The legendary ship SS Delphine is looking for a new owner

For 70 million dollars, you can become the owner of SS Delphine, one of the best ships the 20-ies of the last century. The yacht was built for the founder of the car company Dodge Horace Dodge. 257-foot (78 m 3) the ship descended from slipways Great Lakes Engineering Works in Michigan in 1921. Interior decoration company engaged in Tiffany & Co, by creating all necessary for comfortable travel on the seas. The yacht is designed for 26 guests. These services are on board music room, cinema, gym, sauna, smoking room and a swimming pool. This yacht is valuable, and its history. During the Second World War, the "Dolphin" was called up for military service as a floating residence Fleet Commander US Admiral Ernest Joseph King. On its board of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in front of the famous Yalta Conference in 1945. After the war, the family returned to SS Delphine Dodge, but it was no longer necessary. Years rusted ship at the pier, and only in 1997, bought a Belgian businessman. On the return of the vessel primeval had to spend $ 60 million. Restorers have restored all the details. As a brand new steam engine and the telegraph on the bridge, although the technical equipment were in the distant past.