Write off the Ukrainian protest on naive ignorance - just a manifestation of naive ignorance
Paul Casarin
Independence is not a revolution. He is not anti-Russian. South-east of Ukraine - not against European integration. Misunderstanding Russians these obvious things pushes for Kiev Ukrainians of Russia.
"Yes, I'm from the Crimea." "Yes, in Kiev dvizhuha." "No, I'm not afraid." This preamble is all about my conversation with the Muscovites Independence ends and begins, in fact, "ambulatory". The last two weeks I blurts here are the things that in Kiev seem too obvious to be someone else in Moscow to explain.
First. "You have to step on the same rake in 2004».
Independence in 2013, with all the seeming relationship is different from the events of 9-year-old. In 2004, a clear boundary: there is a "pro-Western" Yushchenko is a "pro-Russian" Yanukovych said. First married to an American, the second feeds Medvedev and Putin candy at a parade on the day of the liberation of Kiev. All clear, without halftone almost Kursk. Today in Kiev there is only one Yanukovych, who behaves like a gambler. Europeans have not guessed, under any cap it claims is a ball of European integration. Russia has similar game play does not want to. But Yanukovych in any other game can not play. Therefore, the first thing that is important to understand the Russians: Yanukovych - is not the creature of Moscow, on occasion, he will throw them in the same way as the EU threw.
Second. "You in Ukraine decided that at stake EU membership, and it is not».
The vast majority of those who stand on the Maidan does not confuse. Everyone understands that the authorities foiled association with the EU (which is the first thing, is only a free trade zone) and not Ukraine's accession to the EU. Write off the Ukrainian protest on naive ignorance - just a manifestation of naive ignorance. In addition, by and large, the Maidan stands today is not so much against the failure of the Association, as against the current government, which offends the citizens of the country as an ethically and aesthetically.
Third. "You are in Kiev, police beat with sticks and chains, that's you and got it from the" Berkut ».
The Russians do not follow the chronology of the situation and are often confused about the events. We have to remind you that in fact Maidan, in fact, there were two. The first began in November, after the country's Cabinet said that suspends preparations for the signing of the Association with the EU. In the center of Kiev left several thousand people, but the activity of the very first protest rather quickly came to naught. As a result, the "Golden Eagle" on November 30 is very tough protects the area from the last couple of hundred students, chasing fleeing the city for the citizens. And the next day on the streets of the capital goes half a million Ukrainians. Because there beating people is not accepted, the citizens of this annoying. And all aggression to the law enforcement agencies have happened after the Ministry of Internal Affairs first to use force. By the way, do not be the very beating of peaceful protesters on November 30 - it may well be that no Maidan today on the streets of Kiev will not be.
Fourth. "On the Independence are nationalists».
Guys, if you're in the news show alone nationalists, this is a problem TV channels, rather than the square. Of course, in the squares, and there are radicals, but to say that Square is only one - akin to that claim that Europe's only live-sex families. Radical nationalists to act as Independence conditional tram bully - when confronted with it, you'll be walking all day in the belief that people are completely ohamel. Unaware of the numerical ratio of normal passengers and Buzoter. So here.
Fifth. "Maidan - an anti-Russian. They shout - "Who does not jump, the Muscovite».
During the three weeks of protests Ukrainian does not happen any provocations against Russian or Russian-speaking at Maidan. Even Russian correspondents goskanalov, despite its mediaktivnost, could not find willing to deliver them a black eye. About chants of "who does not jump the Muscovite" best described the mayor of Lviv, in an interview to "Rain", "not Russian Muscovites, Russian we have always respected." You just have to understand that "Muscovite" in Ukraine - it is not a national mark, and worldview. "Moskal" - is the one who puts into question the very possibility of the existence of an independent Ukrainian state projects. That's all.
Sixth. "Independence - is technology. Protesters either deceived or paid for ».
It is generally infantile tradition - to be assured that convictions may be unique to your associates. If you could make a month-long protest for the money, we would have long ago seen a counter-camp in support of Viktor Yanukovych. But it is not - and will not appear. Of course, the Maidan - a resource that try to take advantage of a variety of public and political figures. But any sentiment of citizens - it is always a resource. With this resource in any country in the world to win the elections of deputies and presidents, parliaments are formed and revolutions occur.
Seventh. "Losing Russia Yanukovych harmful».
