7 Fundamental Laws of the Universe
Man is essentially a question, a question that he asks himself and the surrounding universe.
Universe - a combination of all that is in nature, part of which is the man himself. However, when we talk about the universe in general, we lose sight of the basic idea, which will be discussed today. When we speak of the universe, we are referring to the stars, planets, animals, sky and land, water and snow ... and forget that behind it there is the true meaning of the concept of "Universe". "The Universe" - "The Universe" - means "directed toward a common goal," and our main question - where is the universe
It was, perhaps, the first question to ask yourself humanity. All ancient civilizations in their religions, metaphysics and philosophy, ask them: where is the universe, and why does it exist? However, a new, alienated, materialistic view of the world, especially characteristic postkartezianskogo period, led to the fact that people began to ask very different questions and analyze the external characteristics of the universe: its size, shape, weight
. The man claims to know the universe, because it gave the names of the stars, measured the distance between the Earth and the Moon, studied the properties of chemical elements and characteristics of the physical forces. However, although knowledge in certain areas have become thanks to this study point form, of course, more in-depth, these areas gradually alienated themselves from each other and lose contact with each other. For example, in mineralogy study various rocks and tectonic processes that cause a change in the earth's surface, but the fundamental sense of the material world does not say anything in it.
Suppose that we take into the hands of the subject and let him go. We see that it falls while looking for the lowest position, that is, there is always a natural attraction between the small piece of matter and the large object on which we all are. This material is inexhaustible attraction, it never stops.
So what can we learn from nature minerals? Perseverance, firmness, the desire to carry out his mission. But who among us can say that we share this aspiration with stones that persistently looking for his destiny? Generally, encountering an obstacle, we are fighting for some time with him, and if the obstacle is not retreating, we are retreating. And things in nature, such as rocks, have the tenacity to be more time, more of his trials and always seek his destiny.
Our children at school talk about the properties of various plants; for example, they know how to create chlorophyll in plants. But they say nothing about the fact that in addition to photosynthesis, plants also possess the ability to wait and ability to grow. Small grains, hidden under the snow in the cold earth, waiting patiently for the coming of spring. With her arrival the grain germinates in search of air and sun, and this is the second lesson of perseverance - up desire
. Or take the example of water: the water is always committed to the sea, then evaporates, rises and then condenses again and repeats its cycle
. Everything in the universe has a purpose, and from a philosophical point of view, we are concerned with the ultimate meaning of the movement of all that exists.
The last century developed a new approach to the question about the purpose of the universe - an approach alienated, which is due to the universal attachment to the physical and psychological domination of production and consumption. And people forgot about the existence of simple, natural things and have forgotten how to understand them. The ancients did not ask about what is the distance between the Earth and the Moon, did not try to get the most accurate answer; Rather, they sought to understand the significance of the moon in the universe.
Through ancient sciences such as astrology, they tried to explain the phenomena of nature and see how these phenomena are related to another phenomenon - a man. Thanks to this man in ancient times felt that it is surrounded by intelligent beings, and that he - an intelligent being
. Our problem today is that we feel as if isolated in the universe. In other words, we are so accustomed to contact with man-made basics that have lost the ability to search for the meaning of things and - even more tragic - find it in our own lives. Living from moment to moment, we have forgotten the theological meaning of life, we forget the source and purpose of our existence. We are subject to a moment, what is transitory; we are convinced that we have created a case and that at any moment we can disappear. This subconscious thought horrifies us and causing irreparable harm.
But instead of trying to understand the nature, we create a superficial hypotheses and theories that are, in fact, do not give solutions. At one of the sessions, I told the students, "Acropolis" that the color of butterfly wings could be confused with the color of flowers and foliage, so they are not found and ate the birds. Is it an accident that the wings Owl frayed at the edges, making it a night flight inaudible for a rabbit? Is it an accident that the rodents are located behind the ears to detect the slightest sound of persecution? A number of colors that make up white, - by chance? And the distribution of tones in the scale?
