12 ways to find the way of his heart:

1. Write down the skills that you possess.
2. dream, what would you like to see yourself in 10 years.
3. Remember who you wanted to be a child.
4. Look around: what your relatives, friends and acquaintances.
5. Try yourself in that kind of activity that you would never dare to do.
6. Write down how much you want to receive money per month. Divide the sum by day and see what kinds of activities you can get this amount per day.
7. What would you be doing now if your account was lying 1 million. Dollars.
8. What kind of activity engaged in by people who live the way you want to live.
9. Often hobby becomes profitable business.
10. Which craft you taught to your child.
11. For the sake of things you would love to wake up every day.
12. Action - a clue.