Results of «Sony World Photography Awards 2014"
Do not have time to start the year as start summing up the various contests of the international level. One of the first photo contest «Sony World Photography Awards 2014". The winners have already been identified, but not yet named.
Official announcement of the winners of «Sony World Photography Awards 2014" will be held this spring. Organizers have not yet decided on the exact date. It is known that the award will take place in March-April this year. In total, the contest was sent more than 144 million photos that were taken by photographers from more than 160 countries worldwide. While waiting for the announcement of the winners, we invite you to see a selection of the most interesting photos of the contestants.
Official announcement of the winners of «Sony World Photography Awards 2014" will be held this spring. Organizers have not yet decided on the exact date. It is known that the award will take place in March-April this year. In total, the contest was sent more than 144 million photos that were taken by photographers from more than 160 countries worldwide. While waiting for the announcement of the winners, we invite you to see a selection of the most interesting photos of the contestants.