It is obvious that the whole universe is arranged so it is advisable that forms a unity. This call it pyramidal existence, thanks to which all that exists, despite the great diversity, is committed to a single goal and goes by the same reason.
Not so long ago, during the Second World War, the pilots realized that the best line up in a wedge-flight. It has been found that due to this squadron airspeed increases. But the ducks always fly a large wedge; the strongest duck goes forward on the cutting edge and cuts the air, and those who follow him, it is easier to fly.
It is hard to imagine that all of this is a coincidence. Man needed a century to figure it out, and we could cite countless examples of how everything in nature is well thought out. Calling it all a coincidence is not possible, and we must recognize that all the planned Universal Mind. It could not be designed just like that, without being someone's purpose. And if we accept it, we must ask ourselves, "For what?" Perhaps all planned out just like that? If everything is organized, it must be thought out. And if you thought it would be good to try to find an answer to the question for which the universe was created, where we are going with it, and where they came from.
Philosophical studies made it possible to identify certain principles or laws that may be of interest. We call this "pyramidal universe" and look at the basic features.
Section "pyramidal" seven basic laws or principles, in accordance with the natural division of the entire universe.
The first and, at the same time, the highest principle of nature - it is the principle of unity. Everything in nature is expedient to form one living entity. Everything that exists, does not interfere with others, it does not destroy them, and gives the opportunity to live for everyone. When the wolf in the wilderness pursuing a deer he hunted not young and strong, his prey are old and sick, that could infect the rest of the herd. That is, an apparently cruel, destructive, in fact, can survive meant as such.
Nature knows no doubt, there is no confrontation, it all perfectly and all directed to one goal.
The second principle - the principle of enlightenment, enlightenment, both physical and spiritual. Truth is definitely there, but to make them visible, you need an intelligent, spiritual light. We sometimes argue that "there is no truth to the earth," that nowhere is no support and no truly real, that there is nothing to what could aspire that we're all alone ... But this is not true - we are not alone, and simply abide in the darkness, and we need to open again the principle of enlightenment.
The principle of enlightenment entails third principle - the principle of differentiation. Everything in nature is different, although we do not always notice it. No two are exactly the same things. Even grains of sand beneath our feet, if we look at them through a magnifying glass, to be something different from each other - each will have its own characteristics. Therefore, we must carefully handle the word "equality».
We may be equivalent but not identical; similar to each other but not equal. It does not separate people from each other, does not degrade, but rather enrich - as well as in a mosaic, consisting of colored stones, where colors can be similar, but not identical. The concept of equality - of human invention. In nature there is no equality.
The fourth principle - the principle of the organization. Everything in the world is organized in a certain way. When we see a tree we see a thick, strong trunk, which rises from the ground and carries a crown with branches, leaves and birds' nests. But we do not see another crown, "antikrony" - it is underground and its many branches gives the whole stability of the structure and nourishes it. Although there is no nesting birds, but live worms and other animals. Everything is organized perfectly and thoughtfully, so that helped one another.
Errors are usually committed by people are the result of a lack of organization. Organization - is in any case not the suppression of some by others. Organization - is to help. Our hands are different, and yet, they are organized to take anything; if they were on the one hand, this would create difficulties. We must recognize this principle of organization: even when there is a confrontation, it allows us to work together and not lose their individuality at the same time. And we need to apply it in your life, here and now.
Now consider the fifth principle, the principle of causality. Everything that happens is a consequence of what was happening, and everything that happened - the cause of what is happening. All of us - the result of something and the cause of something at the same time. Any thing in all its aspects is the result of some kind of reason, even when it comes to inanimate nature. Nothing can be not only a cause or merely a consequence; cause and effect are interrelated. From the night there day after day, night follows again.
The sixth principle - life principles - says that everything in the world is alive, without exception. From the middle of XIX century, it became customary to speak of animate and inanimate nature. And today, by inertia, we tend to repeat it. We say that something is alive if it moves, flies or grows.
