Who was in the retinue Voland? Black magic and its razo
Author: Mark Blau
Why is Satan in the novel MA Bulgakov Voland name? Yes, because another nickname, Mephistopheles, has been strongly linked with "Faust" IV Goethe (and with the opera by Gounod). Do not tear off! Here MA Bulgakov chose for Satan, who appeared in Moscow, another name: Foland (Voland). It is nicknamed the Devil was almost unknown to the Russian public. And in "Faust" IV Goethe, it appears only once. «Faland» German "wicked." In Russia, by the way, the devil had the same nickname.
Again, they do not play with the reader in the "guessing game"? Bulgakov (luckily) - not Chernyshevsky. Do not say the first page of the magic word, then to long, clever and boring to explain why this word was said. The name "foreign consultant" did not cause any associations, and only after some time suspected reader, and yet, perhaps, this is it.
Similarly, the reader was allowed to break his head over cryptic names improvised Voland. Names of those - derivatives of the Greek and Hebrew words. And if you know the translation, they largely lose their mystique. Let's scroll through the "devil's deck" and penetrate the mystery names diabolical henchmen.
Let's start with "V". As already mentioned, it is - Abaddon demon war, a cold-blooded killer and indifferent.
- Abaddon - quietly called Woland, and then from the wall appeared the figure of a thin man in dark glasses. These points are somehow made to Margarita was so impressed that she softly cried, burying her face in Woland's leg.
- Yes, stop - called Woland - to what modern people are nervous ... After seeing the same that he was wearing glasses. In addition, there was never the case, and not to Abaddon appeared before someone prematurely ...
- Is it possible that he took off his glasses for a moment? - Said Margarita ...
- But this is impossible, - he said seriously Woland waved Abaddon, and not to become.
The word "Abaddon" of Semitic origin and means "destruction", "extermination." In modern Hebrew root word there, having a sense of "lost", "disappear", "commit suicide." In many Semitic peoples who inhabited the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, the sun god named Abaddon. The sun in these parts - not tender Central Russian "honey" and, indeed, all sizzling killer, which should be hidden.
The ancient Greeks suffered a god in their pantheon under the name "Apollyon" (destroyer) and also made a god of the sun and ruthless killer. One of the attributes of Apollo was Apollyon-smashing bow with no arrows miss. Beautiful poetic image for the destructive sunlight! Much later, the killer became patron of the arts, and surrounded himself with a host of beauties muses. In real life, this also happens.
The following "map" - a dozen. It - soderzhatelnitsa "raspberry" vampiressa Hella.
She opened the door of the girl, which was nothing but coquettish lace apron and a white headdress on his head. On the legs, however, were the golden shoes. Adding the girl differed impeccable, and the only defect in her appearance could be considered purple scar on his neck.
Hella - the name of Greek origin. On the Mediterranean island of Lesbos (not all residents of which - lesbians!) So called prematurely dead girls, who after his death turned into a vampire. Obviously, not having enough kiss enough in his lifetime.
And the word "raspberries", which referred to his apartment thieves, not connected with fragrant berries. This distorted the Hebrew word "Melun", ie "doghouse, flophouse." "Hotel" is, and "hotel" called in Hebrew root word "Malone."
From retinue Voland most active and agile - Azazello, Koroviev-Fagot and unforgettable cat Behemoth. Why is this "charming" (according to Azazello) joker writer called hippo?
Just the opposite! This hippo is named for the mythological the monster Behemoth. This creation says God is the righteous Job, when he wants to prove his strength and weakness of man (Iov.40: 10-19).
Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eats grass like an ox; Now, his strength is in his loins, and its strength in the muscles of his belly; He moves his tail like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are intertwined; his feet like copper pipes; his bones are like bars of iron; This - the ways of God; he that made him can bring him his sword ...
"Begema" in Hebrew - "a beast, the beast." "Behemoth" - the plural of the word "animals". Tysyachesilny Behemoth - the personification of all the wild animals, the master of terrestrial animals. In demonology this word came to mean demon of carnal desires and animal propensities. One of the favorite guises the demon - a large black cat. That is what walks across Moscow jester of suites Voland.
... Third in this company appeared from nowhere who undertook a cat, a huge, like a pig, black as soot or a rook, and a desperate cavalry mustache.
