# Euromaidan

Friends, I propose to discuss it here. Who thinks that? Will the development? Do downtime night? Does gather hundreds of thousands?
Who does not know Maidan came several thousand people protesting against the slowing European integration, yes, yes, it was on the news talking about slowing down.
Vіlnyus. He / pіdpisannya. Gromadska ONLINE. 29 leaf fall
Live broadcast from Maidan, from Radio Liberty
UPD: today, by the way, the ninth anniversary of the Orange Revolution. It's a sign!)
UPD2: very pleased that tweet and Human Services. networks, many from other regions, or even countries (those who are from Ukraine) are planning to go to Kiev that would defend their rights. Highly recommend on Twitter at hashtag # Euromaidan follow the news very quickly updated.
UPD3: Meanwhile, # Euromaidan stepped into the world of Twitter trends.