Stars - people who by the very nature designed to wear jewelry. Firstly, they can afford. Secondly, their star status suggests the most expensive and the best. Diamonds, emeralds, pearls. Shining diamonds mixed with shining stars and everything becomes unrecognizable magical. On the relation of the stars to the magic of jewelry under the cut.
If a movie star - gods, the diamonds - it rocks the gods. Precious stones - not just decoration. They are also considered talismans and living substances, possessing its own and character. How many legends walk the rocks and the characters as strange stories going on with them! Not surprisingly, the stars love for jewelry continues unabated. Beonse, Katherine Heigl, Cate Blanchett, Fergie, Megan Fox, Nicole Kidman, Rihanna - all of them are partial to jewelry, as in the old days.
As it was in the Old Hollywood?
There's diamonds were as legendary as the stars who wore them. Each stone has its own history, sometimes for centuries, and tyanuvschuyusya about connecting the legends and the legends that arose cinema myth that we have come to associate with the Old Hollywood.
An example of this - Elizabeth Taylor. She literally collect all the pleasures of life and good, whether they were men or diamonds. Moreover, it seems that the jewels she loved more - and they had more.
For many years, she gathered a collection that buy jewelry at exorbitant prices, she drew sketches for the decorations, which are ordered, and even founded her own diamond house. She also became the owner of the first diamond Cartier cost over a million dollars.
Grace Kelly wore diamonds with regal ease, as something that put her on the situation. But much more I loved pearls. The diamonds she wore in her youth, and pearls - after marriage. Classic choice.
But Marilyn Monroe wore diamonds rarely in real life, even though her name associated with their brilliance. "Women have the right to shine," - she said, but shone only when she wanted to impress and to combat all on the spot. It was she who came up to take the diamonds and had a rented dress, which seemed to consist of a single solid sparkle. She also belonged to one of the world's most expensive gifts - "Necklace of eternity," which gave her second husband.
Oh how romantic was Audrey Hepburn, but she could not resist. Her name forever associated with yellow diamond "Tiffany" that Audrey wore on the occasion of the premiere of "Breakfast at Tiffany's." This is one of the largest and most expensive yellow diamonds in the world. He encrusted brooch in the form of birds and is still lying in the window magazane Tiffany in New York. All other jewelry worn by Audrey in the film, were also present.
New times
In modern times much has changed. As the more democratic era and people are now no longer pay attention to the legends associated with ornaments. Even one of the most famous lovers of luxury Hollywood Jennifer Lopez is more expensive jewelry just than legendary. This has a lot of them, and only some of them are connected with a personal history of J. Lo. More precisely with loss from time to time Jennifer loses her jewelry and then finds. That's all.
However, sometimes in the modern world there is a need in the history of jewelry and then bought a copy of a famous jewelry. For example, a diamond pendant, worn by Kate Winslet in "Titanic" - a copy of the blue brililanta "Heart of the Ocean", which costs 200 million dollars, belongs to the American Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and has been known since 1668. All other jewels were real Kate, but the story did not have.
The desire for democracy has affected not only the history of jewelry. Sami decorations have also become cheaper and more common. A simple string of pearls. Earrings unusual shape. Long or large, necessarily bright, but not necessarily beautiful.
Flowers, birds, lizards, which were so popular in the past have given way to the rings, crystals, strange forms, word - originality, which is designed to replace the fact that a lot of jewelry.
For example, jewelry Sarah Jessica Parker. Bright and rich, do not say anything. And stylish. But a little too much. No flavor of exclusivity. I do not know why it is so.
Christina chose Heendriks also chose large and bright earrings. Too bad they lost against the background of it, and so yellow appearance.
Jewellery and Diane Kruger are Diane and her lips. Such modest yellow-red drops of eternity. I wonder if they have any history?
Eva Lonogriya. Again, big earrings, contrasting favorably with her dress. Only the "jewel" to call them for some reason do not want.
Evan Rachel chose a modest diamond petals. Nicely, there are no words. With the little black dress is reminiscent of old Hollywood. Then I probably agree with the choice.
Gemma Artenton - black to black - the very modesty of modern times. Too bad that does not shine.
Earrings Mariah Carey breathe chic East as herself. Handsomely. But it is not utopian.
Ethnicity Pink, in my opinion, not only for decoration in general. By panskovskomu image diamond barrettes not something that is not going to - they do not stay on it. Therefore, even if the whole Pink is hung with "tears" - it does not turn her into a princess. One can only shrug.
Selena Gomez stressed his childhood childish appearance of the decorations. Well and good.
Zoe Saldana chose byuryuzu - spicy and very logical choice for its southern appearance. But more like a riot of jungle than the radiance of the ball.
So that's it. Jewels were key in the form of stars. Their originality and brilliance at times overshadows the star itself. And if earlier in the discussion of talking about women jewels and the legends that are now talking about luxury and creativity. Good or bad - I do not know. It is quite possible that the jewels that have no history now - it will acquire in the future and jewelry Sarah and Nicole, we will discuss as well as discussing the decorations Grace and Audrey. And until there is only some fifty or a hundred years.

