Three of freedom that will make you happy and rich.

Most taut chain - invisible. We can not break them, or kill, because they are in our head.
As I write this, I have an image of an elephant's leg tied a thin rope. Once the traveler asked the pursuer: "Dear, why this strong, huge elephant can not break the thin rope and escape to freedom in the jungle?" At that driver said: "When he was small - tried, and it did not work. Now he has become strong, but no longer tries ».
Invisible chains, frames, restrictions that are in our subconscious, are the largest and most difficult obstacle to our happiness, wealth, joy and love. In order to break them should strive to three freedoms.
1. Freedom from negative memories of the past;
2. Freedom of opinion from the crowd;
3. Freedom from delusions and knowledge.
Failure to comply with these rules - the main cause of suffering. The great Socrates said, "In the world there is only one good - knowledge, and one evil - ignorance».
To become happy and rich, you need every day to develop, cultivate, grow wiser.
Today there are all possibilities. Thanks to the Internet, almost everyone had access to the most powerful and positive knowledge.
However, for some reason people prefer to eat poor quality food, and over the Internet to get negative information.
Today, you are there, where led yesterday's thoughts, tomorrow you will be there, where will today. Freedom from the crowd is as simple as understanding.
If you think, say, do everything - your life will be boring, poor and uninteresting as at all. As Mark Twain said, "If you feel that you go along with the crowd - it's the best time to turn around and go the other way."
Pay as little attention to the past. The brain is so constituted that at one and the same time, we can keep with you one thought can only concentrate on one thought.
If you choose the positive information, a good movie, funny comedy, then at this point will not be sad. Receiving positive information, thinking about the good, you become happy, and no negative past has no power over you.
It's very simple. Unfortunately, there are psychologists, psychoanalysts who make their patients survive past experience to remember unpleasant moments. This friends is nonsense. The more often you pull from the subconscious negative memories, the more you destroy your health, your psyche and soul. Knowing this, it is necessary to avoid negative memories. In no case do not complain. Because the complaint has repeated negative memories.
Once you have a rule three of freedom, your life will change instantly.