six of the eight pairs of wheels are turning that provides the turning radius of 16 meters. Ground pressure setting in two times less than a conventional truck and engine power of 800 horsepower overcomes snow and water obstacles up to a meter deep
Unlike its predecessor, "Poplars" at the RS-12M2 "Topol-M" there is no lattice stabilizers and rudders, and power blends with the solid charge is much higher. Missiles equipped with monoblock warheads, but, in contrast to all other strategic missiles can be refitted as soon as possible MIRV independently targetable
The main advantages of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Topol-M" are in flight characteristics and combat stability during penetration through the system possible missile defenses. Three solid propulsion rocket engine allows to gain speed much faster than all previous types of missiles. Higher energy efficiency helps reduce the rocket missile during the boost phase. Also RS-12M2 missile carries a set of tools breakthrough ABM more than 10 US MX warheads.
For the "Topol-M" was created maneuvering warhead that does not allow it to carry out the interception and destruction of existing and future missile defense systems. Regular units of mobile equipment, "Topol-M" with the new warheads begins in 2006. Later in the year the troops should come up to nine launchers. In parallel, the new warheads will be installed on the already deployed in the amount of 40 units of mine, "Topol-M" and promising naval missile "Bulava" created to arm the nuclear submarines.
However, "Topol-M", apparently, is not the ideal complex; reliance on him, seems to be largely due to the lack of alternatives. The discussion around the START-2 Treaty in numerous publications were revealed its shortcomings. In accordance with this information, "Topol" has a relatively low speed and low immunity, which limits its ability to get out of the blow with a short warning time and makes it vulnerable to the effects of a nuclear explosion, like a shock wave. Although the "Topol-M", apparently managed to improve its overall weight and dimensions characteristics are close to the "Topol", which puts limits on objective ways to overcome the above drawbacks.
Performance characteristics
Maximum range, km 11000
Number of stages 3
The starting weight, t 47, 1
Throw-weight, t 1, 2
Missile length without the head part, 17 m, 5 (17, 9)
Missile length, m 22, 7
The maximum diameter of 1 m, 86
Type monoblock warhead, nuclear
Solid fuel, the blending
Type of autonomous control systems, inertial-based ODCC.
Equivalent warheads mt 0.55
The circular error probable, km 0.9
February 9, 2000. at 15:59 MSK combat crews Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation (RVSN) 1st state test cosmodrome "Plesetsk" carried out a successful test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile "Topol-M". Start ICBMs "Topol-M" (RS-12M2) is produced in combat field Kura, located in Kamchatka. The missile hit a training target in a given area.
September 20, 2000. the first launch missiles RS-12M2 from a mobile launcher.
April 20, 2004. 21:30 MSK joint crews Strategic Missile Forces and the Russian Space Forces from the Plesetsk cosmodrome done another test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) "Topol-M" with the self-propelled launcher as planned flight tests for the benefit of the Strategic Missile Forces. It was the first in 15 years in the area of start-up Hawaiian Islands range of more than 11 thousand kilometers.
December 24, 2004. It carried out a successful test launch of "Topol-M" from a mobile launcher. Start was made at 12:39 MSK from the Plesetsk test site area. The head part of the rocket has reached the designated target at the Kura test site in Kamchatka at 13:03 MSK. Produced start the fourth and final rocket launch mobile version of the complex Topol-M carried out within the framework of complex tests.
November 1, 2005. from the landfill, "Kapustin Yar" in the Astrakhan region was conducted a successful test launch of the RS-12M1 "Topol-M" with a maneuvering warhead. This launch was the sixth under the testing system created to overcome the US missile defense. Start was produced by a Kazakhstan tenth Balkhash proving ground (Priozersk).
That's comrades tried it would have been interesting ...
As always, I do not say goodbye happy to discuss-our present greatness of the country.
I finished !!!
Once each Aztec tried to tell us this story
It turned once vyalenko, try in their interpretations do not repeat it, but only to supplement and to disclose more fully, in order not considered accordion. In general, the theme is infinite, and therefore interesting.
14 ph + text.
In fact, about a new strategic missile systems "Topol-M" and its early adopting spoke in 1995. While the rocket passed flight tests. The first four were successful start-up, allowing the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of Russia to force the course of checking the fighting qualities of the complex and put it on early pilot - on combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces. It happened December 25, 1997. For service Taman Missile Division, located in the village of Tatischevo Samara Region, received the first two mine complex intercontinental missile RS-12M (option 2) or "Topol-M" (in NATO classification SS-X27). New ballistic missile was replaced at his post obsolete and reduces under START-1 complex of MS-18.

