A man with a unique blood group
When James Harrison was 13 years old, he suffered a serious surgery, during which was supposed to die from blood loss. But did not die because of the time to make a transfusion. In total, during the operation he poured 13 liters of blood that saved his life.
As soon as he turned 18, and he reached the required age to donate blood, he immediately came to the point of delivery of Red Cross blood. There it was found out that the blood of James Harrison of its kind is unique, since its plasma contains specific antibodies that help you prevent Rh-conflict pregnant mother to her fetus. Without these antibodies to Rh factor leads to anemia and low jaundice child, to a maximum of stillbirth.
When James explained that it was found in his blood, he asked only one question. He asked how often can I donate blood.
Since that's 60 years every three weeks James Harrison comes in a medical center near his house and rents exactly 400 milliliters of blood. It is easy to calculate that to the present time, he passed for about 377 liters of blood.
Isolated from his blood was averted antibodies to Rh factor of about two million pregnant women worldwide, including the wife of Harrison. Two million women and as much, if not more, of their children, including a daughter of Harrison's alive and well here thanks to this friendly old man from Australia.