Educational Action

Three friends skipped the lecture. Do not think ill of them - these three
quite normal students, later graduated from college with
honors. The lecture was on scientific communism, and the last
mug of beer drunk in a break in the "stumps" (stumps - Pub opposite
Institute) - a bit superfluous. Late to the beginning of the lecture, my friends brightened
leisurely life male conversation in a secluded corner of the institute. Where
were caught KOOD (Komsomol Operational Detachment vigilantes). In
ensuing verbal skirmish won by six KOODovtsev. A
brawl occurred first round win friends - a master of sports and
light heavyweight, second MMR, but lightweight, and the third was just helping. second
round to the enemy brought up reinforcements in the form of pro-rector on
mode, which beat was not something that would be inconvenient, but somehow
wrong. Friends surrendered undefeated and were transmitted and
rewritten. The third round was the next day. The first lecture
Lecturer and Dean started educational speech:
- Yesterday, the walls of our institution, this sacred source of knowledge,
marred by an ugly fight, committed by your comrades. Where these
three? Let them arise. And standing will be a public reprimand and
Trinity has risen. Within fifteen minutes we dean, who called
on the heads of the guilty divine retribution, the party and Komsomol and
public, accompanied only by their courageous wheezing.
- And now, - said the dean, completing conviction - let stand
headman, YCL and trade union organizer and publicly tell how they made
such glaring gaps in educational work. Why do not they stand up?
Them that there is a lecture?
Warden, YCL and trade union organizer at the lecture were, but could not get up. Very
hard to get if you are already standing.