Just Learn comments. Lithuania VS Russia. Twenty years later,
& gt; & gt; & gt; In fact, Russia is the same poor country. However, in the Russian oil and gas is added, which is half the income. Therefore, the result is richer than in Ukraine (at least - as long as the oil price remains above 100 $).
Of the remaining half of the economy - the lion's share of sales of other raw materials. A production as such - almost none.
Ukraine, if you go by the way that the Baltic States, will lead to the legality of the procedure would create favorable conditions for business and to encourage investment will start, then in ten years will have a modern industrial development and quality of life in 5-6 times (!) Higher. And Russia will remain in the ass.
& gt; & gt; & gt; I do not know how you been listening to propaganda, but in fact: the Baltic States - in chocolate. Of course, to the level of Germany she still 7 miles pёhom, but in the beginning of the century the average salary there was $ 50, and now in terms of income per capita, it is stable ahead of Russia (and that's without oil, gas and all of the periodic table in the depths ... and even - no large-scale industry). About nishtyaki such as the atmosphere suitable for life - I do not say anything.
State model generally unattractive ...
According to the rating of countries most attractive for business, Lithuania, for example, this year moved from 25th to 17th position in the world (Russia - 112th).
Leave out not so many. Last year in Lithuania has left 40 thousand and 20 thousand ... - returned. And that itself not to go if there are no boundaries and any EU citizen has the right and to work on a specialty and a soft loan for study at any European university (and give it will not be the student and the employer, and - not immediately, but only when the salary exceeds nehily such amount).
& gt; & gt; & gt; Assuming for the last 7 years, net migration (who had left came back negative) is an average of 10 people per 1,000 inhabitants, ie - 1%. For 2012 had left 41 thousand., Back - 20 thousand.
& gt; & gt; & gt; Russia would also be a chocolate if revenues distributed uniformly. And so - all income is concentrated in the hands of a small group of individuals. Not only that - this bunch prefers not to spend money in their own country (giving the rest of the population earn), and - abroad. It turns out that the "chocolate" only a very few.
And in Lithuania even hired employees have an average salary of slightly less than the average per capita income - $ 850. In addition, the business is not concentrated in the same hands. The 3,000,000th Lithuania about 65,000 (!) Of existing enterprises of different sizes. Ie - 1 company by 46 people, or - 1 plant 16 able-bodied citizens (counting only of this without farmers and individual entrepreneurs).