Anti-Olympic torch procession in Kostroma
Unusual general civil action against cutting money for the Olympics Sochi 2014 and the financing of children's popular sports organized by young members of the Communist Party of Kostroma. On what umyknuli money from the construction site of the century, it is already known. But the reason for the protest served as the Olympic Torch Relay, which took place in Kostroma on 18 October. Form events prompted the communists news from Nizhny Novgorod.
How met Olympics
October 18 in Kostroma was the usual autumn weather - the temperature of 3 degrees, wind, light rain, chilly. However, hundreds of Kostroma were herded onto the streets to meet the Olympic flame and images of joy. Someone joy was. But most of the Kostroma literally cursed baton with the Olympics.
The only bridge across the Volga River was closed for half a day. Public transport between the right bank and left bank, of course, did not go. At the entrance to the main carriageways streets hung dozens of "bricks". State employees, students and schoolchildren were herded as usual voluntary-forced. For example, from a mental hospital in p.Nikolskoe employees "instructed" to stand in the street for the Volga (it is 14 kilometers directly from the place of employment and the place of residence), back out of the Volga could get a few hours later. Kostroma exposed along the streets of the city, "was awarded the honor" to move the relay. In summer, the streets and the bridge was repaired in advance, spending millions of rubles. On the crumbling facades of historical and architectural monuments hung decorative curtains. The fence construction on the federal highway - Street Trunk - also forced hang banners beautiful 17 meters long, which the developer had to pay out of pocket. And so much more has been done for the meeting, which almost became fatal. Some lucky - they had to wait for long. But students at the bridge over the river and Hypatian Kostromku settlement had to wait 2 hours in this wind and cold. Ladder home was blocked by the police to leave were not allowed. The next day, many of the greeters came down with a runny nose and temperature.
As elsewhere, Kostroma fire also proffer. There was even a report that it was in Kostroma Torch "exploded in the hands of the girls." This message is not denied, but clarified that "blew up" and "not a girl." At the gala evening on the main square of the city fire still officially extinct, with the precise moment when the governor had a torch to ignite the Olympic bowl. Light the torch again quickly failed, so a bowl of some kind of "magic wand" lit assistant.
By the way, some with flags of the Communist Party of the Communists, too, greeted the Olympic flame (it was agreed in advance with the regional administration) is already at the entrance to the square, the street Simanovskiy, which has been pre-installed spotlight, as in normal times, this street is dark enough. As seen party members? Machinery Ingosstrakh and Coke, a beating deafening music, all in an incredible illumination, drove past. "Now we see that it is -" a feast during the plague "- thought the boys.
How came the idea to share
A few days Kostroma discussed at the local forum "state of joy" of the Olympic torch relay, and with all the Olympic Games in general. Passion burned, and finally lit the spark. City Committee decided to hold a protest action. Just think of another event - Nizhny Novgorod Communists October 3rd. They held a torchlight procession and a rally to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the shooting of the White House, the article with pictures was posted on the website of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. As it turned out, the torches were sold in Nizhny Novgorod in the summer in one of the retail chains, there is no such Kostroma. In the near Yaroslavl in the same store torches were not, "has no season," - explained in the "hot phone". First Secretary of the Regional Committee of Izhitsky VP He promised to make torches, as did members of the Komsomol in their 60s - 70s of the last century for events.
The application was submitted to the town hall in the procession with torches and rally. Check with colleagues from the bottom - there are no bids for the torches is not applied, "just took, lit and went." "Why, - Nizhny Novgorod Communists boast - we have 3 deputies of the State Duma, 12 regional, 3 urban areas and many more, we try to point out!».
Meanwhile, the coordination of the mayor's office stuck. The promise to bring to the security of the municipal "Center of Civil Protection," it does not fit. We asked to agree to the MOE. MOE gave the answer quickly. However, "not finding it possible to coordinate the use of kerosene torches in accordance with claim 47," Rules of fire safety in the Russian Federation ", as not excluded by the terms of tipping. " In addition, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that 54-FZ "organizer of a public event shall ensure that within its jurisdiction order and security ...". The answer is ambiguous. In addition, it became known that after the elimination of consequences of natural disasters in the Far East in order to MOE acts prohibiting non-targeted activities to austerity. Although urban children's festival on November 1 was seen 2 cars MES, which were exhibited as exhibits, as well as generators for projectors ...