Taking over a new set of combat duty in these times - a significant event. Moreover, the new missile, according to the main authors of the project from the State Moscow Institute of Thermal, which is headed by general designer Yury Solomonov, was a major step towards further improvement of domestic solid fuel ballistic missiles. In their series "Topol-M" can be seen as a fundamentally new creation of our defense industry.
This fact has caused a great interest among the American side. According to bilateral agreements between Russia and the US states are obliged to share complete and accurate information about each step in the direction of the improvement and modernization of strategic weapons systems. American experts were provided comprehensive data on the external appearance of the product, its tactical and technical characteristics, and even called the coordinates of the mines, which will set a new complex. Furthermore, Americans could be considered "godchildren" all coming down the assembly line GAP "Votkinsk plant" complexes "Topol-M".

In late 1993, Russia announced the development of new Russian missiles, designed to become the basis of a promising group of Strategic Missile Forces. The development of missiles RS-12M2, dubbed "Topol-M", being Russian cooperation between enterprises and design bureaus. The lead developer of the missile system is the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology.
The missile "Topol-M" is created as the modernization of ICBMs RS-12M. Terms of modernization defined by START-1, according to which is considered to be a new missile, which differs from the existing (analog) according to one of the following:
- The number of stages;
- Fuel type any of the stages;
- Starting weight by more than 10%;
- The length of the assembled missile without a head portion or along the length of the first stage of the rocket more than 10%;
- The diameter of the first stage of more than 5%;
- Throw-weight more than 21% in combination with the length of the first stage by 5% or more.
Thus, the mass-dimensional characteristics and some model features ICBMs "Topol-M" severely restricted.

Step government flight test missile complex "Topol-M" took place on the 1-GIK MO. In December 1994, the first launch of the silo. April 28, 2000 the State Commission approved the act of adopting the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation intercontinental ballistic missile "Topol-M".
Dislocation parts - the regiment Tatischevo (Saratov region) (November 12, 1998) / h in the Altai (approx. Siberian village, Pervomaisky district, Ataysky Edge). The first two missiles "Topol-M" / RS-12M2 / were put on experimental combat duty in Tatischevo in December 1997 after four test launches, and December 30, 1998 the first regiment of 10 missiles of this type of atonement for combat duty.

In the process of alerting the missile "Topol-M" is in the transport and launch container. It is used as a part of stationary (in silos), and mobile systems. This option is used in a stationary silo launchers (MSE) Missile, removed from service and disposed of in accordance with the START-2 Treaty. Stationary group created by the conversion of ICBM silos middle class 15A35 (development of OKB "Vympel") and IDB heavy class 15A18M (development OKB LACA).

In accordance with the START-2 treaty allowed conversion of 90 missile silos under the 15A18 rocket "Topol-M", with guarantees can not be installed in a refitted PU heavy ICBMs. Further development of these silos includes 5m pouring of concrete at the bottom of the mine, as well as the installation of a special guard ring at the top of the launcher. Internal dimensions of the mine heavy rocket to accommodate redundant missiles "Topol-M", even with the bottom of the PU pouring concrete. Mass missile "Topol-M", its outer diameter and length is less than the geometric dimensions of the mass-missile 15A18M respectively approximately 5, 1.5 and 1.5. To save and apply when retrofitting machines and systems heavy silo, required to conduct a series of comprehensive studies loading scheme silo at YaV and startup service systems, the impact on gas dynamics of the start of a large internal free volume of the mine, the restrictive rings and massive and large roof on download TPK with a missile in PU, and others. In this case, the WPK with the rocket should be unified for both types of silos.

Resource-saving technology when creating the serial CP provides for the preservation of the protective roof, barbet, the drum shaft to the bottom of on-site and reuse much of the equipment PU 718 - drives the protective roof of depreciation, elevators and others. Equipment - after dismantling send manufacturing plants, factories of the PBP with tests on the stands. The problem is the implementation of resource-saving technology is closely linked with the establishment of new guarantee periods for reusable equipment, including for the shaft. Placing missiles "Topol-M" modified so that the existing silos can significantly reduce the cost of developing and deploying complex.

Freight erector set (see photo), created in CB "Motor", combines the functions of the installer and freight-handling machine.
Successful flight tests enabled the State Commission to recommend adoption into service as part of the complex missile silos, converted from heavy missiles and silos in the summer of 2000 a set of presidential decree was adopted.

In accordance with the START-2 treaty allowed conversion of 90 missile silos under the 15A18 rocket "Topol-M", with guarantees can not be installed in a refitted PU heavy ICBMs. Further development of these silos includes 5m pouring of concrete at the bottom of the mine, as well as the installation of a special guard ring at the top of the launcher. Internal dimensions of the mine heavy rocket to accommodate redundant missiles "Topol-M", even with the bottom of the PU pouring concrete. Mass missile "Topol-M", its outer diameter and length is less than the geometric dimensions of the mass-missile 15A18M respectively approximately 5, 1.5 and 1.5. To save and apply when retrofitting machines and systems heavy silo, required to conduct a series of comprehensive studies loading scheme silo at YaV and startup service systems, the impact on gas dynamics of the start of a large internal free volume of the mine, the restrictive rings and massive and large roof on download TPK with a missile in PU, and others. In this case, the WPK with the rocket should be unified for both types of silos.

