Why red gemstones are back in fashion
In Soviet times, gold jewelry with rubies was incredibly popular. Decorating your hands with a small ruby ring was considered very stylish and fashionable. However, for a long time ruby in gold is considered something outdated and completely tasteless. What do you do with that kind of decoration?
Most Soviet jewelry now cause very mixed feelings among all fashionistas. On the one hand, we are used to considering the products of those times something outdated and ugly. On the other hand, sometimes you want to bring a little unusual vintage into your life. And family jewels are dear to many, as a memory of good times and loved ones.
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? The cost of earrings 1290 rubles, free delivery in Russia. The cost of Broshi 950 rubles, free delivery in Russia. Charming earrings and delicate brooch from the USSR of the 1980s. Labeled RCD. Size 4.5 cm x 1.5 cm. . Light metal, silver. The insert is jewelry glass. Earrings:.Height taking into account the schwenze 4.5 cm, width 1.7 cm. . Light metal, silver. The insert is jewelry glass. е️ This post combines photos and demo video, please check out. #vintage_antique_jewelry е? Booking of goods means your expressed consent to pay the order within 24 hours. Orders are accepted in Direct, WhatsApp, Viber. Free delivery: Moscow and MO (SDEC, Boberry). Regions (1 class Russian Post, insurance for the full cost of the order at the expense of the store.)
A post shared by Vintage & Antiquarian (@vintage_antique_jewelry) on Feb 9, 2019 at 7:43am PST
Previously, almost every major city had its own jewelry factory. All the decorations that were produced by such factories had a GOST sign. Many factories produced something special, for example, in Kostroma they made wonderful jewelry for hair and head. However, in almost all such artels there was a standard set of jewelry.
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A post shared by Vintage Things (@panilino4ka) on May 20, 2020 at 10:02pm PDT
Especially charming were accessories made by folk crafts, such as scan-ring Or black silver pendants.
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And another set with finifier All fans of this technique is dedicated. A very beautiful combination of blue and pink in the fenifti itself and a beautiful frame. A set of 4 items. Ring size 18-18.5 Price 2300 Delivery in Russia #gift #finift #finiftwintage #Rostovfinift #colzofinift #completefinift #sergyfinift #perstenfinift #luxuryfinift #folkcrafts #vintage #retro #decoratingfiniftage #decoratingfiniftage #decorating #rentage #buyvintage #jewelry #jewelryretro #Soviet jewelry #Soviet jewelry #Soviet jewelry #vintage #vintage #conversion
A post shared by Antikvar (@antikvarnaya_lavkatula) on May 20, 2020 at 9:27am PDT
One of the most famous jewelry productions was, perhaps, the factory in Kostroma. It was he who specialized in the manufacture of the Soviet corundumIt perfectly imitated a real ruby. It is this corundum that can be found today in most of the vintage jewelry of those times.
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A post shared by Vintage Things (@panilino4ka) on May 19, 2020 at 10:17pm PDT
Corundum is a synthetic stone, a real masterpiece of chemical developers of that time. Many people are very disappointed to learn that the pebble in your grandmother’s favorite ring does not have much value. In this case, you can easily melt the vintage gold into decoration.
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A post shared by Vintage Things (@panilino4ka) on May 18, 2020 at 11:27am PDT
But what if you do not want to sell or remelt old jewelry and accessories? We have some advice for you!
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A post shared by Vintage Things (@panilino4ka) on May 17, 2020 at 9:34pm PDT
How to wear Soviet vintage jewelry Reasonable amount Jewelry will always be one of the main secrets of a stylish modern image. Do not wear yourself in the manner of a Christmas tree. Just one vintage decoration will complement your style well.
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A post shared by Vintage Things (@panilino4ka) on May 17, 2020 at 9:10am PDT
Carefully select the accessory for clothes. Vintage is not suitable for all things. For example, wearing an old necklace or even a ring with torn jeans and huge sneakers is definitely not worth it.
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A post shared by Vintage Things (@panilino4ka) on May 16, 2020 at 8:18am PDT
In the closets of the storeroom you can sometimes find whole treasures left by your great-grandmother. Remember that jewelry with too much fancy-design It's better to cut it out. Choose as neutral as possible. Give rings with complex weaves and a pile of stones to melt, and leave things in a minimalist style.
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Here is an interesting ring with the insert #finift available for sale. The size is 17 to 18. Because it's detachable. We're in great condition. Price 750 p + delivery #finift #finiftvintage #Rostovfinift #colzofinift #perstenfinift #luxuryfinift #popular crafts #vintage #retro #retro #decorationfiniftage #decorationvintage #buying #vintage #jewelry #jewelryretro #Soviet jewelry #Soviet jewelry #vintage #vintage #vintage
A post shared by Antikvar (@antikvarnaya_lavkatula) on May 16, 2020 at 6:17am PDT
The most important thing in creating a modern image is to find a balance and come to a reasonable compromise. Do not throw away all the ancient jewelry without even looking at them. But it is also not necessary to leave absolutely all the old chains, tiaras and rings. Find a middle ground!
