Photogenic Hollywood stars
In the West, just the same can not live without various tops, rankings, lists celebrities. Every day was a new tops Who is the sexiest, who are richer, have anybody anymore. This time readers of The Telegraph decided to make a list of the most photogenic Hollywood stars of all time. Judging by the results indicated that the percentage of voters, we can assume that offered to choose from a limited list of celebrities. Therefore, the rating has been predictable - some legends of the cinema but a couple of the most popular stars now
10th place - James Dean (38%)
9 place - Sophia Loren (41%)
8 place - Marilyn Monroe (49%)
7th place - Angelina Jolie (52%)
6th place - Marlon Brando (53%)
5th place - Audrey Hepburn (58%)
4th place - Megan Fox (61%)
3rd place - David Beckham (68%) (sides however it turned out there - God knows, because he still has a very mediocre Hollywood attitude, but oh well ...)
2nd place - Jennifer Aniston (69%)
Well, the most photogenic Hollywood star The Telegraph readers think of Elizabeth Taylor. For it voted 72% of voters
I personally agree with the majority position of the stamp, but not all. Well, for example, I did not understand what was going on Beckham. Also, I do not think Jennifer Aniston so very photogenic. I would add to this list Marlene Dietrich - the actress was gorgeous in all photos and Penelope Cruz - I like all her spontaneous shots
10th place - James Dean (38%)

9 place - Sophia Loren (41%)

8 place - Marilyn Monroe (49%)

7th place - Angelina Jolie (52%)

6th place - Marlon Brando (53%)

5th place - Audrey Hepburn (58%)

4th place - Megan Fox (61%)

3rd place - David Beckham (68%) (sides however it turned out there - God knows, because he still has a very mediocre Hollywood attitude, but oh well ...)

2nd place - Jennifer Aniston (69%)

Well, the most photogenic Hollywood star The Telegraph readers think of Elizabeth Taylor. For it voted 72% of voters

I personally agree with the majority position of the stamp, but not all. Well, for example, I did not understand what was going on Beckham. Also, I do not think Jennifer Aniston so very photogenic. I would add to this list Marlene Dietrich - the actress was gorgeous in all photos and Penelope Cruz - I like all her spontaneous shots