The most impressive amount (12 photos)
I suggest you see a selection of which is a question of money.
About how to earn them, and what to spend.
The most expensive movie in the advertising industry - is a video created on the theme of perfume Chanel No. 5. Each minute of the mini-movies cost the creators of 11 million. Dollars, so the whole four minute clip is estimated at 44 million. Dollars. But it's not just a beautiful picture. In the main role he was invited to a world famous actress Nicole Kidman, who, for his five-day shooting has received 16 million. Dollars - more than any other actor, lighted advertising.
The most "solid" and reliable currency in the world is the Kuwaiti dinar. The unit of currency is equal to 2, 3 or 52 euros, 65 dollars. This dinar quite young (put into use in 1961). Huge oil deposits have provided a solid base, and allowed him to press the dollar, the pound sterling and the euro. However, this situation is not very rosy. That is why the country can not continue to develop.
The biggest and, accordingly, heavy wedge of gold, whose weight is 250 kg., Was cast by order of the company «Mitsubishi Materials». Its estimated cost of 13 million. Dollars.
billionaire and brands in the world today a great many, but the most expensive, according to experts, is considered «Coca-Cola». In 2011, its value amounted to about 72 billion dollars.
The most extensive distribution network owned by the company to create clothing «Gap Inc». Doris and Donald Fisher created this clothing brand in 1969. Now all over the world there are 3,150 official outlets. The company employs 152,000 people.
Billionaire in today's business world, the man running the show. But there are also women who do not yield to the stronger sex in any intellectual or analytical abilities. The richest woman named Christy Walton. When her husband died, John Walton - founder of the retail network «Wal-Mart» - it has become a full-fledged heir. Status of women is estimated at 26, 5 billion dollars.
Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook friend of each user, it is considered the youngest billionaire in the world. And all thanks to his invention - the social network Facebook. In 2008, his fortune was estimated at 1 billion. Dollars, in 2011 - already 13, 5.
It would not be a billionaire boasted of its importance the United States, the external debt of the country is 14, 36 trl.dollarov. That's more than anyone else on the planet. If we divide this impressive sum among citizens, each adult will have about 46 thousand dollars.
The heaviest gold coin ever minted coin is considered to be 100 kg. and a thickness of 3 cm., issued by the Canadian Mint. Its value is equal to 900 thousand dollars.
Billionaire most expensive plot of land is considered to be the area at the foot of the highest point of Hong Kong - Victoria Peak. Now he is in possession of a Chinese businessman Lee Shau Kee, who bought it for a total cost of 233 million dollars.
At the moment, the oldest paper promotional paper considered the Dutch East India Company in 1606 release. Her face value - 150 guilders. Action has been detected in the archives of the University of Utrecht in 2010.
Source: genadiafanassjev.blogspot.com
About how to earn them, and what to spend.

The most expensive movie in the advertising industry - is a video created on the theme of perfume Chanel No. 5. Each minute of the mini-movies cost the creators of 11 million. Dollars, so the whole four minute clip is estimated at 44 million. Dollars. But it's not just a beautiful picture. In the main role he was invited to a world famous actress Nicole Kidman, who, for his five-day shooting has received 16 million. Dollars - more than any other actor, lighted advertising.

The most "solid" and reliable currency in the world is the Kuwaiti dinar. The unit of currency is equal to 2, 3 or 52 euros, 65 dollars. This dinar quite young (put into use in 1961). Huge oil deposits have provided a solid base, and allowed him to press the dollar, the pound sterling and the euro. However, this situation is not very rosy. That is why the country can not continue to develop.

The biggest and, accordingly, heavy wedge of gold, whose weight is 250 kg., Was cast by order of the company «Mitsubishi Materials». Its estimated cost of 13 million. Dollars.

billionaire and brands in the world today a great many, but the most expensive, according to experts, is considered «Coca-Cola». In 2011, its value amounted to about 72 billion dollars.

The most extensive distribution network owned by the company to create clothing «Gap Inc». Doris and Donald Fisher created this clothing brand in 1969. Now all over the world there are 3,150 official outlets. The company employs 152,000 people.

Billionaire in today's business world, the man running the show. But there are also women who do not yield to the stronger sex in any intellectual or analytical abilities. The richest woman named Christy Walton. When her husband died, John Walton - founder of the retail network «Wal-Mart» - it has become a full-fledged heir. Status of women is estimated at 26, 5 billion dollars.

Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook friend of each user, it is considered the youngest billionaire in the world. And all thanks to his invention - the social network Facebook. In 2008, his fortune was estimated at 1 billion. Dollars, in 2011 - already 13, 5.

It would not be a billionaire boasted of its importance the United States, the external debt of the country is 14, 36 trl.dollarov. That's more than anyone else on the planet. If we divide this impressive sum among citizens, each adult will have about 46 thousand dollars.

The heaviest gold coin ever minted coin is considered to be 100 kg. and a thickness of 3 cm., issued by the Canadian Mint. Its value is equal to 900 thousand dollars.

Billionaire most expensive plot of land is considered to be the area at the foot of the highest point of Hong Kong - Victoria Peak. Now he is in possession of a Chinese businessman Lee Shau Kee, who bought it for a total cost of 233 million dollars.

At the moment, the oldest paper promotional paper considered the Dutch East India Company in 1606 release. Her face value - 150 guilders. Action has been detected in the archives of the University of Utrecht in 2010.

Source: genadiafanassjev.blogspot.com