When Faina Ranevskaya came late love in the image of Marshal Tolbukhin
If you’re a little sad or want to entertain yourself with an interesting story, read about it. tender love of great actress Faina Ranevskaya and Marshal Fyodor Tolbukhin. In the article, you can also find the wise words of Faina Ranevskaya about love, which will be able to bring everyone who is lost in the romantic wilds of relationships back to sinful land.
Statements by Faina Ranevskaya Reading Ranevskaya’s words about life, love and relationshipsIt is difficult to imagine a situation in which this strong independent woman could tremble before some man. And yet, that was the case.
In 1947, the actors of the Moscow Soviet Theatre decided to celebrate the beginning of their tour in one of the restaurants in Tbilisi. This day became fateful for Faina Georgievna. At that time, she was already on everyone's ears. One of the most important roles was Lila from the movie Foundling.. The star phrase “Mulya, do not unnerve me!” was so beloved by the audience that its endless repetition began to bring Ranevskaya to white heat.
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Faina did not like the food at the restaurant, so she decided to leave early. The door was gallantly held by a tall man. renevskaya thanked the doorman.To which he replied with resentment that he was not.
The actress was surprised to find in front of him a huge military, inflated like a child. This childish spontaneity on the face of a tall handsome man pleasantly struck her.
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The man offered to take the lady home, but Faina Georgievna refused, saying that she wanted to weather fried-fish hair. Then Tolbukhin, and it was he, timidly asked to hold it.
So began a gentle romance between the war hero, under whose leadership several states were liberated, and the outrageous actress. This relationship was unlike anything Ranevskaya had before. Lovers talked a lot and always hid from the public. It's like they tried. Protecting each other from the world.
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The special place of Tolbukhin in the life of the artist was evidenced by the fact that she never allowed herself. habitually in his direction. And this woman could find a flaw in everyone!
The birthday Ranevskaya celebrated that year was the best in her life. She said little about the day, but it is known that Fedor gave her a gift. toy-car. He could give her gold, expensive clothes, anything, but he chose just such a cute gift.
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A post shared by The Philosophy of Women Project (@woman.krug.ufa)
It is surprising that such a sensitive and gentle man was able to conquer the impregnable Faina Georgievna. Reading this story, you understand how many women want to see their partner. Fyodor Tolbukhin was as hard as flint, in the war he led hundreds of people and inspired them with his heroism. And with the woman he loved, he was compared to a child. Curious and vulnerable, loving and caring...
Statements by Faina Ranevskaya Reading Ranevskaya’s words about life, love and relationshipsIt is difficult to imagine a situation in which this strong independent woman could tremble before some man. And yet, that was the case.

In 1947, the actors of the Moscow Soviet Theatre decided to celebrate the beginning of their tour in one of the restaurants in Tbilisi. This day became fateful for Faina Georgievna. At that time, she was already on everyone's ears. One of the most important roles was Lila from the movie Foundling.. The star phrase “Mulya, do not unnerve me!” was so beloved by the audience that its endless repetition began to bring Ranevskaya to white heat.
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A post shared by Venya (@itsme_t_d)
Faina did not like the food at the restaurant, so she decided to leave early. The door was gallantly held by a tall man. renevskaya thanked the doorman.To which he replied with resentment that he was not.

The actress was surprised to find in front of him a huge military, inflated like a child. This childish spontaneity on the face of a tall handsome man pleasantly struck her.
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A post shared by Team Overheard (@komendaoff)
The man offered to take the lady home, but Faina Georgievna refused, saying that she wanted to weather fried-fish hair. Then Tolbukhin, and it was he, timidly asked to hold it.

So began a gentle romance between the war hero, under whose leadership several states were liberated, and the outrageous actress. This relationship was unlike anything Ranevskaya had before. Lovers talked a lot and always hid from the public. It's like they tried. Protecting each other from the world.
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A post shared by Family in Help (@semeynaya.help)
The special place of Tolbukhin in the life of the artist was evidenced by the fact that she never allowed herself. habitually in his direction. And this woman could find a flaw in everyone!

The birthday Ranevskaya celebrated that year was the best in her life. She said little about the day, but it is known that Fedor gave her a gift. toy-car. He could give her gold, expensive clothes, anything, but he chose just such a cute gift.
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A post shared by The Philosophy of Women Project (@woman.krug.ufa)
It is surprising that such a sensitive and gentle man was able to conquer the impregnable Faina Georgievna. Reading this story, you understand how many women want to see their partner. Fyodor Tolbukhin was as hard as flint, in the war he led hundreds of people and inspired them with his heroism. And with the woman he loved, he was compared to a child. Curious and vulnerable, loving and caring...
Thanks to a rude interlocutor, she learned to conduct a conversation so as not to push away, but to like.
Construction materials went up in price, recalculating the budget for the construction of the house