Girl Jan
Blind Dolphin Yan Yan cured blind girl from Kemerovo. Yana had congenital blindness. The family Kemerovo Anatoly Mazurok trucker and his wife Alla first child waited many years. Alla bad heart, doctors forbade her to give birth. But she dreamed of her daughter. And when the wife is no longer thought of the child, the long-awaited news: they will have the baby!
36-year-old Alla felt fine and went to work as a shop. But once, when he was already in the 30th week of pregnancy, lifted the heavy box and felt a severe pain in the abdomen ... The woman was taken to hospital where she gave birth prematurely and the girl.
Baby Yanochka then weighed just 1650 grams.
Mom Jana was discharged from the hospital. Then - I went to a happy life, with sleepless nights, agukanem, swimming and walking.
However, at 6 months, it became clear that Ian did not see:
- I finally realized that my daughter does not see me, nor toys. And in a year or two we were told doctors that Yana is also a children's cerebral paralysis, and it will not stand or walk ... I was offered to abandon the sick daughter, but I bring it could not.
... During the first 9 years of fighting the disease grown up Ian, to gain weight to 90 kg, was considered incurable by doctors completely. But Ian with Mom and Dad continued to believe and wait.
And - the first miracle happened. Coming to the sea, "mermaid" Ian hesitantly lowered into the water and taking a dolphin fins for Jan, he smiled and stuck with him in the blue water fantastic, fraternal embrace. So, if they were old friends, though they knew each other in previous lives and meeting them - regularity.
Then the dolphin "kissed" her nose on the forehead.
And Ian it - in the "chin».
And the girl suddenly tense forehead smoothed.
- Dolphin found the right spot and took the headache that constantly tormented years Jan - surprised mother. - On the third day, after the meetings, and the game-treatment with another dolphin, Jan took two steps, herself!
... Saying goodbye to the dolphins, going back from Yalta, in Kuzbass, Jan begged to give her the dolphin promised to settle it at home, in the bathroom.
Yang sad before parting.
Ian cried, saying that the dolphin would die of boredom.
Girl and dolphin calmed down only when they heard the firm commitment of doctors and relatives that Ian will come again in July.
It took several months. And hopeless diagnoses struggle which began dolphin replaced by a new miracle. Israeli doctors, studied the medical history of the Yana, invite her for surgery right now and promise to put Ian on his feet.
36-year-old Alla felt fine and went to work as a shop. But once, when he was already in the 30th week of pregnancy, lifted the heavy box and felt a severe pain in the abdomen ... The woman was taken to hospital where she gave birth prematurely and the girl.
Baby Yanochka then weighed just 1650 grams.

Mom Jana was discharged from the hospital. Then - I went to a happy life, with sleepless nights, agukanem, swimming and walking.
However, at 6 months, it became clear that Ian did not see:
- I finally realized that my daughter does not see me, nor toys. And in a year or two we were told doctors that Yana is also a children's cerebral paralysis, and it will not stand or walk ... I was offered to abandon the sick daughter, but I bring it could not.
... During the first 9 years of fighting the disease grown up Ian, to gain weight to 90 kg, was considered incurable by doctors completely. But Ian with Mom and Dad continued to believe and wait.
And - the first miracle happened. Coming to the sea, "mermaid" Ian hesitantly lowered into the water and taking a dolphin fins for Jan, he smiled and stuck with him in the blue water fantastic, fraternal embrace. So, if they were old friends, though they knew each other in previous lives and meeting them - regularity.
Then the dolphin "kissed" her nose on the forehead.
And Ian it - in the "chin».
And the girl suddenly tense forehead smoothed.
- Dolphin found the right spot and took the headache that constantly tormented years Jan - surprised mother. - On the third day, after the meetings, and the game-treatment with another dolphin, Jan took two steps, herself!

... Saying goodbye to the dolphins, going back from Yalta, in Kuzbass, Jan begged to give her the dolphin promised to settle it at home, in the bathroom.
Yang sad before parting.
Ian cried, saying that the dolphin would die of boredom.
Girl and dolphin calmed down only when they heard the firm commitment of doctors and relatives that Ian will come again in July.
It took several months. And hopeless diagnoses struggle which began dolphin replaced by a new miracle. Israeli doctors, studied the medical history of the Yana, invite her for surgery right now and promise to put Ian on his feet.
