Technique "Glass of Water"

Write on a piece of paper a thought form.
For example:
"I am very charming personality.
From my inner light comes charm, love and sex.
I - luminous being.
I attracts men.
My man finds me. »
Put this piece of glass of water. Rub your palms, move them accordion, present between the palms dense clot like a balloon. This is your energy. Place the palms on the sides of the glass without touching it. Speak out loud or silently, deliberately and with conviction, this thought form, possibly presenting its meaning in the imagination. Then drink the water. Repeating this morning, after waking up and in the evening before bedtime. Your intention will be realized.
I tested this technique multiple times with different thought forms. It works very much.
And of course, you can apply any thought forms. Make them yourself - about what do you seek. For example, if you already have a pair, replace "I attracts ..." to "people feel sympathy for me" or "I have a pleasing appearance, I look attractive, and every day better and better." You were very surprised how quickly react to reality.
Particle "no" you can not eat. Thought form must be life-affirming. And no abstract and wordy wishes. Everything has to be specific, concise and directed to the same goal. If you have multiple objectives, it is desirable for each glass of water to ask only one. For example, today you are working with one goal, tomorrow another. Or one morning, in the evening, on the other.
And if the thought-form is aimed at improving, the water becomes curative - it acquires the properties of the drug from the disease, you are going to heal, and goes straight to the right address. The origin of holy water - similar.
A piece of paper, too, has its own function. Firstly, when you do not just say the thought form, and write it down, it acquires additional strength. Secondly, even only one word, glued to a container with water, the water charging information stored in the sense of the word. Clusters that are thus formed, can be seen under a microscope after freezing. Famous experiments have shown that such words as "I love you", "thank you", "hello", generate snowflakes divine beauty, and negative word - ugly icicles. Why is it still a wonder. Otherwise, as the Providence of God, it can not be called. Of course, the main role is played here by the intention of the person who recognizes the word when he writes, and paste it in the container.
Finally, the energy of your hands amplifies and localizes intention, whereby water will be charged quickly and effectively. Information recorded in the water will spread throughout the body and set up morphological aura to the radiation given intention. Do not worry if you still do not feel tight bundle of energy. It is impossible now - after a week of training will. Moreover, the water does not necessarily impact. It is enough that you just put the glass between his palms.
So you own a powerful technique that works better than "generator intentions", which will be discussed further, where morphological field pumped passes hands. Technique "glass of water" is much easier and does not require the skills of working with energy. I have not given it before, because I wanted to test myself thoroughly in practice. Now it remains for me to wish you a pleasant and experiments!
Japanese method against laziness "Kaizen" or the principle of 1 minute.
In the East there are 7 rules of purity: