Eat me

27-year-old Yang Jinhai climbed into the cage to the Bengal tiger, which had behaved inappropriately, dancing around and offering himself as food to their life better. One of the Tigers walked away from the strange man, and the latter took advantage of the offer, and dragged him. Fortunately, zookeepers managed to save the life of a mentally unbalanced muzhchiny.

Before this incident, Yang Jinhai your profile on the Internet wrote about what was going to start a new life after employment guard. But he quickly found the work boring and monotonous, and went to work in the printing factory, which is also soon dropped out, saying that he no longer sees the interest in zhizni.

After the man had received medical and psychiatric care.
After he visited the local zoo, the man wrote that he was very hard to see the life of the "noble and magnificent tigers in a cage where they can not follow their natural instincts to hunt and kill." Then he announced that he has decided to sacrifice himself in order to help tigram.

Source: mirfactov.com/