What would've History: Samsung could buy the first Android
The revolution, however, is in the air. Andy Rubin began working on an operating system that was designed initially for digital cameras, but then captured and smartphones. He started as an engineer at Carl Zeiss, but then worked on operating systems for handheld computers. He had the experience and support of a few engineers. In October 2003, he launches Android, but a year later at startup running out of money and begin the search for investors.
We all now know that in the end, Rubin comes to Google and everyone lives happily ever after. But few people know that the first Rubin went with a newborn Android in Samsung. The whole team of eight engineers Android flew to Seoul to meet with the largest handset maker already.

Rubin had a meeting with 20 heads of Samsung, where he represented the Android, but instead of enthusiasm or just questions, answers, he was silent.
You want to create an army which is it? You have a total of six people. You stoned? - That's what they said. They made fun of me in the courtroom. It happened two weeks before Google bought us - says Rubin. Blockquote>
In early 2005, Larry Page has agreed to meet with Andy, and after the presentation of Android is not just agreed to help with money - he decided that Google will buy Android. The entire mobile industry has changed in his eyes, and Paige Bryn with concern watched it, as if fearing giants like Microsoft does not take the initiative.
Google bought Android 50 million and by the middle of 2005, all eight members of the team Android moved to Mountain View. The rest is history.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/apps4all/blog/212855/