Pal Behemoth, Koroviev-Fagot, too, is not averse to joke and poyurodstvovat. And the name he also strange. For bassoon - a woodwind instrument bass tone. Is not that right?
So something like that, but in this case no connection with the name of the musical instrument is not. Faggot Name demon comes from the Greek word "phago" - "devour". So hamming Koroviev, predator-eater, artist of "dirty" business. After Woland in the novel itself acts - whether evil with good - not particularly bother. Carries out, so to speak, the general management. Theorizes. And the main "work" for it carries the same cow. The "bunch" Behemoth and Azazel.
Well, that's up to the last of henchmen Voland reached. The final chapter of the novel it appears in its present form, "a demon of the waterless desert, the killer-demon". In Arabic, even pre-Islamic, and Azazel stories Avvadon - brothers killer. Man glancing eyes Avvadonu doomed. The sentence imposed. But this verdict takes Azazel. Just like in the book:
Baron turned paler than Abaddon, who was exceptionally pale by nature, and then there was something strange. Abaddon faced baron and a second took off his glasses. At the same moment something flashed in the hands Azazello something quietly slammed both hands, the baron began to fall backwards, crimson blood spurted from his chest ...
In the book of B. Akunin "Azazel" explains the young chef Erast Fandorin, and along with the reader, who is this demon.
Azazel - a fallen angel ... About scapegoats remember? So, they are, if you have forgotten, there were two. One was intended for the sins of God, and the second - Azazel, to be angry. The Jews in the "Book of Enoch" Azazel teaches people to all sorts of rubbish: Men fight and make weapons, women - face paint and corrode the fruit. In short, rebellious demon, spirit of exile.
"The Book of Enoch" - is optional reading, in the canon of sacred books, it was not included. But the story in it about the merits of the fallen angel Azazel to mankind very colorful and very reminiscent of the later Greek myth of Prometheus titanium. Azazel in Bulgakov's novel - a murderer and a deceiver. It was sent to Margarita Nikolaevna the proposal, from which she could not refuse.
Fortunately for us, gentlemen readers. Due to this we were able to see in all its glory Ball, who pitched in the proletarian Moscow Satan himself.
Artist R. Kayshauri
Why is Satan in the novel MA Bulgakov Voland name? Yes, because another nickname, Mephistopheles, has been strongly linked with "Faust" IV Goethe (and with the opera by Gounod). Do not tear off! Here MA Bulgakov chose for Satan, who appeared in Moscow, another name: Foland (Voland). It is nicknamed the Devil was almost unknown to the Russian public. And in "Faust" IV Goethe, it appears only once. «Faland» German "wicked." In Russia, by the way, the devil had the same nickname.

Again, they do not play with the reader in the "guessing game"? Bulgakov (luckily) - not Chernyshevsky. Do not say the first page of the magic word, then to long, clever and boring to explain why this word was said. The name "foreign consultant" did not cause any associations, and only after some time suspected reader, and yet, perhaps, this is it.
Similarly, the reader was allowed to break his head over cryptic names improvised Voland. Names of those - derivatives of the Greek and Hebrew words. And if you know the translation, they largely lose their mystique. Let's scroll through the "devil's deck" and penetrate the mystery names diabolical henchmen.
Let's start with "V". As already mentioned, it is - Abaddon demon war, a cold-blooded killer and indifferent.
- Abaddon - quietly called Woland, and then from the wall appeared the figure of a thin man in dark glasses. These points are somehow made to Margarita was so impressed that she softly cried, burying her face in Woland's leg.
- Yes, stop - called Woland - to what modern people are nervous ... After seeing the same that he was wearing glasses. In addition, there was never the case, and not to Abaddon appeared before someone prematurely ...
- Is it possible that he took off his glasses for a moment? - Said Margarita ...
- But this is impossible, - he said seriously Woland waved Abaddon, and not to become.
The word "Abaddon" of Semitic origin and means "destruction", "extermination." In modern Hebrew root word there, having a sense of "lost", "disappear", "commit suicide." In many Semitic peoples who inhabited the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, the sun god named Abaddon. The sun in these parts - not tender Central Russian "honey" and, indeed, all sizzling killer, which should be hidden.