Well, Yanukovych wins. Even remain for a second term. So what? Is he a creature of the Kremlin? Did he join the Customs Union? And why would he do if his motivation is the key to saving money and getting all the power? Or drift to the west of Ukraine violate the territorial integrity of Russia? So in fact no longer penalized, almost 22 years. Keeping industrial cooperation with Ukraine depends on the decision of Moscow, not Kiev - if the Kremlin decides to break the cooperation in the case of Ukraine's European integration, the responsibility for it certainly will not be on the Ukrainian side.
Eighth. "Independence and hostile to European integration pro-Russian south-east of Ukraine».
Here comes to the aid of knowledge of the materiel. Yes, supporters of the TC and the European Union in Ukraine, roughly equal (there is a certain percentage of oscillating). But supporters of the Ukrainian Customs Union is generally very loyal to the idea of integration with the European Union (as the polls show it, and that the policy of European integration does not produce any "Eurasian Maidan"). Which, incidentally, distinguishes them from the Ukrainian sympathizers of the EU, which is strictly against the movement of the country's northeast. After all, today, at the south-east of Ukraine have their opportunity to participate in the Ukrainian political process. When Moscow speaks of the need to protect a number of regions of Ukraine, it is thus gettoiziruet their residents in the form of the fifth column. Or the Sudeten Germans, if you like.
Ninth. "Independence - is a revolution, a revolution any worse evolution».
In fact, the revolution - it is Yanukovych. He became the first president who has broken the old paradigm of Ukrainian politics. There has been taken to put "eksov" and politprotivnikov. There has always been a polyarchy. Here, in the end, it was decided not to beat protesters. All these conditions are somehow ensure turnover of the first persons and political competition. Over the three years of Yanukovych all these rules have been violated. Maidan - a requirement to return to evolution. By the competition. Dialogue and agreements. Even if they are corporate in nature, but it's still better than the concrete wasteland of parliamentary unanimity.
All this is important because the less in Russia understand the Maidan - the more push from themselves Kiev. Because of Ukraine for the mass and virtually bloodless protest - it is one of the main reasons to respect themselves. Against the background of a stagnating economy, a crumbling industry, the social tension in the streets go up to a million people to peacefully to remind the authorities about who is power. Do not understand the nature of Ukrainian street protests - it means not to understand Ukraine. And if you do not want to understand the neighbor, it will sooner or later, there is nothing to talk with you.
The train Moscow-Kiev is about 12 hours. Welcome.
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Independence is not a revolution. He is not anti-Russian. South-east of Ukraine - not against European integration. Misunderstanding Russians these obvious things pushes for Kiev Ukrainians of Russia.
"Yes, I'm from the Crimea." "Yes, in Kiev dvizhuha." "No, I'm not afraid." This preamble is all about my conversation with the Muscovites Independence ends and begins, in fact, "ambulatory". The last two weeks I blurts here are the things that in Kiev seem too obvious to be someone else in Moscow to explain.
First. "You have to step on the same rake in 2004».
Independence in 2013, with all the seeming relationship is different from the events of 9-year-old. In 2004, a clear boundary: there is a "pro-Western" Yushchenko is a "pro-Russian" Yanukovych said. First married to an American, the second feeds Medvedev and Putin candy at a parade on the day of the liberation of Kiev. All clear, without halftone almost Kursk. Today in Kiev there is only one Yanukovych, who behaves like a gambler. Europeans have not guessed, under any cap it claims is a ball of European integration. Russia has similar game play does not want to. But Yanukovych in any other game can not play. Therefore, the first thing that is important to understand the Russians: Yanukovych - is not the creature of Moscow, on occasion, he will throw them in the same way as the EU threw.
Second. "You in Ukraine decided that at stake EU membership, and it is not».
The vast majority of those who stand on the Maidan does not confuse. Everyone understands that the authorities foiled association with the EU (which is the first thing, is only a free trade zone) and not Ukraine's accession to the EU. Write off the Ukrainian protest on naive ignorance - just a manifestation of naive ignorance. In addition, by and large, the Maidan stands today is not so much against the failure of the Association, as against the current government, which offends the citizens of the country as an ethically and aesthetically.
Third. "You are in Kiev, police beat with sticks and chains, that's you and got it from the" Berkut ».
The Russians do not follow the chronology of the situation and are often confused about the events. We have to remind you that in fact Maidan, in fact, there were two. The first began in November, after the country's Cabinet said that suspends preparations for the signing of the Association with the EU. In the center of Kiev left several thousand people, but the activity of the very first protest rather quickly came to naught. As a result, the "Golden Eagle" on November 30 is very tough protects the area from the last couple of hundred students, chasing fleeing the city for the citizens. And the next day on the streets of the capital goes half a million Ukrainians. Because there beating people is not accepted, the citizens of this annoying. And all aggression to the law enforcement agencies have happened after the Ministry of Internal Affairs first to use force. By the way, do not be the very beating of peaceful protesters on November 30 - it may well be that no Maidan today on the streets of Kiev will not be.
