Exercises for development of diction.

(patter read aloud with expression)
1) Toll Toli - sidekick Koli,
Toli Toli sidekick - Kohl.
Kolya Kolya - sidekick Tolley,
and the Toll - sidekick Koli.
2) Sirenevenky besperspektivnyak with perepodvypodvertom.
3) Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stole Tanirbergen Berdongarova corals
4) dwarf dwarf doctor Carl had stolen Clara stole corals.
A dwarf Kral Clara from dwarf doctor Karl stole the clarinet.
If the dwarf doctor Karl-Clara at the dwarf did not steal stole corals,
the dwarf Kral Clara from dwarf doctor Karl would not steal a clarinet.
5) In the yard of grass, on the grass firewood:
Once cleaved, the two wood, three wood;
Not together yard wood - Firewood is time to expel.
6) Where millet in the clearing?
Millet is just waking up.
About Millet Corn Bunting found out.
Without demand all millet devoured.
7) Mother daughter sews shirt.
Scribbling lines on the shirt.
Urgent forty scribbling lines:
Daughter grows as sprout.
8) stitched hood, but not in Kolpakovsky;
She looks like a bell, but not in kolokolovski.
It is necessary to cap perekolpakovat, perevykolpakovat;
It should be a bell perekolokolovat, perevykolokolovat
9) Do not regretted mother of soap.
Mom Mila soap soap.
Mila did not like soap,
Soap Mila dropped.
And finally, 10) Skorogovor skorogovoril, vyskorogovarival,
With all the patter perevyskorogovorit,
But zaskorogovorivshis, vyskorogovarival,
That is not all twisters pereskorogovorish not perevyskorogovorish.