Most Soviet jewelry now cause very mixed feelings among all fashionistas. On the one hand, we are used to considering the products of those times something outdated and ugly. On the other hand, sometimes you want to bring a little unusual vintage into your life. And family jewels are dear to many, as a memory of good times and loved ones.
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? The cost of earrings 1290 rubles, free delivery in Russia. The cost of Broshi 950 rubles, free delivery in Russia. Charming earrings and delicate brooch from the USSR of the 1980s. Labeled RCD. Size 4.5 cm x 1.5 cm. . Light metal, silver. The insert is jewelry glass. Earrings:.Height taking into account the schwenze 4.5 cm, width 1.7 cm. . Light metal, silver. The insert is jewelry glass. е️ This post combines photos and demo video, please check out. #vintage_antique_jewelry е? Booking of goods means your expressed consent to pay the order within 24 hours. Orders are accepted in Direct, WhatsApp, Viber. Free delivery: Moscow and MO (SDEC, Boberry). Regions (1 class Russian Post, insurance for the full cost of the order at the expense of the store.)
A post shared by Vintage & Antiquarian (@vintage_antique_jewelry) on Feb 9, 2019 at 7:43am PST
Previously, almost every major city had its own jewelry factory. All the decorations that were produced by such factories had a GOST sign. Many factories produced something special, for example, in Kostroma they made wonderful jewelry for hair and head. However, in almost all such artels there was a standard set of jewelry.
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A post shared by Vintage Things (@panilino4ka) on May 20, 2020 at 10:02pm PDT
Especially charming were accessories made by folk crafts, such as scan-ring Or black silver pendants.
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And another set with finifier All fans of this technique is dedicated. A very beautiful combination of blue and pink in the fenifti itself and a beautiful frame. A set of 4 items. Ring size 18-18.5 Price 2300 Delivery in Russia #gift #finift #finiftwintage #Rostovfinift #colzofinift #completefinift #sergyfinift #perstenfinift #luxuryfinift #folkcrafts #vintage #retro #decoratingfiniftage #decoratingfiniftage #decorating #rentage #buyvintage #jewelry #jewelryretro #Soviet jewelry #Soviet jewelry #Soviet jewelry #vintage #vintage #conversion
A post shared by Antikvar (@antikvarnaya_lavkatula) on May 20, 2020 at 9:27am PDT
One of the most famous jewelry productions was, perhaps, the factory in Kostroma. It was he who specialized in the manufacture of the Soviet corundumIt perfectly imitated a real ruby. It is this corundum that can be found today in most of the vintage jewelry of those times.
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A post shared by Vintage Things (@panilino4ka) on May 19, 2020 at 10:17pm PDT
Corundum is a synthetic stone, a real masterpiece of chemical developers of that time. Many people are very disappointed to learn that the pebble in your grandmother’s favorite ring does not have much value. In this case, you can easily melt the vintage gold into decoration.
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A post shared by Vintage Things (@panilino4ka) on May 18, 2020 at 11:27am PDT
But what if you do not want to sell or remelt old jewelry and accessories? We have some advice for you!
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A post shared by Vintage Things (@panilino4ka) on May 17, 2020 at 9:34pm PDT
How to wear Soviet vintage jewelry Reasonable amount Jewelry will always be one of the main secrets of a stylish modern image. Do not wear yourself in the manner of a Christmas tree. Just one vintage decoration will complement your style well.
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A post shared by Vintage Things (@panilino4ka) on May 17, 2020 at 9:10am PDT
Carefully select the accessory for clothes. Vintage is not suitable for all things. For example, wearing an old necklace or even a ring with torn jeans and huge sneakers is definitely not worth it.
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A post shared by Vintage Things (@panilino4ka) on May 16, 2020 at 8:18am PDT
In the closets of the storeroom you can sometimes find whole treasures left by your great-grandmother. Remember that jewelry with too much fancy-design It's better to cut it out. Choose as neutral as possible. Give rings with complex weaves and a pile of stones to melt, and leave things in a minimalist style.
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Here is an interesting ring with the insert #finift available for sale. The size is 17 to 18. Because it's detachable. We're in great condition. Price 750 p + delivery #finift #finiftvintage #Rostovfinift #colzofinift #perstenfinift #luxuryfinift #popular crafts #vintage #retro #retro #decorationfiniftage #decorationvintage #buying #vintage #jewelry #jewelryretro #Soviet jewelry #Soviet jewelry #vintage #vintage #vintage
A post shared by Antikvar (@antikvarnaya_lavkatula) on May 16, 2020 at 6:17am PDT
The most important thing in creating a modern image is to find a balance and come to a reasonable compromise. Do not throw away all the ancient jewelry without even looking at them. But it is also not necessary to leave absolutely all the old chains, tiaras and rings. Find a middle ground!