10 interesting facts about space and astronauts
1. Many people know or suspect that any liquid in the space of the body (blood, lymph) is evenly distributed throughout the body (it ceases to operate Earth's gravity). This causes swelling of the face and nasal blockage of the channel. In this regard, as the bones lose calcium and kidney failure occurs, the muscles atrophy, thereby slowing down the bowels and quickens the heartbeat.
2. flown in space increases the growth of people. This is due to the fact that the spine weightless subpressure. The average growth for the astronaut while in space is increased by 5 centimeters.
3. According to the results of studies that were conducted in 2001, the astronauts who snored in his sleep while on Earth, during their stay in space by getting rid of snoring. As for sleeping, it is an astronaut in orbit is very sensitive. A very important role in this is the fact that the day comes 16 Sunrise, resulting in circadian rhythm is disrupted.
4. Awakening American astronauts going through music, which each astronaut chooses for himself individually. A wake American astronauts to the space tracking station in Houston (Houston). But if an international crew, the awakening is happening with the help of an alarm clock.
5. The space is prohibited to send women with breast implants, as in space, they can burst.
6. Salt and pepper to food the astronauts eat, but - in the form of a liquid, as the grains of salt and pepper randomly moving in a vacuum can enter the respiratory system and cause breathing difficulties.
7. In the event of leakage protective suit during the stay in the open space is strictly forbidden to hold your breath, as this may lead to rupture of the lungs mean a sharp decrease pressure. But the explosion of a person, as shown in some movies will not happen. Man can kill a lack of oxygen in the blood, but it must be at least 2 minutes of a man in a vacuum. Also there is an intensive vacuum in the evaporation of moisture contained in the nasal cavity of human eyes and tongue.
8. Immediately after the astronauts return to Earth to help move because their muscles during atrophy in space because of the low pressure and the absence of gravity. Therefore, returning to Earth, many astronauts called the "second birth." Also, astronauts returned to Earth again have to get used to the fact that all or drop - drops.
9. All For space exploration humanity itself during his stay in space no one was killed. All 18 astronauts died either during takeoff spacecraft, or when returning from orbit.
10. The Earth in the solar system has a planet-double.
And this is no joke. After studying scientists photographs obtained from research of space probes on Saturn - Titan, have been seen rivers, seas and volcanoes. Like the Earth Titan has a dense atmosphere in which, as in the Earth's atmosphere contains 75% nitrogen. The distance between the earth and the sun is proportional to the distance between Saturn and Titan. The weight ratio of the Earth and the Sun is the same as the weight ratio of titanium to mass Saturn. But mankind never "smiles" a dip in the seas and rivers of Titan. Because they are composed mainly of methane and propane. A Titan's volcanoes are different from Earth because they cryogenic. And during the eruptions released into the atmosphere is the same, methane, propane, and ice water. Also, scientists believe that Titan may be the simplest forms of life, and bacteria, which serves as a habitat is under the surface of Titan giant ocean, which is 90% water.
2. flown in space increases the growth of people. This is due to the fact that the spine weightless subpressure. The average growth for the astronaut while in space is increased by 5 centimeters.
3. According to the results of studies that were conducted in 2001, the astronauts who snored in his sleep while on Earth, during their stay in space by getting rid of snoring. As for sleeping, it is an astronaut in orbit is very sensitive. A very important role in this is the fact that the day comes 16 Sunrise, resulting in circadian rhythm is disrupted.
4. Awakening American astronauts going through music, which each astronaut chooses for himself individually. A wake American astronauts to the space tracking station in Houston (Houston). But if an international crew, the awakening is happening with the help of an alarm clock.
5. The space is prohibited to send women with breast implants, as in space, they can burst.

6. Salt and pepper to food the astronauts eat, but - in the form of a liquid, as the grains of salt and pepper randomly moving in a vacuum can enter the respiratory system and cause breathing difficulties.
7. In the event of leakage protective suit during the stay in the open space is strictly forbidden to hold your breath, as this may lead to rupture of the lungs mean a sharp decrease pressure. But the explosion of a person, as shown in some movies will not happen. Man can kill a lack of oxygen in the blood, but it must be at least 2 minutes of a man in a vacuum. Also there is an intensive vacuum in the evaporation of moisture contained in the nasal cavity of human eyes and tongue.
8. Immediately after the astronauts return to Earth to help move because their muscles during atrophy in space because of the low pressure and the absence of gravity. Therefore, returning to Earth, many astronauts called the "second birth." Also, astronauts returned to Earth again have to get used to the fact that all or drop - drops.
9. All For space exploration humanity itself during his stay in space no one was killed. All 18 astronauts died either during takeoff spacecraft, or when returning from orbit.

10. The Earth in the solar system has a planet-double.
And this is no joke. After studying scientists photographs obtained from research of space probes on Saturn - Titan, have been seen rivers, seas and volcanoes. Like the Earth Titan has a dense atmosphere in which, as in the Earth's atmosphere contains 75% nitrogen. The distance between the earth and the sun is proportional to the distance between Saturn and Titan. The weight ratio of the Earth and the Sun is the same as the weight ratio of titanium to mass Saturn. But mankind never "smiles" a dip in the seas and rivers of Titan. Because they are composed mainly of methane and propane. A Titan's volcanoes are different from Earth because they cryogenic. And during the eruptions released into the atmosphere is the same, methane, propane, and ice water. Also, scientists believe that Titan may be the simplest forms of life, and bacteria, which serves as a habitat is under the surface of Titan giant ocean, which is 90% water.
