In 2001, the man brutally mutilated his girlfriend, after 2 months she died. But could be called a criminal, so he was immediately left to take, but do not have time, disappeared. As it turned out, fled into the forest, dug his dugout and zalёg 10 years. Found it recently, and although officially does not say, found on the cell. Killer lived in the woods, but he wanted to get the phone, call up with relatives. On calls and calculated.
For 10 years, the offender has changed several shelters, built dugout and lived in it until the logs are not rotted. Then a new place to construct new buildings, endured there belongings and abandoned hut broke and threw the earth, should be masked. It is interesting that from the town lived very close, about five kilometers in a straight line, but the terrain is difficult, swampy - in the summer do not just walk away, bog, and in winter only by snowmobile ride can be. Last dugout, where he lived a criminal
Dugout - a small hill on the left, dark dip at the bottom - the window
And this is the entrance to the dugout. In the picture is not visible, double door. Between the outer and inner gate insulated door - steering boards meter long corridor. That's how the entrance looks like inside:
From threshold to the floor a little less than a meter.
In general, the dugout is surprisingly spacious, the man of average height can walk on it without bending the head, and even space-to-ceiling remains. Built sensibly, logs fit tightly (as seen in the picture, the offender is not even too lazy to fill the joints with mounting foam), construction staples used again.
But what in the dugout ceiling:
With corner larger foam again:
Ceiling tiles are laid out like no other comfort.
Windows also notable (in their dugout two). With double glazing, that Siberia norm. In addition the owner pasted window openings and sills shards of mirrors to the dugout fell more light:
The receiver is working, is connected to a homemade antenna on the roof of the dugout:
The detainee said that anyone from contacting did not enter, tools, materials, utensils and furniture found in a landfill. But some of the things in a more than fair condition, and not far from the dugout is gardening partnership, so that probably cottages he also robbed.
On the disorder does not pay attention, this is the result of the search. Investigators say that when they came, the situation in the dugout was quite different: copybook his farm murderer kept in perfect order, everything was laid out on shelves, sorted in bags or hanged on a nail.
Winter for drinking and cooking fugitive used melted snow that collected in milk cans:
Spiritual food:
And a way to feed themselves more serious
Journalist found in the snow at the entrance of a souvenir katana:
And this is - buried in snow microwave, which the offender used as a refrigerator. The package wrapped piece of fresh fat.
Outdoor thermometer anyone not unusual, but the device on Birches in the neighborhood already curious:
This solar battery powered tried them a cell phone.
That's the story. Lest there you have any romantic desires (in the old Russian tradition regret orphaned so poor), I remind you - this man brutally tortured girl, so she then two months slowly dying. 10 years old killer was on the federal wanted list, have - and can not show his face (exactly as called killer). Until then, until the court verdict. Insanity?
I have a photo of him from the stand "Wanted", that's what it was 10 years ago:
Source: ribalych.ru
For 10 years, the offender has changed several shelters, built dugout and lived in it until the logs are not rotted. Then a new place to construct new buildings, endured there belongings and abandoned hut broke and threw the earth, should be masked. It is interesting that from the town lived very close, about five kilometers in a straight line, but the terrain is difficult, swampy - in the summer do not just walk away, bog, and in winter only by snowmobile ride can be. Last dugout, where he lived a criminal

Dugout - a small hill on the left, dark dip at the bottom - the window

And this is the entrance to the dugout. In the picture is not visible, double door. Between the outer and inner gate insulated door - steering boards meter long corridor. That's how the entrance looks like inside:

From threshold to the floor a little less than a meter.
In general, the dugout is surprisingly spacious, the man of average height can walk on it without bending the head, and even space-to-ceiling remains. Built sensibly, logs fit tightly (as seen in the picture, the offender is not even too lazy to fill the joints with mounting foam), construction staples used again.
But what in the dugout ceiling:

With corner larger foam again:

Ceiling tiles are laid out like no other comfort.

Windows also notable (in their dugout two). With double glazing, that Siberia norm. In addition the owner pasted window openings and sills shards of mirrors to the dugout fell more light:

The receiver is working, is connected to a homemade antenna on the roof of the dugout:

The detainee said that anyone from contacting did not enter, tools, materials, utensils and furniture found in a landfill. But some of the things in a more than fair condition, and not far from the dugout is gardening partnership, so that probably cottages he also robbed.

On the disorder does not pay attention, this is the result of the search. Investigators say that when they came, the situation in the dugout was quite different: copybook his farm murderer kept in perfect order, everything was laid out on shelves, sorted in bags or hanged on a nail.

Winter for drinking and cooking fugitive used melted snow that collected in milk cans:

Spiritual food:

And a way to feed themselves more serious

Journalist found in the snow at the entrance of a souvenir katana:

And this is - buried in snow microwave, which the offender used as a refrigerator. The package wrapped piece of fresh fat.

Outdoor thermometer anyone not unusual, but the device on Birches in the neighborhood already curious:

This solar battery powered tried them a cell phone.

That's the story. Lest there you have any romantic desires (in the old Russian tradition regret orphaned so poor), I remind you - this man brutally tortured girl, so she then two months slowly dying. 10 years old killer was on the federal wanted list, have - and can not show his face (exactly as called killer). Until then, until the court verdict. Insanity?

I have a photo of him from the stand "Wanted", that's what it was 10 years ago:

Source: ribalych.ru