The Pareto Principle
20% of the products used in food, form 80% fat. 20% of your neighbors provide 80% of the noise. 20% of the employees in your office make 80% of all work. 80/20 rule you will find anywhere. In 1897, Italian economist by the name of Pareto estimated that 20% of British families own 80% of the money. He checked the rule on green peas in your garden: 20% of pods give 80% of the total harvest. This pattern works in all circumstances and in all cases.
The Pareto principle can be formulated as follows: in every situation there is always a minority, which is more important and useful than all the rest. In practice:
- For business: 20% of customers bring you 80% of revenue. They require your special attention.
- For students: 20% of the pages of the textbook contains 80% of all necessary information. Focus on the 20% - and grasp the new book.
- For all that not all of our daily tasks are equally important. Of the ten cases that you have planned for today, there are two more important than the other eight.
We must learn to identify these 20% and start with them. If you do not focus on the 20%, you will have wasted 80% of the time. We never alter all things, but it can handle 20%. And do not kill because of the remaining 80%. Ability to prioritize and not grasp it all at once - one of the most important qualities. Initially, priorities may not be entirely accurate apart, but with regular training this strong-willed as an accent will shift in the direction of the main results, and not sprayed on trifles.
Highlight the most important and direct major efforts there - that's the problem! In other words, do not lose sight of the main goal and guided by the main result, the main thing is not to make every effort, and to send them right on target.