10 interesting facts about space:
1. The moon is moving away from Earth. Each year, the Moon is moving away from Earth at a distance of about 4 cm. The reasons for this are many, one of them - slowing down the Earth's rotation period of 2 milliseconds per day. Scientists do not know how the moon formed, suggest that it is - a fragment of the Earth, "chipped" large cosmic body, which struck the surface of the Earth billions of years ago, many
2. Sun loses more than a billion kilogram per second. This occurs through the solar wind - a stream of particles from the surface of the sun moving in different directions. The nature and the reasons for it is not yet fully understood. By the way, one tiny particles of the solar wind (the size of a poppy seed) is enough to kill a person at a distance of 160 km.
3. When a scientist William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus in 1781, he received the right to name his discovery. He chose the name Georgium Sidus (George's Star), in honor of King George III. That's what a scientist on this occasion said: "In the past, the names of the planets were given the names of famous gods - Mercury, Venus, Mars and others. In modern philosophical time I want to do otherwise. If the descendants of demand - when it was open the last planet of the solar system? The answer will be very honorable - During the reign of King George III ». Uranus was the first planet discovered with a telescope.
4. Sunspots - one of the reasons for the special sound of Stradivarius violins. Antonio Stradivari violin is an outstanding master who lived in the 17-18 century. Scientists can not figure out why his violin sound in a special way, however, they discovered that the wood he used, is very important for the sound of the violin. During 1500-1800 years the Earth experienced a Little Ice Age, associated with an increase in volcanic activity and a decrease in solar activity (the Maunder minimum). As a result of trees, which grow while very hard (because of the slow growth). This material is best suited for the production of violins.
5. If the two pieces of metal adjoin in space, they are welded to each other if they are not surface will be oxidized. On Earth, this does not happen, because in the atmosphere at the surface oxides are formed immediately.
6. The car moving at an average speed of 60 miles per hour, it would take about 48 million years to reach the nearest star (after the Sun) - Proxima Centauri.
7. Ganymede, the largest satellite of the planet Jupiter in size exceeds the planet Mercury. The diameter of Ganymede is about 5269 kilometers.
8. Day of the planet Mercury twice as long as a year. Mercury rotates on its axis very slowly, and one revolution around the sun takes a little less than 88 days.
9. Neutron stars are the strongest magnets in the universe. The magnetic field of a neutron star is a million million times larger than the Earth's magnetic field. If you fill a teaspoon of the substance that makes up a neutron star, its weight will be about 110 million tons!
10. All human beings in weightlessness than about five centimeters. On Earth, gravity pressure on the spine, but in the space of the spine do not press, and he crushes the entire length.