The ancient Greeks suffered a god in their pantheon under the name "Apollyon" (destroyer) and also made a god of the sun and ruthless killer. One of the attributes of Apollo was Apollyon-smashing bow with no arrows miss. Beautiful poetic image for the destructive sunlight! Much later, the killer became patron of the arts, and surrounded himself with a host of beauties muses. In real life, this also happens.
The following "map" - a dozen. It - soderzhatelnitsa "raspberry" vampiressa Hella.
She opened the door of the girl, which was nothing but coquettish lace apron and a white headdress on his head. On the legs, however, were the golden shoes. Adding the girl differed impeccable, and the only defect in her appearance could be considered purple scar on his neck.
Hella - the name of Greek origin. On the Mediterranean island of Lesbos (not all residents of which - lesbians!) So called prematurely dead girls, who after his death turned into a vampire. Obviously, not having enough kiss enough in his lifetime.
And the word "raspberries", which referred to his apartment thieves, not connected with fragrant berries. This distorted the Hebrew word "Melun", ie "doghouse, flophouse." "Hotel" is, and "hotel" called in Hebrew root word "Malone."

From retinue Voland most active and agile - Azazello, Koroviev-Fagot and unforgettable cat Behemoth. Why is this "charming" (according to Azazello) joker writer called hippo?
Just the opposite! This hippo is named for the mythological the monster Behemoth. This creation says God is the righteous Job, when he wants to prove his strength and weakness of man (Iov.40: 10-19).
Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eats grass like an ox; Now, his strength is in his loins, and its strength in the muscles of his belly; He moves his tail like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are intertwined; his feet like copper pipes; his bones are like bars of iron; This - the ways of God; he that made him can bring him his sword ...
"Begema" in Hebrew - "a beast, the beast." "Behemoth" - the plural of the word "animals". Tysyachesilny Behemoth - the personification of all the wild animals, the master of terrestrial animals. In demonology this word came to mean demon of carnal desires and animal propensities. One of the favorite guises the demon - a large black cat. That is what walks across Moscow jester of suites Voland.
... Third in this company appeared from nowhere who undertook a cat, a huge, like a pig, black as soot or a rook, and a desperate cavalry mustache.

Pal Behemoth, Koroviev-Fagot, too, is not averse to joke and poyurodstvovat. And the name he also strange. For bassoon - a woodwind instrument bass tone. Is not that right?
So something like that, but in this case no connection with the name of the musical instrument is not. Faggot Name demon comes from the Greek word "phago" - "devour". So hamming Koroviev, predator-eater, artist of "dirty" business. After Woland in the novel itself acts - whether evil with good - not particularly bother. Carries out, so to speak, the general management. Theorizes. And the main "work" for it carries the same cow. The "bunch" Behemoth and Azazel.
Well, that's up to the last of henchmen Voland reached. The final chapter of the novel it appears in its present form, "a demon of the waterless desert, the killer-demon". In Arabic, even pre-Islamic, and Azazel stories Avvadon - brothers killer. Man glancing eyes Avvadonu doomed. The sentence imposed. But this verdict takes Azazel. Just like in the book:
Baron turned paler than Abaddon, who was exceptionally pale by nature, and then there was something strange. Abaddon faced baron and a second took off his glasses. At the same moment something flashed in the hands Azazello something quietly slammed both hands, the baron began to fall backwards, crimson blood spurted from his chest ...
In the book of B. Akunin "Azazel" explains the young chef Erast Fandorin, and along with the reader, who is this demon.
Azazel - a fallen angel ... About scapegoats remember? So, they are, if you have forgotten, there were two. One was intended for the sins of God, and the second - Azazel, to be angry. The Jews in the "Book of Enoch" Azazel teaches people to all sorts of rubbish: Men fight and make weapons, women - face paint and corrode the fruit. In short, rebellious demon, spirit of exile.
"The Book of Enoch" - is optional reading, in the canon of sacred books, it was not included. But the story in it about the merits of the fallen angel Azazel to mankind very colorful and very reminiscent of the later Greek myth of Prometheus titanium. Azazel in Bulgakov's novel - a murderer and a deceiver. It was sent to Margarita Nikolaevna the proposal, from which she could not refuse.
Fortunately for us, gentlemen readers. Due to this we were able to see in all its glory Ball, who pitched in the proletarian Moscow Satan himself.
Artist R. Kayshauri