However, since the beginning of time all living things was not only alive thanks to the ability to move, but also due to its ability to resist. Everything is in constant motion, even if we can not see the moving atoms and molecules that make up the air and our bodies. Life penetrates all, and the life force called prana in the East. This life never ends. Therefore, what we call the dead, is not that of just talking about changing the form and mode of existence.
We finally got to the seventh principle, the principle of periodicity, which is mentioned earlier. Since childhood, we see that the nature of the day follows night, summer - winter, and in addition, there are many other events that are in opposition and succeed each other. Despite this, we do not realize that they themselves are included in this frequency, until not read Plato, or until we tell about it somebody else, or until we come to that.
All these cycles cover a large cycle - the cycle of human life. But why should we dwell on this statement? Why not accept that human life is nothing else but one short day a great life, and that after the physical life we will have a spiritual life, which is like a dream, and that then we will have a different bodily life, for which - the other spiritual, etc. . d.
Why not accept that the law covers all cycles and never ceases to operate that all cyclical, that the stars in the sky move cyclically as tiny particles inside the atom. Due to the periodicity of life does not stop and is constantly throbbing.
We must try to extract from nature all the higher, non-destruction. We must take care of the higher, and not just about the physical. How well we take care of your soul? How well do we feed our minds? We must take care of our dreams.
We have reached a level of materiality that are experiencing, no matter how broken our car is not cracked or broken vase plate ... And our dreams, our hopes, our aspirations? What remains when broken crystal birds of our dreams? Fragments that hurt your hands. And we must have the courage to grind our broken dreams and this crystal powder to create a new bird.
It is time we realize that we do not have to crawl on the ground like turtles or snakes, that we need to learn how to fly. We need to understand that in different periods of history there, and today, when all embraced materialism longing and fear of failure, the hour of the Eagles, while people came to fly. It's time to rise, time to create a new humanity and a better person.
We can not cure the present humanity and modern culture, When sewing patches. History is not created by tailors. We need to create a new story, the sublime, the vertical history.
Philosophy is not another speculative building. To be a philosopher is not to take sides, to observe how the life out of his corner. Philosophy is not a discipline of sadness and helplessness. On the contrary, to be a philosopher is to have a strong position in life, to understand the essence of things, to be able to overcome their fears, to be able to conquer death within yourself, to be able to penetrate into the essence of ourselves. Because we do not know ourselves.
Sometimes it is said that a man after death goes to the invisible. However, the man is always invisible, it is always for their own affairs, for his body, for his actions. Man is the big question, a great mystery. And the answer to it is the universe in which we live. It is written on the walls of history and on the walls of the universe that surrounds us. We just have to learn how to read these letters. It is so natural, so inherent in man, it does not conflict with any faith. It simply means to go back to nature.
The legacy that we leave to the younger generations, must be clean: we have to leave them pure thoughts, pure, sublime concept of honor and authentic, pure faith. We need to bring them back to absolute values. We have the ability to recognize, but we do not use it in an essential.
Who likes a car that travels only occasionally? Nobody. Nevertheless, in some cases we make good ideas, and in others - poor. Sometimes we apply the principles, we remember the honesty, and sometimes not.
Here we find the same common sense that we use in the physical realm. In the spiritual, we must turn again to ourselves and to the world around us for the absolute values, which are easy to understand and accept that are easy to live with the values that will enable us to really know the universe.
We need a new science which will not serve the interests of the artificially created and justify violence. We need a new art that will give us the opportunity to reconnect with the beautiful, art based not on the anguish and anxiety, and on genuine research.
We need a new policy, which will lead to the coexistence of people and nobility, not to collisions and irresponsible cohabitation. And we need a new world, but the world already exists. It's the same universe. It is the nature. The main thing that we need to do - is consciously and intensely live a historical moment that is given to us by fate. Everyone should be as if the key that is free entrance to the castle of the universe and opens the gates of history, taking us to another dimension in the world that is waiting for us, a world that, obviously, has to be not only new, but also the best.
© Jorge Angel Livraga, Madrid. 1976.