Meanwhile, negotiations with the administration of the Centre for Civil Protection is also not led to agreement. The organizers and the City agreed to use a fire extinguisher. First Secretary of the Regional Committee has prepared, as promised, torches ... And an hour before he called the authorized shares for the event and said that the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kostroma region Stepin asked not to light the torches ...
As the action took place
Of course, all prepared by the inventory was taken.
The event was scheduled for 19.00. It was already dark, the rain went. On the approaches to the place of the event there was a fire truck. A spokeswoman for the administration forbade setting fire to the torches. The long and noisy disassembly revealed just what a woman looks like itself forced to defend the position of the authorities (to as "tirelessly caring about the welfare of Kostroma"). What then was the principled? That evening, at a rather deserted street, covered with asphalt, surrounded by stone houses, in the rain, in the presence of Ministry of Emergency Situations and police, in the presence of a fire extinguisher and a wet rag, you can not light the torches used a few decades ago dozens of youth in mass actions? Not convincing, so funny ...
But the action has taken place. Because the guys were prepared, in addition, 4 and 2 oil lamps oil lamps and candles. Lamps hung from the poles with tape on flags. Burned oil lamps ...
But before the shares were assigned red carnations at the monument to twice the Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Aviation AA Novikov native of Kostroma lands. No, not for war heroes such that the country was a plague, and some of them at this time feasting. November 19 Alexander Alexandrovich birthday ...
Finally, they unfurled a banner with the simple words: "Go you ... with his Olympics!". We took kerosene, lamps, even defiantly raised nezazhzhёnnye torches and marched along the same street Simanovskiy. The megaphone sounded racing tracks (Vysotsky's "Morning exercises" and "About lefties and righties," "football march", "coward does not play hockey", "Team of our youth" and others.). There were slogans: "Strike anti-Olympic march on the saw cut of dough at the Olympics," "Fellows Bilalova - on the bench!", "Down with the Fat!", "Give the money to children in the sport!", "The Olympic Games in Sochi - it is not pride, it's a shame "" One and a half trillion far gone? The sand "and others. Passers-by in amazement and obvious approval listened and looked at a couple of dozen young, fun and loud walking down the street. Several cars honked.
The traffic controller from the traffic police barely hid a smile. Police closed the tower, but there was a feeling that they are happy to "participate" in such an action. The mood was very happy, as opposed to "meeting the torch relay" on 18 October. Guys just do not smile, they clearly laughed and mocked by this power.
By the way, it continued to rain. Column unanimously and noisily entered the central square of the city, suffering from restrictions of public events for the opposition.
So this time the authorities were not allowed to hold a meeting of the Communist Party on November 7 at the fire tower on the square occupied by announcing its "work on the capture of current changes in an area of Susanin". I had to go to the other side of the square. "Ask" and anti-Olympic rally to finish in the same place. But there just is a building of the city administration and City Council. So this administration's proposal was counter even with pleasure. The young stay with the poster, let torches burning oil lamps and lamps almost under the walls of City Hall.
The rally, during which the rain was over, it takes the strong cast. But all the guys stood up courageously declared half an hour. It was about the plundered billions on construction sites in Sochi, on the Bilalova about Imereti Bay, the poor city budget. Kostroma annually pays 120 million for servicing the loans, the money could go to the paving of roads, street lighting, and many more such necessary for citizens. But the towns and villages of the country - the debtors from private banks. What's the talk may be of physical education and sport? However sounded and examples about that. Thus, in p.Yakovlevskoe involved about 50 children from the trainer-teacher-enthusiast (rounders, weights, towns ...). In winter, there is no employment, because Hall is not heated, the children engaged in the weather outside. Among them are the champions of the children, since boys and girls as possible participate in the competition, although the entrance fee to pay for expensive tickets - also at their own expense, as a reward at all levels - only charter. Their name and often act because Power juggling - it is interesting and beautiful. When the shared Olympic and Non-Olympic Sports, the funding ceased. Coach L.Krupin - just an enthusiast. Fortunately, there are more, but very little.
