Most descriptions of Volgograd begins with the words: "Volgograd - city-hero with a rich history." That's right, no one will not argue. Those victims who have been given for the victory in Volgograd (then Stalingrad) should not be forgotten. But time does not stand still, the generation gives way to generation, and also from the school teachers heard the phrase: "Volgograd - city-hero", but unfortunately, besides the rich past of the city is now nothing to boast. City is not living, it is because of all the forces trying to survive. And this is not a rant, the indigenous people, which took place before the eyes of the change of the city, and bitter fact. In order to better understand the situation in Volgograd, the order will describe some of the characteristics of city life.
Tourism sector
Most monuments in the city belong to the wartime: Mamayev Kurgan, the house Pavlova, mills, etc. These are the sites that attract tourists. They founded and the entire tourism sector. As a rule, come inhabitants of Russia, and a few foreigners last year from a year becomes less and less. Yes, and Volgograd as a city, change the course of history, about the veterans who are still alive and trying to survive along with the city, remember one or two times a year before the memorials 9 May and 2 February (the day the defeat of Nazi troops at Stalingrad) . The rest of the city to himself.
Cultural sphere
From a cultural sphere of things better, but there is not so sunny as we would like.
Cinema in the city enough of, thank you must be said opening a new commercial complex, which is in almost every area. Theatres much smaller, but they are still there!
As for the gastronomic places, ie cozy restaurants with a pleasant atmosphere, with a good, it is desirable to live music without chanson Stas Mikhailov and unknown mediocre voices screaming from the radio (immediately apologize to all the fans I have listed areas) then the selection is small. The whole city is captivated network Frantel and Caucasian Captive, where the atmosphere (sticky tables, tablecloths with holes) and the menu is poor. Really pleasant place to dine are not so many: Mario, Czech Yard, Bamberg, Library Pub, Bar and Grill may be another two or three institutions. Believe me, the whole city of one million - is very small.
But the culture of the citizens speaks for itself. "Attractions" Tractor district
Scope Utilities
Here reigns complete devastation. 80% of housing - is that it was built in the middle of the last century, and most of the houses were built captured by the Germans. The houses are in disrepair. To knock out money to repair a leaky roof, you need to go through seven circles of hell to know that the roof is still suitable for use, and if podstelit oilcloth in the attic, it will last another 30 years Creation of condominiums, the Criminal Code did not remedy the situation. All the same people write the complaint and still get replies. Of course, the housing stock is updated to build new houses, only afford to buy an apartment in them may not be so many people.
It is a different story. As one of the famous guests, driving on our roads: "It seems that they have after the bombing, and they are not repaired since the war».
While here, he is not right, they are repaired each year - or rather patch. Since zakidyvanie pits bricks and smearing a thin layer of asphalt not dare to call the repair.
Winter roads are not maintained once the snow melts, with him coming and asphalt. It is often carried out processions motorists flash mobs with stickers on the rear window, "Where is the road? I pay my taxes! "And rallies at which people even went to the officials, but no sense from this. If the main road you can still drive with grief in half, then turning to the secondary, or, God forbid, hitting the streets between the courts, it is possible to remain without wheels.
The infrastructure of the city
Public transport in the city is already worn out. 90% of trolleybuses and trams plying on their routes already 20 years (at best).
10% - a new transport - trams on the new high-speed route (to him no complaints) and trolley buses. And that's about the last we would like to say a few words. Despite the fact that the new trolleys are equipped with an electronic scoreboard and they go silent, the people are not happy. No, Rotor is not capricious and spoiled life people just to show their work and care about the residents of the city administration were urgently procured new trolleybuses. But so narrow that passage may be only one person, there is no second place. Now imagine the people in the winter, in the cold dressed in sheepskin coats and down jackets. In this case, even one person would feel uneasy. Therefore, dissatisfaction with new trolleybuses sounds constantly.
Giant factories that once created the image of the city of Volgograd, industrialist, now stand. There is, of course, has several shops, but by and large industrial industry "dead." Last of the Mohicans - Aluminum plant - and one closed.
One good thing - it became easier to breathe and the air cleaner, but it's small consolation to the hundreds of people who lost their jobs.
Jobs and wages
The average wage in the city - 15-20 thousand. That's if you're lucky to find a good place, because in this town hard. Opening the job, you see that only the required sales managers, preferably directly from their customer base. And the rest, working almost nowhere.
Municipal sphere
Kindergartens, which at the time were destroyed or brought to the office without missing. Women are in the queue to kindergarten with the first month of pregnancy to at least three years to get it. Open private kindergartens, but they can afford not many parents, given the average wage in the city. The monthly fee for a private kindergarten - from 10 thousand. Rubles.
Schools more, but the level of education in their parents makes every effort to enroll their children in certain, that still work, often at the idea of Soviet teachers.
Clinics and hospitals - greetings from the past with a burst of irritated people at the registry, a systematic loss of outpatients and the lack of necessary procedures on the coupons.
Due to the fact that there are no jobs, the younger population is struggling to leave. It's nice when a number of friends, family, but when your salary of 20 thousand. Per month, and rent of the modest rented apartment starts from 12 thousand., Then there can not help to think about their future in the city. But the town keeps all the status millionth probably due to visitors from the "near and far" of the Caucasus, which organize the whole settlement here.
People still one hope. What could be a World Cup that Volgograd received the right to host in the city at least something will change.