Universe - a combination of all that is in nature, part of which is the man himself. However, when we talk about the universe in general, we lose sight of the basic idea, which will be discussed today. When we speak of the universe, we are referring to the stars, planets, animals, sky and land, water and snow ... and forget that behind it there is the true meaning of the concept of "Universe". "The Universe" - "The Universe" - means "directed toward a common goal," and our main question - where is the universe

It was, perhaps, the first question to ask yourself humanity. All ancient civilizations in their religions, metaphysics and philosophy, ask them: where is the universe, and why does it exist? However, a new, alienated, materialistic view of the world, especially characteristic postkartezianskogo period, led to the fact that people began to ask very different questions and analyze the external characteristics of the universe: its size, shape, weight
. The man claims to know the universe, because it gave the names of the stars, measured the distance between the Earth and the Moon, studied the properties of chemical elements and characteristics of the physical forces. However, although knowledge in certain areas have become thanks to this study point form, of course, more in-depth, these areas gradually alienated themselves from each other and lose contact with each other. For example, in mineralogy study various rocks and tectonic processes that cause a change in the earth's surface, but the fundamental sense of the material world does not say anything in it.
Suppose that we take into the hands of the subject and let him go. We see that it falls while looking for the lowest position, that is, there is always a natural attraction between the small piece of matter and the large object on which we all are. This material is inexhaustible attraction, it never stops.
So what can we learn from nature minerals? Perseverance, firmness, the desire to carry out his mission. But who among us can say that we share this aspiration with stones that persistently looking for his destiny? Generally, encountering an obstacle, we are fighting for some time with him, and if the obstacle is not retreating, we are retreating. And things in nature, such as rocks, have the tenacity to be more time, more of his trials and always seek his destiny.
Our children at school talk about the properties of various plants; for example, they know how to create chlorophyll in plants. But they say nothing about the fact that in addition to photosynthesis, plants also possess the ability to wait and ability to grow. Small grains, hidden under the snow in the cold earth, waiting patiently for the coming of spring. With her arrival the grain germinates in search of air and sun, and this is the second lesson of perseverance - up desire
. Or take the example of water: the water is always committed to the sea, then evaporates, rises and then condenses again and repeats its cycle
. Everything in the universe has a purpose, and from a philosophical point of view, we are concerned with the ultimate meaning of the movement of all that exists.
The last century developed a new approach to the question about the purpose of the universe - an approach alienated, which is due to the universal attachment to the physical and psychological domination of production and consumption. And people forgot about the existence of simple, natural things and have forgotten how to understand them. The ancients did not ask about what is the distance between the Earth and the Moon, did not try to get the most accurate answer; Rather, they sought to understand the significance of the moon in the universe.
Through ancient sciences such as astrology, they tried to explain the phenomena of nature and see how these phenomena are related to another phenomenon - a man. Thanks to this man in ancient times felt that it is surrounded by intelligent beings, and that he - an intelligent being
. Our problem today is that we feel as if isolated in the universe. In other words, we are so accustomed to contact with man-made basics that have lost the ability to search for the meaning of things and - even more tragic - find it in our own lives. Living from moment to moment, we have forgotten the theological meaning of life, we forget the source and purpose of our existence. We are subject to a moment, what is transitory; we are convinced that we have created a case and that at any moment we can disappear. This subconscious thought horrifies us and causing irreparable harm.
But instead of trying to understand the nature, we create a superficial hypotheses and theories that are, in fact, do not give solutions. At one of the sessions, I told the students, "Acropolis" that the color of butterfly wings could be confused with the color of flowers and foliage, so they are not found and ate the birds. Is it an accident that the wings Owl frayed at the edges, making it a night flight inaudible for a rabbit? Is it an accident that the rodents are located behind the ears to detect the slightest sound of persecution? A number of colors that make up white, - by chance? And the distribution of tones in the scale?
It is obvious that the whole universe is arranged so it is advisable that forms a unity. This call it pyramidal existence, thanks to which all that exists, despite the great diversity, is committed to a single goal and goes by the same reason.
