And he liked it !?
You know, there are couples: beautiful OH - smart, talented, brilliant, beautiful, and it is - a gentle, quiet, nice. Gray mouse. Well, not quite, or mouse, but frankly ugly girl. Or just ordinary. And there's one small detail: the pairs are most often found on the same wavelength, it feels like the rest of them do not exist. They are happy.
And you look at them you think: well, that he see in her?
Alain Delon and Romy Schneider
Not that Romy was not pretty or ugly. Just looks it to me extremely uncomfortable - the high forehead, small mouth, a strange landing eyes. And this woman is the copyright of the most beautiful man of the planet.
Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis
Do not know what annoys me more - this vile Scherbinka between the teeth or the fact that this woman is married to Johnny himself.
John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Yoko I like, but to be honest, with the appearance of her very unlucky. But luck with men. Lennon, by the way, was not a handsome man, but if he John Lennon was still beautiful, it would be too much for one person.
Danila Kozlovsky and Urszula
Urszula must have a very good man, once it drew the attention of one of the most prevlekatelnoy actors of our cinema. Well very much faded from her appearance.
And you look at them you think: well, that he see in her?
Alain Delon and Romy Schneider
Not that Romy was not pretty or ugly. Just looks it to me extremely uncomfortable - the high forehead, small mouth, a strange landing eyes. And this woman is the copyright of the most beautiful man of the planet.

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis
Do not know what annoys me more - this vile Scherbinka between the teeth or the fact that this woman is married to Johnny himself.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Yoko I like, but to be honest, with the appearance of her very unlucky. But luck with men. Lennon, by the way, was not a handsome man, but if he John Lennon was still beautiful, it would be too much for one person.

Danila Kozlovsky and Urszula
Urszula must have a very good man, once it drew the attention of one of the most prevlekatelnoy actors of our cinema. Well very much faded from her appearance.