Tourism sector
Most monuments in the city belong to the wartime: Mamayev Kurgan, the house Pavlova, mills, etc. These are the sites that attract tourists. They founded and the entire tourism sector. As a rule, come inhabitants of Russia, and a few foreigners last year from a year becomes less and less. Yes, and Volgograd as a city, change the course of history, about the veterans who are still alive and trying to survive along with the city, remember one or two times a year before the memorials 9 May and 2 February (the day the defeat of Nazi troops at Stalingrad) . The rest of the city to himself.

Cultural sphere
From a cultural sphere of things better, but there is not so sunny as we would like.
Cinema in the city enough of, thank you must be said opening a new commercial complex, which is in almost every area. Theatres much smaller, but they are still there!
As for the gastronomic places, ie cozy restaurants with a pleasant atmosphere, with a good, it is desirable to live music without chanson Stas Mikhailov and unknown mediocre voices screaming from the radio (immediately apologize to all the fans I have listed areas) then the selection is small. The whole city is captivated network Frantel and Caucasian Captive, where the atmosphere (sticky tables, tablecloths with holes) and the menu is poor. Really pleasant place to dine are not so many: Mario, Czech Yard, Bamberg, Library Pub, Bar and Grill may be another two or three institutions. Believe me, the whole city of one million - is very small.

But the culture of the citizens speaks for itself. "Attractions" Tractor district

Scope Utilities
Here reigns complete devastation. 80% of housing - is that it was built in the middle of the last century, and most of the houses were built captured by the Germans. The houses are in disrepair. To knock out money to repair a leaky roof, you need to go through seven circles of hell to know that the roof is still suitable for use, and if podstelit oilcloth in the attic, it will last another 30 years Creation of condominiums, the Criminal Code did not remedy the situation. All the same people write the complaint and still get replies. Of course, the housing stock is updated to build new houses, only afford to buy an apartment in them may not be so many people.

It is a different story. As one of the famous guests, driving on our roads: "It seems that they have after the bombing, and they are not repaired since the war».

While here, he is not right, they are repaired each year - or rather patch. Since zakidyvanie pits bricks and smearing a thin layer of asphalt not dare to call the repair.
Winter roads are not maintained once the snow melts, with him coming and asphalt. It is often carried out processions motorists flash mobs with stickers on the rear window, "Where is the road? I pay my taxes! "And rallies at which people even went to the officials, but no sense from this. If the main road you can still drive with grief in half, then turning to the secondary, or, God forbid, hitting the streets between the courts, it is possible to remain without wheels.
The infrastructure of the city
Public transport in the city is already worn out. 90% of trolleybuses and trams plying on their routes already 20 years (at best).
10% - a new transport - trams on the new high-speed route (to him no complaints) and trolley buses. And that's about the last we would like to say a few words. Despite the fact that the new trolleys are equipped with an electronic scoreboard and they go silent, the people are not happy. No, Rotor is not capricious and spoiled life people just to show their work and care about the residents of the city administration were urgently procured new trolleybuses. But so narrow that passage may be only one person, there is no second place. Now imagine the people in the winter, in the cold dressed in sheepskin coats and down jackets. In this case, even one person would feel uneasy. Therefore, dissatisfaction with new trolleybuses sounds constantly.
Giant factories that once created the image of the city of Volgograd, industrialist, now stand. There is, of course, has several shops, but by and large industrial industry "dead." Last of the Mohicans - Aluminum plant - and one closed.
One good thing - it became easier to breathe and the air cleaner, but it's small consolation to the hundreds of people who lost their jobs.
Jobs and wages
The average wage in the city - 15-20 thousand. That's if you're lucky to find a good place, because in this town hard. Opening the job, you see that only the required sales managers, preferably directly from their customer base. And the rest, working almost nowhere.
Municipal sphere
Kindergartens, which at the time were destroyed or brought to the office without missing. Women are in the queue to kindergarten with the first month of pregnancy to at least three years to get it. Open private kindergartens, but they can afford not many parents, given the average wage in the city. The monthly fee for a private kindergarten - from 10 thousand. Rubles.
Schools more, but the level of education in their parents makes every effort to enroll their children in certain, that still work, often at the idea of Soviet teachers.
Clinics and hospitals - greetings from the past with a burst of irritated people at the registry, a systematic loss of outpatients and the lack of necessary procedures on the coupons.
Due to the fact that there are no jobs, the younger population is struggling to leave. It's nice when a number of friends, family, but when your salary of 20 thousand. Per month, and rent of the modest rented apartment starts from 12 thousand., Then there can not help to think about their future in the city. But the town keeps all the status millionth probably due to visitors from the "near and far" of the Caucasus, which organize the whole settlement here.
People still one hope. What could be a World Cup that Volgograd received the right to host in the city at least something will change.