Not so long ago, during the Second World War, the pilots realized that the best line up in a wedge-flight. It has been found that due to this squadron airspeed increases. But the ducks always fly a large wedge; the strongest duck goes forward on the cutting edge and cuts the air, and those who follow him, it is easier to fly.
It is hard to imagine that all of this is a coincidence. Man needed a century to figure it out, and we could cite countless examples of how everything in nature is well thought out. Calling it all a coincidence is not possible, and we must recognize that all the planned Universal Mind. It could not be designed just like that, without being someone's purpose. And if we accept it, we must ask ourselves, "For what?" Perhaps all planned out just like that? If everything is organized, it must be thought out. And if you thought it would be good to try to find an answer to the question for which the universe was created, where we are going with it, and where they came from.
Philosophical studies made it possible to identify certain principles or laws that may be of interest. We call this "pyramidal universe" and look at the basic features.
Section "pyramidal" seven basic laws or principles, in accordance with the natural division of the entire universe.
The first and, at the same time, the highest principle of nature - it is the principle of unity. Everything in nature is expedient to form one living entity. Everything that exists, does not interfere with others, it does not destroy them, and gives the opportunity to live for everyone. When the wolf in the wilderness pursuing a deer he hunted not young and strong, his prey are old and sick, that could infect the rest of the herd. That is, an apparently cruel, destructive, in fact, can survive meant as such.
Nature knows no doubt, there is no confrontation, it all perfectly and all directed to one goal.
The second principle - the principle of enlightenment, enlightenment, both physical and spiritual. Truth is definitely there, but to make them visible, you need an intelligent, spiritual light. We sometimes argue that "there is no truth to the earth," that nowhere is no support and no truly real, that there is nothing to what could aspire that we're all alone ... But this is not true - we are not alone, and simply abide in the darkness, and we need to open again the principle of enlightenment.
The principle of enlightenment entails third principle - the principle of differentiation. Everything in nature is different, although we do not always notice it. No two are exactly the same things. Even grains of sand beneath our feet, if we look at them through a magnifying glass, to be something different from each other - each will have its own characteristics. Therefore, we must carefully handle the word "equality».
We may be equivalent but not identical; similar to each other but not equal. It does not separate people from each other, does not degrade, but rather enrich - as well as in a mosaic, consisting of colored stones, where colors can be similar, but not identical. The concept of equality - of human invention. In nature there is no equality.
The fourth principle - the principle of the organization. Everything in the world is organized in a certain way. When we see a tree we see a thick, strong trunk, which rises from the ground and carries a crown with branches, leaves and birds' nests. But we do not see another crown, "antikrony" - it is underground and its many branches gives the whole stability of the structure and nourishes it. Although there is no nesting birds, but live worms and other animals. Everything is organized perfectly and thoughtfully, so that helped one another.
Errors are usually committed by people are the result of a lack of organization. Organization - is in any case not the suppression of some by others. Organization - is to help. Our hands are different, and yet, they are organized to take anything; if they were on the one hand, this would create difficulties. We must recognize this principle of organization: even when there is a confrontation, it allows us to work together and not lose their individuality at the same time. And we need to apply it in your life, here and now.
Now consider the fifth principle, the principle of causality. Everything that happens is a consequence of what was happening, and everything that happened - the cause of what is happening. All of us - the result of something and the cause of something at the same time. Any thing in all its aspects is the result of some kind of reason, even when it comes to inanimate nature. Nothing can be not only a cause or merely a consequence; cause and effect are interrelated. From the night there day after day, night follows again.
The sixth principle - life principles - says that everything in the world is alive, without exception. From the middle of XIX century, it became customary to speak of animate and inanimate nature. And today, by inertia, we tend to repeat it. We say that something is alive if it moves, flies or grows.
