The features of the real estate market of Moscow
Fifty three million three hundred forty four thousand six hundred thirty nine
The situation on the real estate market in major cities of interest to many people. This works for buyers who plan to buy a Studio or other apartments in the capital.
The city's population is over 12 million people. Internal and external factors, the volumes of commissioned housing, the solvency of the population, seasonality, etc affect the situation on the real estate market in General. Read more about the specifics in Moscow will be able to see at this site, where you can see the experts 'forecasts, analysts' opinions.
Features of the real estate market of the capital
Presents objects of different price categories: economy, standard, Deluxe and others. Each category has a demand. On the dynamics of growth of prices affected by recent events, particularly the soccer world Cup and infrastructure for this event. Other features:
Other features
As in other cities, residents of the capital in the first place pay attention to one, two, three bedroom apartments, in the aggregate, represent more than 90% of housing on the market. Only a small part is occupied with the objects of the category "curiosities": multi.
Obvious demand in the field of new buildings and secondary housing. But if we talk about the latest, most buyers choose apartments that do not require urgent and bulk repair.
Some revival of demand occurred and due to the fact that mortgage lending in the capital becomes more loyal, as in other cities of the Russian Federation. This is largely due to the desire of the authorities to compensate for the complete rejection of shared construction.
The situation on the real estate market in major cities of interest to many people. This works for buyers who plan to buy a Studio or other apartments in the capital.
The city's population is over 12 million people. Internal and external factors, the volumes of commissioned housing, the solvency of the population, seasonality, etc affect the situation on the real estate market in General. Read more about the specifics in Moscow will be able to see at this site, where you can see the experts 'forecasts, analysts' opinions.
Features of the real estate market of the capital
Presents objects of different price categories: economy, standard, Deluxe and others. Each category has a demand. On the dynamics of growth of prices affected by recent events, particularly the soccer world Cup and infrastructure for this event. Other features:
- Actively commissioning new housing. This situation is relevant for almost all big cities of Russia, but the pace of building new residential complexes in the capital wins.
- Since we are talking about large distances in the capital, traffic jams, complicated routes, particular attention paid to the customers infrastructure, in particular, distance from metro, public transport, railway stations. Taken into account and the specificity of transport interchanges for those who moved to a private car. If the property is in walking distance from the metro, then this factor becomes one of the major influencing the price.
- Was influenced by the fact that the construction of equity abolished in accordance with the modified legislation. Government officials decided that this way will be able to minimize risks and defrauded investors will be no more. How adequate such innovations, it is possible to argue long, but this fact certainly had an impact on the situation on the market. Prior to the entry into force of these innovations, the developers did their best to bring to market "square meters".
Other features
As in other cities, residents of the capital in the first place pay attention to one, two, three bedroom apartments, in the aggregate, represent more than 90% of housing on the market. Only a small part is occupied with the objects of the category "curiosities": multi.
Obvious demand in the field of new buildings and secondary housing. But if we talk about the latest, most buyers choose apartments that do not require urgent and bulk repair.
Some revival of demand occurred and due to the fact that mortgage lending in the capital becomes more loyal, as in other cities of the Russian Federation. This is largely due to the desire of the authorities to compensate for the complete rejection of shared construction.