Census a known resource of an interesting Russian kraudfandingovom project.
Crowdfunding (national funding from the English. Srowd funding, srowd - "the crowd», funding - «Financing") - a collective cooperation of people who voluntarily pooling their money and other resources together, usually via the Internet, to support the efforts of others or organizations. Fundraising can be used for different purposes - assistance to victims of natural disasters, the support from the fans, supporting political campaigns, funding for start-up companies and small businesses, the creation of free software, profit from joint investments and much more.
Initially, the goal must be notified, to determine the necessary amount of money is made calculation of all costs, and information in the course of raising funds should be open to all.
The project that I want to tell you today, has become a unique for our country, and maybe (I hope so), will be the first example of a qualitatively new approach to the creation of feature films for the world of cinema. I'm talking about the movie "28 Panfilov," which began filming for director Andrew Shalopa. You may have already read about the film and what it is unusual, but it is possible that you, like me, this information still has not got over his eyes. Therefore (though not the only reason - details later), I decided to talk about this film. But first - how it all began.
Actually the idea of the film and the script were born in 2009, but all kinds of public institutions and producers do not generate interest project patriotic film. Unfortunately, profit comes from just having fun, and beautifully filmed on the patterns of Hollywood cinema. And the war - it's not fun and beautiful, but also Hollywood, honestly, nicherta does not know what a real war. But do not let the bad news. Thus, the search for money to no avail, and he decided to appeal directly to the audience. He is a future film crew has prepared two small clips on the future of the film and submitted them to the court the public Internet. At the same time Bumstartere was launched to raise funds for filming - just a month planned to collect 300 thousand rubles. Amount for the movie tiny, but it had to show - whether a movie viewer as general interest in the subject the people of Russia. Scheduled money collected in two days, and the end of the fundraising amount exceeded 3 million rubles:
And that 5% of the cost of producing the film, which is estimated at 60 million. Against the background of the budgets of other contemporary Russian films about the war looks modest amount, but the director believes that there should be enough. "We will not save. We just will not steal. "- Andrei said in a recent interview.
Everything happened in the summer of this year and, unfortunately, I did miss this important event. Meanwhile, it took only a few months, and the crew on the money collected has already produced a six-minute video to and report to the audience and be in possession of material that can be shown to colleagues on the shop floor and kinochinovnikam. And before proceeding, I suggest you watch the three-minute excerpt from the footage.
This video was published on November 25, resumed raising funds for the continuation of filming. And, apparently, the future audience appreciated footage: 10 days from the date of publication has been collected more than 3 million. Rubles. So today we have a chance to witness a unique event - the creation of a full-length feature film, fully financed by the audience. At the moment, I know of only one feature film, money for filming which is partially collected in the same manner. This is a fantastic comedy "Iron Sky", filmed by Finnish filmmakers. Future viewers of the film has collected 16% (1, 2 million Euro) of the total budget picture. At the moment, a campaign to raise funds for the film "28 Panfilov" brought the authors to film a 6, 2 million rubles, which is 10, 7% of the total budget, while ideally the entire amount for the filming must be received by the audience - just such a purpose standing in front of the filmmakers.
So I told her about crowdfunding and film, remains to clarify - at what is freedom? In fact, this third factor turned out to be decisive for me in the desire to spend a couple of hours trying to talk about the project. See for yourself: in recent years we have lived with the hope that one day Russia will have removed a great movie that would not be ashamed to look at themselves and show others. Unfortunately, almost all the premiers have brought only disappointment, and especially the films on military subjects: from the frantic thrash "Burnt by the Sun - 2" and ending with the freshly baked infantile "Stalingrad". The viewer of these films were not necessary, but who ask him? Budget money (ie, the same spectator) generously allocated for the filming of the next "masterpiece". And for the first time the audience had the chance to speak directly with the director, and decide what you need to shoot a movie. Today I personally supervise, where are my money, what movies they removed me freely walk around all the bureaucratic barriers, which in the film industry a huge number, I deprive a gain numerous crooks and speculators from the movie business, who are used to fill the pocket of paid my taxes, I can communicate directly with authors of the film, I myself consciously participate in the creation of this film, which is a long time dream to see - is not freedom?
