10 most common myths about the cosmos, the birth of cinema.
Myth №1. In Space sounds are heard.
On Earth, because of the atmosphere of any objects connected to each other with respect to the dense medium. Evolution has created a way of collecting and interpreting the vibration of air or fluid around that allows you to get useful information about the world. In space there is no atmosphere or liquid through which to vibration waves. And this means that the sound can not be. Sound of the engine and explosions - it's just a fiction filmmakers.
Myth №2. In the space froze instantly.
Yes, in theory, space is very cold, but the heat transfer occurs only through the physical interaction of the particles. In the absence around the particles can "absorb" the body temperature, it is cooled in the open space is very slow. Man suffocate faster in space than freeze to death
Myth №3. In space, you can accelerate beskonechno.
Some believe that without air resistance, or the force of gravity, gradually accelerating objects can achieve almost infinite speed. In fact, such a problem is the lack of acceleration fuel source, which can serve as an infinitely.
Myth №4. In space, there are fires and vzryvy.
Fire - this is a reaction of combustion gases in the air. Without air there is no combustion. The maximum that can be seen in space - flash, which will "eat" the air from the space shuttle.
Myth №5. Soviet cosmonauts in space written in pencil.
In the US, people tell that while NASA spent millions of dollars and years to handle the invention capable to write in zero gravity, Soviet cosmonauts used graphite pencils. But it is worth remembering that in the world graphite tiny chips left by a pencil, deposited on paper or fall to the ground and in orbit, they would have floated in weightlessness, and be absorbed into the circulation air. As a result, the astronauts would have breathed graphite, and this is unacceptable.
6. On the surface of Mars can explode from internal pressure or zadohnutsya.
Because Mars has a very rarefied atmosphere, people there will certainly suffocate. But it is impossible to blow up because of internal pressure for that person is simply not enough. There were even cases recorded depressurization in space suits, and nothing happened.
Myth №7. Astronauts flying around vehicles on jetpacks.
Despite the fact that with the help of compressed air can really maneuver packs are not normally used as it is portrayed in the movies. In practice, packs are intended for use only in the event that an astronaut accidentally sail by ship to an unsafe distance. In addition, without the use of special large backpacks with compressed air far to the knapsack not fly.
Myth №8. After the asteroid belt is very difficult to fly.
Films have created a very common misconception about the asteroid belt. Yes, they are very high density, but only on space standards: half a kilometer chunks flying at a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers apart.
Myth №9. There is a "Dark Side of the Moon" .
The fact that earthlings never see the back side of the moon, does not mean that it never gets sunlight. As the Earth revolves around the sun and the moon around the earth, and every part of the moon is illuminated by the sun. Just the Moon always faces the Earth on one side.
Myth №10. In space, astronauts are in full nevesomosti.
It is often said about the possible health effects of living in a "zero gravity", but the reality is that no one ever really been in weightlessness. Just remember that no one has ever been on the moon, and the moon enters the Earth's gravitational field. This allows gravity astronauts "float».

On Earth, because of the atmosphere of any objects connected to each other with respect to the dense medium. Evolution has created a way of collecting and interpreting the vibration of air or fluid around that allows you to get useful information about the world. In space there is no atmosphere or liquid through which to vibration waves. And this means that the sound can not be. Sound of the engine and explosions - it's just a fiction filmmakers.
Myth №2. In the space froze instantly.

Yes, in theory, space is very cold, but the heat transfer occurs only through the physical interaction of the particles. In the absence around the particles can "absorb" the body temperature, it is cooled in the open space is very slow. Man suffocate faster in space than freeze to death
Myth №3. In space, you can accelerate beskonechno.

Some believe that without air resistance, or the force of gravity, gradually accelerating objects can achieve almost infinite speed. In fact, such a problem is the lack of acceleration fuel source, which can serve as an infinitely.
Myth №4. In space, there are fires and vzryvy.

Fire - this is a reaction of combustion gases in the air. Without air there is no combustion. The maximum that can be seen in space - flash, which will "eat" the air from the space shuttle.
Myth №5. Soviet cosmonauts in space written in pencil.

In the US, people tell that while NASA spent millions of dollars and years to handle the invention capable to write in zero gravity, Soviet cosmonauts used graphite pencils. But it is worth remembering that in the world graphite tiny chips left by a pencil, deposited on paper or fall to the ground and in orbit, they would have floated in weightlessness, and be absorbed into the circulation air. As a result, the astronauts would have breathed graphite, and this is unacceptable.
6. On the surface of Mars can explode from internal pressure or zadohnutsya.

Because Mars has a very rarefied atmosphere, people there will certainly suffocate. But it is impossible to blow up because of internal pressure for that person is simply not enough. There were even cases recorded depressurization in space suits, and nothing happened.
Myth №7. Astronauts flying around vehicles on jetpacks.

Despite the fact that with the help of compressed air can really maneuver packs are not normally used as it is portrayed in the movies. In practice, packs are intended for use only in the event that an astronaut accidentally sail by ship to an unsafe distance. In addition, without the use of special large backpacks with compressed air far to the knapsack not fly.
Myth №8. After the asteroid belt is very difficult to fly.

Films have created a very common misconception about the asteroid belt. Yes, they are very high density, but only on space standards: half a kilometer chunks flying at a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers apart.
Myth №9. There is a "Dark Side of the Moon" .

The fact that earthlings never see the back side of the moon, does not mean that it never gets sunlight. As the Earth revolves around the sun and the moon around the earth, and every part of the moon is illuminated by the sun. Just the Moon always faces the Earth on one side.
Myth №10. In space, astronauts are in full nevesomosti.

It is often said about the possible health effects of living in a "zero gravity", but the reality is that no one ever really been in weightlessness. Just remember that no one has ever been on the moon, and the moon enters the Earth's gravitational field. This allows gravity astronauts "float».