Freight erector set, created in CB "Motor", combines the functions of the installer and freight-handling machine.
Successful flight tests enabled the State Commission to recommend adoption into service as part of the complex missile silos, converted from heavy missiles and silos in the summer of 2000 a set of presidential decree was adopted.
When creating systems and components of a mobile launcher, the complex "Topol-M" used new technical solutions. Thus, the system enables the hanging of incomplete deployment of PU "Topol-M" even on soft ground. Improved installation and maneuverability, which increases its vitality. "Topol-M" is capable of producing launches from any position area, and also has improved as a means of masking against optical and other means of exploration.
Rearmament parts RVSN is carried out using the existing infrastructure. Mobile and stationary versions are fully compatible with the existing system of command and control.

Characteristics of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Topol-M" can significantly improve the readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces to carry out combat tasks in any environment, providing agility, stealth action and vitality of parts, units and individual launchers, as well as the reliability of the control and autonomous operation for a long time (without replenishment stocks). Almost twice increased aiming accuracy and a half times increased accuracy of the survey data, twice cut preparation time for launch.
Weight launcher - 120 tons, the length - 22 meters, width - 3, 4 m. Six of the eight pairs of wheels are turning that provides the turning radius of 16 meters. Ground pressure setting in two times less than a conventional truck and engine power of 800 horsepower overcomes snow and water obstacles up to a meter deep
Unlike its predecessor, "Poplars" at the RS-12M2 "Topol-M" there is no lattice stabilizers and rudders, and power blends with the solid charge is much higher. Missiles equipped with monoblock warheads, but, in contrast to all other strategic missiles can be refitted as soon as possible MIRV independently targetable

The main advantages of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Topol-M" are in flight characteristics and combat stability during penetration through the system possible missile defenses. Three solid propulsion rocket engine allows to gain speed much faster than all previous types of missiles. Higher energy efficiency helps reduce the rocket missile during the boost phase. Also RS-12M2 missile carries a set of tools breakthrough ABM more than 10 US MX warheads.
For the "Topol-M" was created maneuvering warhead that does not allow it to carry out the interception and destruction of existing and future missile defense systems. Regular units of mobile equipment, "Topol-M" with the new warheads begins in 2006. Later in the year the troops should come up to nine launchers. In parallel, the new warheads will be installed on the already deployed in the amount of 40 units of mine, "Topol-M" and promising naval missile "Bulava" created to arm the nuclear submarines.

However, "Topol-M", apparently, is not the ideal complex; reliance on him, seems to be largely due to the lack of alternatives. The discussion around the START-2 Treaty in numerous publications were revealed its shortcomings. In accordance with this information, "Topol" has a relatively low speed and low immunity, which limits its ability to get out of the blow with a short warning time and makes it vulnerable to the effects of a nuclear explosion, like a shock wave. Although the "Topol-M", apparently managed to improve its overall weight and dimensions characteristics are close to the "Topol", which puts limits on objective ways to overcome the above drawbacks.
Performance characteristics
Maximum range, km 11000
Number of stages 3
The starting weight, t 47, 1
Throw-weight, t 1, 2
Missile length without the head part, 17 m, 5 (17, 9)
Missile length, m 22, 7
The maximum diameter of 1 m, 86
Type monoblock warhead, nuclear
Solid fuel, the blending
Type of autonomous control systems, inertial-based ODCC.
Equivalent warheads mt 0.55
The circular error probable, km 0.9

February 9, 2000. at 15:59 MSK combat crews Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation (RVSN) 1st state test cosmodrome "Plesetsk" carried out a successful test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile "Topol-M". Start ICBMs "Topol-M" (RS-12M2) is produced in combat field Kura, located in Kamchatka. The missile hit a training target in a given area.
September 20, 2000. the first launch missiles RS-12M2 from a mobile launcher.
April 20, 2004. 21:30 MSK joint crews Strategic Missile Forces and the Russian Space Forces from the Plesetsk cosmodrome done another test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) "Topol-M" with the self-propelled launcher as planned flight tests for the benefit of the Strategic Missile Forces. It was the first in 15 years in the area of start-up Hawaiian Islands range of more than 11 thousand kilometers.
December 24, 2004. It carried out a successful test launch of "Topol-M" from a mobile launcher. Start was made at 12:39 MSK from the Plesetsk test site area. The head part of the rocket has reached the designated target at the Kura test site in Kamchatka at 13:03 MSK. Produced start the fourth and final rocket launch mobile version of the complex Topol-M carried out within the framework of complex tests.
November 1, 2005. from the landfill, "Kapustin Yar" in the Astrakhan region was conducted a successful test launch of the RS-12M1 "Topol-M" with a maneuvering warhead. This launch was the sixth under the testing system created to overcome the US missile defense. Start was produced by a Kazakhstan tenth Balkhash proving ground (Priozersk).
That's comrades tried it would have been interesting ...
As always, I do not say goodbye happy to discuss-our present greatness of the country.
I finished !!!