Fourth. "On the Independence are nationalists».
Guys, if you're in the news show alone nationalists, this is a problem TV channels, rather than the square. Of course, in the squares, and there are radicals, but to say that Square is only one - akin to that claim that Europe's only live-sex families. Radical nationalists to act as Independence conditional tram bully - when confronted with it, you'll be walking all day in the belief that people are completely ohamel. Unaware of the numerical ratio of normal passengers and Buzoter. So here.
Fifth. "Maidan - an anti-Russian. They shout - "Who does not jump, the Muscovite».
During the three weeks of protests Ukrainian does not happen any provocations against Russian or Russian-speaking at Maidan. Even Russian correspondents goskanalov, despite its mediaktivnost, could not find willing to deliver them a black eye. About chants of "who does not jump the Muscovite" best described the mayor of Lviv, in an interview to "Rain", "not Russian Muscovites, Russian we have always respected." You just have to understand that "Muscovite" in Ukraine - it is not a national mark, and worldview. "Moskal" - is the one who puts into question the very possibility of the existence of an independent Ukrainian state projects. That's all.
Sixth. "Independence - is technology. Protesters either deceived or paid for ».
It is generally infantile tradition - to be assured that convictions may be unique to your associates. If you could make a month-long protest for the money, we would have long ago seen a counter-camp in support of Viktor Yanukovych. But it is not - and will not appear. Of course, the Maidan - a resource that try to take advantage of a variety of public and political figures. But any sentiment of citizens - it is always a resource. With this resource in any country in the world to win the elections of deputies and presidents, parliaments are formed and revolutions occur.
Seventh. "Losing Russia Yanukovych harmful».
Well, Yanukovych wins. Even remain for a second term. So what? Is he a creature of the Kremlin? Did he join the Customs Union? And why would he do if his motivation is the key to saving money and getting all the power? Or drift to the west of Ukraine violate the territorial integrity of Russia? So in fact no longer penalized, almost 22 years. Keeping industrial cooperation with Ukraine depends on the decision of Moscow, not Kiev - if the Kremlin decides to break the cooperation in the case of Ukraine's European integration, the responsibility for it certainly will not be on the Ukrainian side.
Eighth. "Independence and hostile to European integration pro-Russian south-east of Ukraine».
Here comes to the aid of knowledge of the materiel. Yes, supporters of the TC and the European Union in Ukraine, roughly equal (there is a certain percentage of oscillating). But supporters of the Ukrainian Customs Union is generally very loyal to the idea of integration with the European Union (as the polls show it, and that the policy of European integration does not produce any "Eurasian Maidan"). Which, incidentally, distinguishes them from the Ukrainian sympathizers of the EU, which is strictly against the movement of the country's northeast. After all, today, at the south-east of Ukraine have their opportunity to participate in the Ukrainian political process. When Moscow speaks of the need to protect a number of regions of Ukraine, it is thus gettoiziruet their residents in the form of the fifth column. Or the Sudeten Germans, if you like.
Ninth. "Independence - is a revolution, a revolution any worse evolution».
In fact, the revolution - it is Yanukovych. He became the first president who has broken the old paradigm of Ukrainian politics. There has been taken to put "eksov" and politprotivnikov. There has always been a polyarchy. Here, in the end, it was decided not to beat protesters. All these conditions are somehow ensure turnover of the first persons and political competition. Over the three years of Yanukovych all these rules have been violated. Maidan - a requirement to return to evolution. By the competition. Dialogue and agreements. Even if they are corporate in nature, but it's still better than the concrete wasteland of parliamentary unanimity.
All this is important because the less in Russia understand the Maidan - the more push from themselves Kiev. Because of Ukraine for the mass and virtually bloodless protest - it is one of the main reasons to respect themselves. Against the background of a stagnating economy, a crumbling industry, the social tension in the streets go up to a million people to peacefully to remind the authorities about who is power. Do not understand the nature of Ukrainian street protests - it means not to understand Ukraine. And if you do not want to understand the neighbor, it will sooner or later, there is nothing to talk with you.
The train Moscow-Kiev is about 12 hours. Welcome.
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