Examples were given of "leisure" children Antropovo Pyschuge in the Kostroma region. Classified on a log - swing village kids.
It has been said that in Soviet times the plant "Fanplit", which recently celebrated its 100 years, the Komsomol very much involved in sports, organized competitions between shops. Now, the company destroyed a huge gym.
On activities for children and young people of Kostroma in 2014 laid down 19 million rubles for the program of patriotic education - 700 thousand rubles for the program against drugs - 500. Though 1 million would be enough to make every yard Kostroma set the horizontal bar.
Another example of "caring power of the people" - closed municipal room №7, unique in the city has a wellness steam dry, and in its basement houses slot machines ...
I must say that even at this late hour, in the rain, protesters gathered in front of the people, including the young. All listened attentively. Wet waste, but fit others. One of the students asked for a megaphone. It turned out - "a former dissident from among the creative intelligentsia." According to him, he and his colleagues he put a lot of effort to vilify the Soviet system, advocating for freedom of speech. Now, these people listen to communists, led by Zyuganov GA and "do not see the mistakes." They had to repent of their former beliefs. "What do you do?" - With great bitterness asked a middle-aged man.
The youth replied: "To demand. The future belongs to us, then we have to go out and demand. Today, we demand - give money to children and youth in the mass sports! »
By the way, in the event there was no party logos. Because it was announced in advance - if it comes at least one is not a Communist, the flags of the Communist Party will not. It's a few guys. Party symbols were not.
At the end of the rally included a song that actually appear in the eyes of the tears of pride for the country and for the sport - "Goodbye, sweet Misha", which was the anthem of the outgoing Olympic Games-80 in Moscow.
After the event a woman came up, asked for a youth movement that organized the rally. I learned that the young communists, together with like-minded people on healthy lifestyles and on-demand honesty in power. He expressed the view - it is necessary to fight for the country's sovereignty, and the children, and the sport - it is already the second time.
Yes, of course, sports - it is not important. But the kids - this is important!
... At the exit from the square stood Avtozak ...

How met Olympics
October 18 in Kostroma was the usual autumn weather - the temperature of 3 degrees, wind, light rain, chilly. However, hundreds of Kostroma were herded onto the streets to meet the Olympic flame and images of joy. Someone joy was. But most of the Kostroma literally cursed baton with the Olympics.
The only bridge across the Volga River was closed for half a day. Public transport between the right bank and left bank, of course, did not go. At the entrance to the main carriageways streets hung dozens of "bricks". State employees, students and schoolchildren were herded as usual voluntary-forced. For example, from a mental hospital in p.Nikolskoe employees "instructed" to stand in the street for the Volga (it is 14 kilometers directly from the place of employment and the place of residence), back out of the Volga could get a few hours later. Kostroma exposed along the streets of the city, "was awarded the honor" to move the relay. In summer, the streets and the bridge was repaired in advance, spending millions of rubles. On the crumbling facades of historical and architectural monuments hung decorative curtains. The fence construction on the federal highway - Street Trunk - also forced hang banners beautiful 17 meters long, which the developer had to pay out of pocket. And so much more has been done for the meeting, which almost became fatal. Some lucky - they had to wait for long. But students at the bridge over the river and Hypatian Kostromku settlement had to wait 2 hours in this wind and cold. Ladder home was blocked by the police to leave were not allowed. The next day, many of the greeters came down with a runny nose and temperature.
As elsewhere, Kostroma fire also proffer. There was even a report that it was in Kostroma Torch "exploded in the hands of the girls." This message is not denied, but clarified that "blew up" and "not a girl." At the gala evening on the main square of the city fire still officially extinct, with the precise moment when the governor had a torch to ignite the Olympic bowl. Light the torch again quickly failed, so a bowl of some kind of "magic wand" lit assistant.
