Ponty pontiff

The newly elected Pope Francis after the ceremony election was unceremoniously sat in the van together with the Cardinals and departed. To sit in the "Popemobile" he refused.
That such a seemingly? We live in a free world. Everyone has the right to choose how he (she) do in any situation. However, when you have to climb so high that only the Lord above you, will always be willing to comment.
Here Patriarch Filaret fell into sin commentary. Quote I will not, because they do not want to fundamentally and meaning - ostentatious, they say it is humility and work to the public. Not that it is necessary to earn credibility. Then he tediously explains why he does not use the products of the Russian car industry, but only for the moment, "Daimler-Benz." And it brings a very solid base. San, compliance, product reliability. Particularly presses on internal factor of modesty.
I sometimes come to the indescribable joy of how deftly church leaders juggle words, concepts, moral values and shuffle them for each specific situation. Metropolitan Hilarion can scold for expensive watches. It is a sin. Pontiff may be accused of ostentatious humility. And it might be worth in the morning look in the mirror?
Well, about the attitudes and inner modesty, so there - the king of Sweden (not the Pope, of course, but still) on life modestly «Volvo» rides. And he is not the only one in terms of personal needs among monarchs. So that they, too, show-off bash? It seems like it makes no sense.