"Herd mentality" or "Act 5 percent"
There is such a thing as a self-synchronization. The bottom line is - if at some commonality of 5% per cent at the same time make some action - most of the rest starts to repeat. theory can also be called CEDC - Enough general theory of management.
If peacefully grazing herd of horses scare 5% of the individuals and "put them to flight," then the rest of the herd goes wrong with the place; even if 5% of randomly synchronous fireflies will flash, then there will also be a flash of a meadow.
This feature is manifested in humans. British scientists have recently set up an experiment: a large, spacious hall invited people and gave them the task "to move as you please." And some were given a clearly defined task exactly how and when to move. Thus, it was experimentally confirmed that the 5% of people moving with a purpose can make the whole set to move in the same direction.
For Auto Sync requires that certain set of objects have at least partially identical information and algorithmic state and were in conditions which allow information exchange between them - if unaddressed, circular. At this speed of response for the passage of information identical for all of them, must be sufficiently high.
Incidentally, a similar experiment can hold each. Enough to come to the concert with a group of friends and start to clap in sync in those moments when you want it, and the whole room is up to you to repeat.
Some practical conclusions from this: do not make teams more than 20 people. 20/100% * 5% = 1 - this unit is the leader, the same increase in the number of people entails a loss of control. In the audience, where people 30-40, the teacher will be very difficult to set the tone exercises and keep the attention of the group. This law can be applied to other situations, try, but do not rely on it. Nothing is absolute.
Running these processes is only possible when people are in a state of awareness is not their actions, goals and causes. When the level of personal discipline, awareness, control is very low. And this is a structureless control when you do not have to talk to everyone that he should do and how: enough 5% of which will start the process of auto sync.
This phenomenon are many who use personal gain by starting rumors, for example, that a couple of days disappear some goods, and 5% were frightened and ran to buy these products enough to stir up the rest, and after a while the shelves will be empty indeed. 5% of provocateurs enough to peaceful protest turned into a mass slaughter. Then you can continue to do.