However, since the beginning of time all living things was not only alive thanks to the ability to move, but also due to its ability to resist. Everything is in constant motion, even if we can not see the moving atoms and molecules that make up the air and our bodies. Life penetrates all, and the life force called prana in the East. This life never ends. Therefore, what we call the dead, is not that of just talking about changing the form and mode of existence.
We finally got to the seventh principle, the principle of periodicity, which is mentioned earlier. Since childhood, we see that the nature of the day follows night, summer - winter, and in addition, there are many other events that are in opposition and succeed each other. Despite this, we do not realize that they themselves are included in this frequency, until not read Plato, or until we tell about it somebody else, or until we come to that.
All these cycles cover a large cycle - the cycle of human life. But why should we dwell on this statement? Why not accept that human life is nothing else but one short day a great life, and that after the physical life we will have a spiritual life, which is like a dream, and that then we will have a different bodily life, for which - the other spiritual, etc. . d.
Why not accept that the law covers all cycles and never ceases to operate that all cyclical, that the stars in the sky move cyclically as tiny particles inside the atom. Due to the periodicity of life does not stop and is constantly throbbing.
We must try to extract from nature all the higher, non-destruction. We must take care of the higher, and not just about the physical. How well we take care of your soul? How well do we feed our minds? We must take care of our dreams.
We have reached a level of materiality that are experiencing, no matter how broken our car is not cracked or broken vase plate ... And our dreams, our hopes, our aspirations? What remains when broken crystal birds of our dreams? Fragments that hurt your hands. And we must have the courage to grind our broken dreams and this crystal powder to create a new bird.

It is time we realize that we do not have to crawl on the ground like turtles or snakes, that we need to learn how to fly. We need to understand that in different periods of history there, and today, when all embraced materialism longing and fear of failure, the hour of the Eagles, while people came to fly. It's time to rise, time to create a new humanity and a better person.
We can not cure the present humanity and modern culture, When sewing patches. History is not created by tailors. We need to create a new story, the sublime, the vertical history.
Philosophy is not another speculative building. To be a philosopher is not to take sides, to observe how the life out of his corner. Philosophy is not a discipline of sadness and helplessness. On the contrary, to be a philosopher is to have a strong position in life, to understand the essence of things, to be able to overcome their fears, to be able to conquer death within yourself, to be able to penetrate into the essence of ourselves. Because we do not know ourselves.
Sometimes it is said that a man after death goes to the invisible. However, the man is always invisible, it is always for their own affairs, for his body, for his actions. Man is the big question, a great mystery. And the answer to it is the universe in which we live. It is written on the walls of history and on the walls of the universe that surrounds us. We just have to learn how to read these letters. It is so natural, so inherent in man, it does not conflict with any faith. It simply means to go back to nature.
The legacy that we leave to the younger generations, must be clean: we have to leave them pure thoughts, pure, sublime concept of honor and authentic, pure faith. We need to bring them back to absolute values. We have the ability to recognize, but we do not use it in an essential.
Who likes a car that travels only occasionally? Nobody. Nevertheless, in some cases we make good ideas, and in others - poor. Sometimes we apply the principles, we remember the honesty, and sometimes not.
Here we find the same common sense that we use in the physical realm. In the spiritual, we must turn again to ourselves and to the world around us for the absolute values, which are easy to understand and accept that are easy to live with the values that will enable us to really know the universe.
We need a new science which will not serve the interests of the artificially created and justify violence. We need a new art that will give us the opportunity to reconnect with the beautiful, art based not on the anguish and anxiety, and on genuine research.
We need a new policy, which will lead to the coexistence of people and nobility, not to collisions and irresponsible cohabitation. And we need a new world, but the world already exists. It's the same universe. It is the nature. The main thing that we need to do - is consciously and intensely live a historical moment that is given to us by fate. Everyone should be as if the key that is free entrance to the castle of the universe and opens the gates of history, taking us to another dimension in the world that is waiting for us, a world that, obviously, has to be not only new, but also the best.
© Jorge Angel Livraga, Madrid. 1976.
The illustrator, who can see the beauty in everyday life
Dash child's character, guaranteeing the success in the future