Features of the real estate market of Kostroma
Sixty nine million nine hundred seventeen thousand nine hundred ninety seven
Kostroma is among the ten largest cities in the country, is a large regional centre, population about 300 000 people. Attracted by the region from the point of view of real estate investment that many consider the best in terms of a subsequent lease. People considering conversion of premises in the guest apartments, mini-hotels and in apartments for daily rent.
However, the real estate market is influenced by many factors except the location. Overall, the country is stagnating and even falling prices per 1 square meter. A large category of housing fell. For example, as of may 2018, the average price per square meter is 650 $ per square meter, slightly lower than it was at the beginning of the year. Read more on the dynamics of prices in Kostroma can be found on the website https://kostroma.etagi.com/vtorichnoe/, which contains all the necessary information.
Features of the real estate market
In the same way as in other regions, the market is subject to cyclical fluctuations. Plus, affects the situation on the international market. For example, quite a large stratum of Russians are afraid to invest in residential real estate abroad (Spain, Bulgaria, the Baltic States, UK, etc.), fear of negative changes in legislation of foreign countries regarding Russian investors. This stimulates the demand of the domestic market, which is reflected in all the cities that are regional centers. Other features:
Other features of the property market in Kostroma
Analysts were taken and shared, that is the average cost of an apartment as of may 2018. The average area of 50 square meters, the value of 2 000 000 rubles. Indicators of the secondary market.
Many users are considering purchasing square meters in the suburbs with the ability to quickly get to the capital region in public and personal transport. Prized objects located within a radius of 15 km from the city that belongs to the category of "middle suburbia".
Kostroma is among the ten largest cities in the country, is a large regional centre, population about 300 000 people. Attracted by the region from the point of view of real estate investment that many consider the best in terms of a subsequent lease. People considering conversion of premises in the guest apartments, mini-hotels and in apartments for daily rent.

However, the real estate market is influenced by many factors except the location. Overall, the country is stagnating and even falling prices per 1 square meter. A large category of housing fell. For example, as of may 2018, the average price per square meter is 650 $ per square meter, slightly lower than it was at the beginning of the year. Read more on the dynamics of prices in Kostroma can be found on the website https://kostroma.etagi.com/vtorichnoe/, which contains all the necessary information.
Features of the real estate market
In the same way as in other regions, the market is subject to cyclical fluctuations. Plus, affects the situation on the international market. For example, quite a large stratum of Russians are afraid to invest in residential real estate abroad (Spain, Bulgaria, the Baltic States, UK, etc.), fear of negative changes in legislation of foreign countries regarding Russian investors. This stimulates the demand of the domestic market, which is reflected in all the cities that are regional centers. Other features:
- Greatest demonstrates the stability of housing of economy class, standard. During crises, the most vulnerable remain the objects of luxury, from which the owners wish to get rid of in the first place, that affects the value.
- Pretty good performance of the secondary housing. The average available is a choice of almost 2,500 apartments belonging to the secondary housing, and the total cost is 4.5 billion rubles.
- The most actively available on the market two-bedroom apartments, whose share is 36%, one-bedroom apartments, which share 34%, two-bedroom apartment, which share is about 26%. Very small category consists of a four-room, five-room apartment.
Other features of the property market in Kostroma
Analysts were taken and shared, that is the average cost of an apartment as of may 2018. The average area of 50 square meters, the value of 2 000 000 rubles. Indicators of the secondary market.
Many users are considering purchasing square meters in the suburbs with the ability to quickly get to the capital region in public and personal transport. Prized objects located within a radius of 15 km from the city that belongs to the category of "middle suburbia".