Of course, abnormal

Living with a guy a year, but he sleeps alone in his room at the computer. On his couch he bedtime in a strict order puts three pillows: Right small 20 by 20 cm (the one he falls asleep), in the middle - a little more 35 35 (he moved to it during sleep at night) And left the largest and thickest 60 60 (he sleeps on it since the dawn).
Moreover, it enjoys a rug (which spreads the right), and in the middle of the night (in the process of changing pillows and going from the right side of the sofa to the left) is covered. already thick blanket (which is also the evening is spread from left)
I am 18, he was 29
Please tell me this is normal behavior for a person working a system administrator? And that I had not lived with such ...
Of course, this is not normal, girl !!! At 18 you've lived with a few?