6 effective ways to free up time for yourself

Modern technologies allow to maximize ease of household labor, creating all sorts of appliances, reduce travel time by grafting people into cars. But whether it is possible to free up some time to spend with family, entertainment, or a lesson?
People regularly complain about the lack of free time, sincerely thinking thus "But if I had more time I would ...." But to release at least 30 minutes a day is able to absolutely anyone. To do this, simply go to the competent organization of the day, without wasting a single minute to waste. Half an hour a day is not too much, but even this translates into 3, 5 hours per week. And someone may be able to free up more time and for the most favorite things.
1. Start with the TV and the computer. These are the two worst enemies of free time. Just imagine how much you can do if you do not approach them, at least one night. During the time that you spend aimlessly hanging out at the sites or watching endless serials, you can read a book, talk with her husband, playing with children or help with homework. And use more, and do not need to give up that other important cases;
2. Wake up a little earlier than usual, and you will find time for one more pleasant or useful occupation. Accustomed to get up with the first signal alarm without delay the rise to "a little bit more." If you wake up in the morning before all the other members of the family, you can spend a little in silence and dedicate time to themselves;
3. The time you spend on the road and in turns, as well as aimless pacing the corridors waiting for a child with lessons, too, can be efficiently used. Read a book, make calls, useful outline. If you are driving yourself, the audiobook or training audio course will be just in time. You can work even in a train or a plane, but then free up some time for yourself;
4. Rationally organize your life. Much easier to maintain order, rather than direct it. Do not scatter things, wash the dishes immediately after eating. Cleaning set aside a certain day. Prepare food so that was enough for a few days, it will help save a lot of time. You can cook several portions with the stock and put them away in the freezer, and if necessary, you can always heat up a ready meal. If to work with him to take lunch instead of going to the store or cafe you can relax at work. In addition, it will essentially save your money;
5. Properly organize shopping trips. For whatever you're going to go to, for groceries, things or toys, make a shopping list in advance. This will save you both time and money. Now becoming increasingly popular online purchases. Choose and order the necessary thing, you can use the services of a courier, and then you do not have to spend time on shopping trips. Another advantage of online shopping is that there products are usually cheaper than in stores, but the quality - not worse;
6. Be sure to find time to relax. Ideally, if it will be one day a week when the family will allow you to do themselves, their hobbies and will not distract you. Cooking dinner, self-employment and the game will benefit their discipline. But do not get involved in this often, because the family also need your participation. If wasted money can earn more, then your time will not return in any way. Use any spare moment rationally and also greater efficiency, you are depriving themselves of the opportunity to be sad, because you simply can not remain at this time.
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