TOP 20 QUOTES Faina Ranevskaya

1) Life is too short to spend it on a diet of greedy men and a bad mood.
2) You can not understand in any way, whether you like a young man? Spend an evening with him. Back home - undress. Throw briefs to the ceiling. Stuck? So I like it.
3) Many people complain about their appearance, and no one - on brains
4) There are people who just want to come up and ask, is it difficult to live without a brain.
5) Women - this is not the weaker sex, the weaker sex - is rotten boards
6) All my life I am terribly afraid of silly. Especially women. You do not know how to talk to them without sinking to their level.
7) Remember I said last year that life shit ?? Well, it was still martsipanchik.
8) Do Ranevskaya asked that for her the most difficult?
- Oh, the most difficult thing I do before breakfast - she said.
- And what is it?
- I get up out of bed.
9) Optimism - a lack of information.
10) In my obese body sits a very slender woman, but she did not manage to get out. And considering my appetite for it, it seems to be a life sentence.
11) A woman to succeed in life, must have two qualities. It has to be smart enough to like foolish men and foolish enough to like smart men
12) Family replace everything. So, before you start it, you should consider that more important to you: family or everything.
13) Once Ranevskaya demanded Tanya Shchahlova - an engineer by profession - to explain to her why iron ships do not sink. Tanya tried to remind Ranevskaya Archimedes.
- What are you, my dear, I had the deuce - detached complained Faina.
- Why, when you sit down in the tub, the water is displaced and flows to the floor? - Stalking Tanya.
- Because I have a big ass - sadly replied Ranevskaya
14) of their husbands, my dear little, always jealous only ugly, but we are not beauties before we jealous of others
15) If a woman is head down - she has a lover. If a woman comes with her head held high - she has a lover. If a woman holds her head straight - she has a lover. In general, if a woman has a head, then she has a lover!
16) Honey, if you want to lose weight - Eat and naked before a mirror!
17) Talk and think of me what you will. Where have you seen a cat that would be interested in what it is referred to the mouse?
18) When I retire, it absolutely will not do anything. The first few months will just sit in a rocking chair.
- And then?
- And then I begin to sway
19) The second half is at the brain, asshole and pills. I was originally a whole
20) Here marry, Alexis, you'll understand what happiness is. But later it will be.
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