That's all the difference

Americans - professors of law at a university, the Faculty of Law, to illustrate the real existence of gender differences in the way of thinking removed a small training film.
Here's a:
Normal average living room, a table in it. At the table with his back to the viewer sits a woman. Ha table - the attributes of family life: wedding photography, something else. Woman gets out of the drawer a little green box opens (and the viewer does not see what's inside), sighs, lowers his head, begins to sob quietly, taking wedding photos, puts it face-down: At this time, the door of the room could be heard approaching footsteps and a man's voice "Honey! Are you there? "The woman quickly put something in the box, sticks it deep in a drawer, locker, puts back the photo. Included husband. Blackout. The End.
After watching the students were asked to respond in writing to questions on the film. One of the questions was: "What hides heroine from her husband?" (Remember, the students learn from lawyers) Answers the female audience were very different - from the trivial "perhaps some memory of first love" to completely improbable assumptions such as top-secret microprocessor which she stole from her husband. Of correct answers was about one to five thousand students.
Ninety percent of male students gave the correct answer: "Green Box"