If a movie star - gods, the diamonds - it rocks the gods. Precious stones - not just decoration. They are also considered talismans and living substances, possessing its own and character. How many legends walk the rocks and the characters as strange stories going on with them! Not surprisingly, the stars love for jewelry continues unabated. Beonse, Katherine Heigl, Cate Blanchett, Fergie, Megan Fox, Nicole Kidman, Rihanna - all of them are partial to jewelry, as in the old days.

As it was in the Old Hollywood?
There's diamonds were as legendary as the stars who wore them. Each stone has its own history, sometimes for centuries, and tyanuvschuyusya about connecting the legends and the legends that arose cinema myth that we have come to associate with the Old Hollywood.
An example of this - Elizabeth Taylor. She literally collect all the pleasures of life and good, whether they were men or diamonds. Moreover, it seems that the jewels she loved more - and they had more.
For many years, she gathered a collection that buy jewelry at exorbitant prices, she drew sketches for the decorations, which are ordered, and even founded her own diamond house. She also became the owner of the first diamond Cartier cost over a million dollars.
Grace Kelly wore diamonds with regal ease, as something that put her on the situation. But much more I loved pearls. The diamonds she wore in her youth, and pearls - after marriage. Classic choice.
But Marilyn Monroe wore diamonds rarely in real life, even though her name associated with their brilliance. "Women have the right to shine," - she said, but shone only when she wanted to impress and to combat all on the spot. It was she who came up to take the diamonds and had a rented dress, which seemed to consist of a single solid sparkle. She also belonged to one of the world's most expensive gifts - "Necklace of eternity," which gave her second husband.
Oh how romantic was Audrey Hepburn, but she could not resist. Her name forever associated with yellow diamond "Tiffany" that Audrey wore on the occasion of the premiere of "Breakfast at Tiffany's." This is one of the largest and most expensive yellow diamonds in the world. He encrusted brooch in the form of birds and is still lying in the window magazane Tiffany in New York. All other jewelry worn by Audrey in the film, were also present.
New times
In modern times much has changed. As the more democratic era and people are now no longer pay attention to the legends associated with ornaments. Even one of the most famous lovers of luxury Hollywood Jennifer Lopez is more expensive jewelry just than legendary. This has a lot of them, and only some of them are connected with a personal history of J. Lo. More precisely with loss from time to time Jennifer loses her jewelry and then finds. That's all.

However, sometimes in the modern world there is a need in the history of jewelry and then bought a copy of a famous jewelry. For example, a diamond pendant, worn by Kate Winslet in "Titanic" - a copy of the blue brililanta "Heart of the Ocean", which costs 200 million dollars, belongs to the American Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and has been known since 1668. All other jewels were real Kate, but the story did not have.
The desire for democracy has affected not only the history of jewelry. Sami decorations have also become cheaper and more common. A simple string of pearls. Earrings unusual shape. Long or large, necessarily bright, but not necessarily beautiful.
Flowers, birds, lizards, which were so popular in the past have given way to the rings, crystals, strange forms, word - originality, which is designed to replace the fact that a lot of jewelry.

For example, jewelry Sarah Jessica Parker. Bright and rich, do not say anything. And stylish. But a little too much. No flavor of exclusivity. I do not know why it is so.
Christina chose Heendriks also chose large and bright earrings. Too bad they lost against the background of it, and so yellow appearance.
Jewellery and Diane Kruger are Diane and her lips. Such modest yellow-red drops of eternity. I wonder if they have any history?
Eva Lonogriya. Again, big earrings, contrasting favorably with her dress. Only the "jewel" to call them for some reason do not want.

Evan Rachel chose a modest diamond petals. Nicely, there are no words. With the little black dress is reminiscent of old Hollywood. Then I probably agree with the choice.

Gemma Artenton - black to black - the very modesty of modern times. Too bad that does not shine.
Earrings Mariah Carey breathe chic East as herself. Handsomely. But it is not utopian.
Ethnicity Pink, in my opinion, not only for decoration in general. By panskovskomu image diamond barrettes not something that is not going to - they do not stay on it. Therefore, even if the whole Pink is hung with "tears" - it does not turn her into a princess. One can only shrug.

Selena Gomez stressed his childhood childish appearance of the decorations. Well and good.
Zoe Saldana chose byuryuzu - spicy and very logical choice for its southern appearance. But more like a riot of jungle than the radiance of the ball.
So that's it. Jewels were key in the form of stars. Their originality and brilliance at times overshadows the star itself. And if earlier in the discussion of talking about women jewels and the legends that are now talking about luxury and creativity. Good or bad - I do not know. It is quite possible that the jewels that have no history now - it will acquire in the future and jewelry Sarah and Nicole, we will discuss as well as discussing the decorations Grace and Audrey. And until there is only some fifty or a hundred years.