The official website of the film 28panfilovcev.com/
Source: habrahabr.ru

Crowdfunding (national funding from the English. Srowd funding, srowd - "the crowd», funding - «Financing") - a collective cooperation of people who voluntarily pooling their money and other resources together, usually via the Internet, to support the efforts of others or organizations. Fundraising can be used for different purposes - assistance to victims of natural disasters, the support from the fans, supporting political campaigns, funding for start-up companies and small businesses, the creation of free software, profit from joint investments and much more.
Initially, the goal must be notified, to determine the necessary amount of money is made calculation of all costs, and information in the course of raising funds should be open to all.
The project that I want to tell you today, has become a unique for our country, and maybe (I hope so), will be the first example of a qualitatively new approach to the creation of feature films for the world of cinema. I'm talking about the movie "28 Panfilov," which began filming for director Andrew Shalopa. You may have already read about the film and what it is unusual, but it is possible that you, like me, this information still has not got over his eyes. Therefore (though not the only reason - details later), I decided to talk about this film. But first - how it all began.
Actually the idea of the film and the script were born in 2009, but all kinds of public institutions and producers do not generate interest project patriotic film. Unfortunately, profit comes from just having fun, and beautifully filmed on the patterns of Hollywood cinema. And the war - it's not fun and beautiful, but also Hollywood, honestly, nicherta does not know what a real war. But do not let the bad news. Thus, the search for money to no avail, and he decided to appeal directly to the audience. He is a future film crew has prepared two small clips on the future of the film and submitted them to the court the public Internet. At the same time Bumstartere was launched to raise funds for filming - just a month planned to collect 300 thousand rubles. Amount for the movie tiny, but it had to show - whether a movie viewer as general interest in the subject the people of Russia. Scheduled money collected in two days, and the end of the fundraising amount exceeded 3 million rubles:

And that 5% of the cost of producing the film, which is estimated at 60 million. Against the background of the budgets of other contemporary Russian films about the war looks modest amount, but the director believes that there should be enough. "We will not save. We just will not steal. "- Andrei said in a recent interview.
Everything happened in the summer of this year and, unfortunately, I did miss this important event. Meanwhile, it took only a few months, and the crew on the money collected has already produced a six-minute video to and report to the audience and be in possession of material that can be shown to colleagues on the shop floor and kinochinovnikam. And before proceeding, I suggest you watch the three-minute excerpt from the footage.
This video was published on November 25, resumed raising funds for the continuation of filming. And, apparently, the future audience appreciated footage: 10 days from the date of publication has been collected more than 3 million. Rubles. So today we have a chance to witness a unique event - the creation of a full-length feature film, fully financed by the audience. At the moment, I know of only one feature film, money for filming which is partially collected in the same manner. This is a fantastic comedy "Iron Sky", filmed by Finnish filmmakers. Future viewers of the film has collected 16% (1, 2 million Euro) of the total budget picture. At the moment, a campaign to raise funds for the film "28 Panfilov" brought the authors to film a 6, 2 million rubles, which is 10, 7% of the total budget, while ideally the entire amount for the filming must be received by the audience - just such a purpose standing in front of the filmmakers.
So I told her about crowdfunding and film, remains to clarify - at what is freedom? In fact, this third factor turned out to be decisive for me in the desire to spend a couple of hours trying to talk about the project. See for yourself: in recent years we have lived with the hope that one day Russia will have removed a great movie that would not be ashamed to look at themselves and show others. Unfortunately, almost all the premiers have brought only disappointment, and especially the films on military subjects: from the frantic thrash "Burnt by the Sun - 2" and ending with the freshly baked infantile "Stalingrad". The viewer of these films were not necessary, but who ask him? Budget money (ie, the same spectator) generously allocated for the filming of the next "masterpiece". And for the first time the audience had the chance to speak directly with the director, and decide what you need to shoot a movie. Today I personally supervise, where are my money, what movies they removed me freely walk around all the bureaucratic barriers, which in the film industry a huge number, I deprive a gain numerous crooks and speculators from the movie business, who are used to fill the pocket of paid my taxes, I can communicate directly with authors of the film, I myself consciously participate in the creation of this film, which is a long time dream to see - is not freedom?
The official website of the film 28panfilovcev.com/
Source: habrahabr.ru