By the way, some with flags of the Communist Party of the Communists, too, greeted the Olympic flame (it was agreed in advance with the regional administration) is already at the entrance to the square, the street Simanovskiy, which has been pre-installed spotlight, as in normal times, this street is dark enough. As seen party members? Machinery Ingosstrakh and Coke, a beating deafening music, all in an incredible illumination, drove past. "Now we see that it is -" a feast during the plague "- thought the boys.

How came the idea to share
A few days Kostroma discussed at the local forum "state of joy" of the Olympic torch relay, and with all the Olympic Games in general. Passion burned, and finally lit the spark. City Committee decided to hold a protest action. Just think of another event - Nizhny Novgorod Communists October 3rd. They held a torchlight procession and a rally to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the shooting of the White House, the article with pictures was posted on the website of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. As it turned out, the torches were sold in Nizhny Novgorod in the summer in one of the retail chains, there is no such Kostroma. In the near Yaroslavl in the same store torches were not, "has no season," - explained in the "hot phone". First Secretary of the Regional Committee of Izhitsky VP He promised to make torches, as did members of the Komsomol in their 60s - 70s of the last century for events.
The application was submitted to the town hall in the procession with torches and rally. Check with colleagues from the bottom - there are no bids for the torches is not applied, "just took, lit and went." "Why, - Nizhny Novgorod Communists boast - we have 3 deputies of the State Duma, 12 regional, 3 urban areas and many more, we try to point out!».
Meanwhile, the coordination of the mayor's office stuck. The promise to bring to the security of the municipal "Center of Civil Protection," it does not fit. We asked to agree to the MOE. MOE gave the answer quickly. However, "not finding it possible to coordinate the use of kerosene torches in accordance with claim 47," Rules of fire safety in the Russian Federation ", as not excluded by the terms of tipping. " In addition, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that 54-FZ "organizer of a public event shall ensure that within its jurisdiction order and security ...". The answer is ambiguous. In addition, it became known that after the elimination of consequences of natural disasters in the Far East in order to MOE acts prohibiting non-targeted activities to austerity. Although urban children's festival on November 1 was seen 2 cars MES, which were exhibited as exhibits, as well as generators for projectors ...
Meanwhile, negotiations with the administration of the Centre for Civil Protection is also not led to agreement. The organizers and the City agreed to use a fire extinguisher. First Secretary of the Regional Committee has prepared, as promised, torches ... And an hour before he called the authorized shares for the event and said that the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kostroma region Stepin asked not to light the torches ...

As the action took place
Of course, all prepared by the inventory was taken.
The event was scheduled for 19.00. It was already dark, the rain went. On the approaches to the place of the event there was a fire truck. A spokeswoman for the administration forbade setting fire to the torches. The long and noisy disassembly revealed just what a woman looks like itself forced to defend the position of the authorities (to as "tirelessly caring about the welfare of Kostroma"). What then was the principled? That evening, at a rather deserted street, covered with asphalt, surrounded by stone houses, in the rain, in the presence of Ministry of Emergency Situations and police, in the presence of a fire extinguisher and a wet rag, you can not light the torches used a few decades ago dozens of youth in mass actions? Not convincing, so funny ...
But the action has taken place. Because the guys were prepared, in addition, 4 and 2 oil lamps oil lamps and candles. Lamps hung from the poles with tape on flags. Burned oil lamps ...
But before the shares were assigned red carnations at the monument to twice the Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Aviation AA Novikov native of Kostroma lands. No, not for war heroes such that the country was a plague, and some of them at this time feasting. November 19 Alexander Alexandrovich birthday ...
Finally, they unfurled a banner with the simple words: "Go you ... with his Olympics!". We took kerosene, lamps, even defiantly raised nezazhzhёnnye torches and marched along the same street Simanovskiy. The megaphone sounded racing tracks (Vysotsky's "Morning exercises" and "About lefties and righties," "football march", "coward does not play hockey", "Team of our youth" and others.). There were slogans: "Strike anti-Olympic march on the saw cut of dough at the Olympics," "Fellows Bilalova - on the bench!", "Down with the Fat!", "Give the money to children in the sport!", "The Olympic Games in Sochi - it is not pride, it's a shame "" One and a half trillion far gone? The sand "and others. Passers-by in amazement and obvious approval listened and looked at a couple of dozen young, fun and loud walking down the street. Several cars honked.
