Divorce from Oxford Medical

I do not know whether to spring avitominoz reason was, or simply curiosity, but I thought up to look into the clinic "Oxford Medical". "What? - I think - because really, if there are problems, it is better to prevent them than to groan. And not twenty long gone. Even thirty not close. I'll go check out. And the price for the survey - 170 hryvnia - indeed purely symbolic »
I arrived on the street Turgenev. Malenechko waited in the warm lobby. Invited.
Attentive young man with a tenacious gaze security officer listened reason for the visit. Invited to a nearby office, offered to lie down and made a ultrasound diagnostics in the region from the waist to the groin. Her head shook. Suggested dress. Once again looked at me. And rolled regimen 8,000 (eight thousand) hryvnia.
Realizing that now everything is expensive, I still was somewhat puzzled. Somehow suddenly all the same. Neither you additional tests. No comprehensive survey. And at once - a piece of tanks and bit you go. I tried to learn from what exactly I try to heal and how it was able to learn on the basis of only one ultrasound. The young man looked me over and meticulously pronounced that if I do not "pull" all voiced amount, you can go on a truncated regimen. It will cost half the price, but the result is, you know.
"Damn, what the result of treatment or what?" I was just thinking, but the question is asked more correctly. Though, may not be worth. The answer to my question was another scheme, already in 2500 hryvnia, but which I myself had something to chop and make the rest of the manipulation.
There was a feeling that we are talking about different things. Since the language was something one and understand, in theory, we should have each other without difficulty. Further attempts to clarify the picture I thought it pointless and said goodbye, left the mysterious institution.
About a week later, in dealing with a good friend, an anesthesiologist by profession, I referred briefly to his visit.
"Oxford Medical" - the purest divorce on the headstock - cut Jura.