Construction materials went up in price, recalculating the budget for the construction of the house
Living in your own home is every adult’s dream. Someone dreams of even a small apartment, and someone will suit only a house outside the city. Everyone's wallets are different. However, construction material prices I haven't been happy lately. Or rather, it's scary.
How is it that ordinary wood, metal and stone have risen in value? And some positions are gradually, but rising since last year, and some have skyrocketed only in the last one and a half to two months. Is it a sales conspiracy or a normal state of affairs? We'd like to know for sure...
Our reader, who started building a house a few years ago, shared his thoughts. So, tree. Wooden fence, decoration, outbuildings - everything that can be built from this natural and once budget material.
Everything goes in the course: wood massif, veneer, carving, shields, timber and so on. Everything went up in price without exception. If in 2016 for a cube of lumber it was possible to give about 7000 rubles, then in 2020 the same pleasure cost 8.5-9 thousand rubles. But we are living in 2021, and today 1 cube of timber of the 1st grade requires as much as 10.5 thousand rubles! It turns out, the rise in price by 1.5-2 thousand per year!
From the outside, it may not seem so much (although still a lot), but if you sit down with a calculator and calculate the percentage of the calculator. But for the construction of the house of these cubes will have to buy a mother do not grieve.
Or take the same pine boards. On average in the country they have risen in price for 2 months 25 percent! At the same time, in the news, none of the announcers voiced this problem in a trembling voice, on television quietly and smoothly. Perhaps the increase is temporary, but the reader can not remember the cases when the price of goods really rolled back. And so here: it is unlikely that the building material will become cheaper.
Given that the tree is not brought from abroad, but extracted domestically, such price jumps are puzzling. Currency fluctuations have no effect on the domestic product. Gasoline and spare parts went up. Perhaps the wages of loggers have risen. But this is a normal economic process. Then why the price hike?
But that's not all. Materials for finishing They went up in price, too. On average, up to 15 percent. The same applies to materials for rough and pre-clean works. For example, primer increased in price by 2-10%. In individual companies, prices for glass They went up 30 percent. sand "just" 25%.
Well, for you and me, this is going to be an obvious financial obstacle. The end customer pays for everything. According to statistics, housing in houses under construction will rise in price or has already risen in price by 10-25% depending on the region.
Private construction now costs an average of 18% more. At the same time, construction firms say that they are keeping prices rising due to their own margin, that is, benefits. But whether this is true and how long they will last is a good question.
But the worst performers of municipal and state contracts. Their figures were established and recorded long before the rapid rise in the price of building materials. They have been losing money for a very long time. This, in turn, can lead to bankruptcy individual firms and the emergence of a large number of half-story. As always, people who invest in the construction of their homes will suffer.
The reasons for all this are hard to say for sure. After all, people who know this sit in good leather chairs, in offices on the highest floors. So we'll give you just a few of the reasons that we think there are.
phere Savings in a pandemic. A large number of citizens, because of the inability to go on vacation, thought about spending money on something more. Why not build it or at least invest in it financially? Said, done. Due to competition, prices began to rise. If so, there is a phantom possibility of price declines after quarantine ends, but that is not certain.
Foreign procurement. In fact, the same story, only with citizens of foreign countries. They also thought and thought that it would be nice to invest in real estate. And the ruble exchange rate is very suitable for them. What prevents you from making a few million dollar purchases? Cars of timber, metal and other building materials went to neighboring China and other countries. Nothing personal, just business.
As a result, we have what we have. We can only hope that in the near future prices still level off and will not need to sell the last shirt to make a small extension to your favorite country. Who knows what the price will be in 2023?
How is it that ordinary wood, metal and stone have risen in value? And some positions are gradually, but rising since last year, and some have skyrocketed only in the last one and a half to two months. Is it a sales conspiracy or a normal state of affairs? We'd like to know for sure...
Our reader, who started building a house a few years ago, shared his thoughts. So, tree. Wooden fence, decoration, outbuildings - everything that can be built from this natural and once budget material.

Everything goes in the course: wood massif, veneer, carving, shields, timber and so on. Everything went up in price without exception. If in 2016 for a cube of lumber it was possible to give about 7000 rubles, then in 2020 the same pleasure cost 8.5-9 thousand rubles. But we are living in 2021, and today 1 cube of timber of the 1st grade requires as much as 10.5 thousand rubles! It turns out, the rise in price by 1.5-2 thousand per year!
From the outside, it may not seem so much (although still a lot), but if you sit down with a calculator and calculate the percentage of the calculator. But for the construction of the house of these cubes will have to buy a mother do not grieve.

Or take the same pine boards. On average in the country they have risen in price for 2 months 25 percent! At the same time, in the news, none of the announcers voiced this problem in a trembling voice, on television quietly and smoothly. Perhaps the increase is temporary, but the reader can not remember the cases when the price of goods really rolled back. And so here: it is unlikely that the building material will become cheaper.
Given that the tree is not brought from abroad, but extracted domestically, such price jumps are puzzling. Currency fluctuations have no effect on the domestic product. Gasoline and spare parts went up. Perhaps the wages of loggers have risen. But this is a normal economic process. Then why the price hike?

But that's not all. Materials for finishing They went up in price, too. On average, up to 15 percent. The same applies to materials for rough and pre-clean works. For example, primer increased in price by 2-10%. In individual companies, prices for glass They went up 30 percent. sand "just" 25%.
Well, for you and me, this is going to be an obvious financial obstacle. The end customer pays for everything. According to statistics, housing in houses under construction will rise in price or has already risen in price by 10-25% depending on the region.
Private construction now costs an average of 18% more. At the same time, construction firms say that they are keeping prices rising due to their own margin, that is, benefits. But whether this is true and how long they will last is a good question.

But the worst performers of municipal and state contracts. Their figures were established and recorded long before the rapid rise in the price of building materials. They have been losing money for a very long time. This, in turn, can lead to bankruptcy individual firms and the emergence of a large number of half-story. As always, people who invest in the construction of their homes will suffer.
The reasons for all this are hard to say for sure. After all, people who know this sit in good leather chairs, in offices on the highest floors. So we'll give you just a few of the reasons that we think there are.

phere Savings in a pandemic. A large number of citizens, because of the inability to go on vacation, thought about spending money on something more. Why not build it or at least invest in it financially? Said, done. Due to competition, prices began to rise. If so, there is a phantom possibility of price declines after quarantine ends, but that is not certain.
Foreign procurement. In fact, the same story, only with citizens of foreign countries. They also thought and thought that it would be nice to invest in real estate. And the ruble exchange rate is very suitable for them. What prevents you from making a few million dollar purchases? Cars of timber, metal and other building materials went to neighboring China and other countries. Nothing personal, just business.

As a result, we have what we have. We can only hope that in the near future prices still level off and will not need to sell the last shirt to make a small extension to your favorite country. Who knows what the price will be in 2023?
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