The traffic controller from the traffic police barely hid a smile. Police closed the tower, but there was a feeling that they are happy to "participate" in such an action. The mood was very happy, as opposed to "meeting the torch relay" on 18 October. Guys just do not smile, they clearly laughed and mocked by this power.
By the way, it continued to rain. Column unanimously and noisily entered the central square of the city, suffering from restrictions of public events for the opposition.
So this time the authorities were not allowed to hold a meeting of the Communist Party on November 7 at the fire tower on the square occupied by announcing its "work on the capture of current changes in an area of Susanin". I had to go to the other side of the square. "Ask" and anti-Olympic rally to finish in the same place. But there just is a building of the city administration and City Council. So this administration's proposal was counter even with pleasure. The young stay with the poster, let torches burning oil lamps and lamps almost under the walls of City Hall.
The rally, during which the rain was over, it takes the strong cast. But all the guys stood up courageously declared half an hour. It was about the plundered billions on construction sites in Sochi, on the Bilalova about Imereti Bay, the poor city budget. Kostroma annually pays 120 million for servicing the loans, the money could go to the paving of roads, street lighting, and many more such necessary for citizens. But the towns and villages of the country - the debtors from private banks. What's the talk may be of physical education and sport? However sounded and examples about that. Thus, in p.Yakovlevskoe involved about 50 children from the trainer-teacher-enthusiast (rounders, weights, towns ...). In winter, there is no employment, because Hall is not heated, the children engaged in the weather outside. Among them are the champions of the children, since boys and girls as possible participate in the competition, although the entrance fee to pay for expensive tickets - also at their own expense, as a reward at all levels - only charter. Their name and often act because Power juggling - it is interesting and beautiful. When the shared Olympic and Non-Olympic Sports, the funding ceased. Coach L.Krupin - just an enthusiast. Fortunately, there are more, but very little.
Examples were given of "leisure" children Antropovo Pyschuge in the Kostroma region. Classified on a log - swing village kids.
It has been said that in Soviet times the plant "Fanplit", which recently celebrated its 100 years, the Komsomol very much involved in sports, organized competitions between shops. Now, the company destroyed a huge gym.
On activities for children and young people of Kostroma in 2014 laid down 19 million rubles for the program of patriotic education - 700 thousand rubles for the program against drugs - 500. Though 1 million would be enough to make every yard Kostroma set the horizontal bar.
Another example of "caring power of the people" - closed municipal room №7, unique in the city has a wellness steam dry, and in its basement houses slot machines ...
I must say that even at this late hour, in the rain, protesters gathered in front of the people, including the young. All listened attentively. Wet waste, but fit others. One of the students asked for a megaphone. It turned out - "a former dissident from among the creative intelligentsia." According to him, he and his colleagues he put a lot of effort to vilify the Soviet system, advocating for freedom of speech. Now, these people listen to communists, led by Zyuganov GA and "do not see the mistakes." They had to repent of their former beliefs. "What do you do?" - With great bitterness asked a middle-aged man.
The youth replied: "To demand. The future belongs to us, then we have to go out and demand. Today, we demand - give money to children and youth in the mass sports! »
By the way, in the event there was no party logos. Because it was announced in advance - if it comes at least one is not a Communist, the flags of the Communist Party will not. It's a few guys. Party symbols were not.
At the end of the rally included a song that actually appear in the eyes of the tears of pride for the country and for the sport - "Goodbye, sweet Misha", which was the anthem of the outgoing Olympic Games-80 in Moscow.
After the event a woman came up, asked for a youth movement that organized the rally. I learned that the young communists, together with like-minded people on healthy lifestyles and on-demand honesty in power. He expressed the view - it is necessary to fight for the country's sovereignty, and the children, and the sport - it is already the second time.
Yes, of course, sports - it is not important. But the kids - this is important!
... At the exit from the square stood Avtozak ...