Dr. Yang
Dr. Ian Anthony (Dr. Youn) ranked in the top list of doctors who specialize in cosmetic surgery. He has appeared in various shows on television (Rachael Ray Show, E! Television's Dr. 90210, CNN, The Montel Williams Show, America's Newsroom on the Fox News Channel, the O'Reilly Factor, the E! Special Celebrity Plastic Surgery, Happening Now on the Fox News Channel, Fox 2 Detroit, NBC Channel 4 Detroit, ABC Channel 7 Detroit, Proper Television's TV Made Me Do It, and others.), published his work, and also a member of the editorial board of various publications.
Silicone implants do not see anyone today. Breast increase even with the girls next door, to say nothing about celebrities. Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Victoria Beckham, Heidi Montag, Tara Reid, Sarah Jessica Parker, Fergie and so on, the list is endless, given that artificially bolshegrudaya ranks are growing.
Big breasts has become a standard that does not make a special girl. However, among the Hollywood beauties, there are those who have remained true to their nature.
In his blog, Dr. Yang says that the Olsen sisters quarreled because of silicone implants. The point is, at one point Ashley decided that it and the world lacking its front portion. But being "one of the" actress ought not to stand out from the sisters, making one or the other should do. However, Mary-Kate with this strongly disagrees. She's tired of being in the constant shadow of an older (though a couple of minutes) and sisters want to do and look like you want it to her. He reports that the Pointer Sisters Mary-Kate displays angry. She believes that clothes look better on her tiny body, rather than a rounded, which wants to Ashley.
As long as the dispute is not resolved, everything remains as it is: the twins are identical, but the breast - first size.
Keira Knightley is also not decided on the operation. In an interview, the actress admitted that she had no breasts and her body in profile carefully adjusted for posters. Meanwhile, it has been steadily losing weight. The very Keira Knightley refuses to acknowledge that anorexia. Whatever it was, along with the weight, which is no longer a once reduced and chest. "It is a pity that so leaves. Cyrus a very beautiful girl, but it's time to stop losing weight, or her skin will look old, and his face will become bony, "- says Dr. Yang.
It would be great if Cyrus listened to his advice and kept their individuality.

Silicone implants do not see anyone today. Breast increase even with the girls next door, to say nothing about celebrities. Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Victoria Beckham, Heidi Montag, Tara Reid, Sarah Jessica Parker, Fergie and so on, the list is endless, given that artificially bolshegrudaya ranks are growing.
Big breasts has become a standard that does not make a special girl. However, among the Hollywood beauties, there are those who have remained true to their nature.
In his blog, Dr. Yang says that the Olsen sisters quarreled because of silicone implants. The point is, at one point Ashley decided that it and the world lacking its front portion. But being "one of the" actress ought not to stand out from the sisters, making one or the other should do. However, Mary-Kate with this strongly disagrees. She's tired of being in the constant shadow of an older (though a couple of minutes) and sisters want to do and look like you want it to her. He reports that the Pointer Sisters Mary-Kate displays angry. She believes that clothes look better on her tiny body, rather than a rounded, which wants to Ashley.
As long as the dispute is not resolved, everything remains as it is: the twins are identical, but the breast - first size.

Keira Knightley is also not decided on the operation. In an interview, the actress admitted that she had no breasts and her body in profile carefully adjusted for posters. Meanwhile, it has been steadily losing weight. The very Keira Knightley refuses to acknowledge that anorexia. Whatever it was, along with the weight, which is no longer a once reduced and chest. "It is a pity that so leaves. Cyrus a very beautiful girl, but it's time to stop losing weight, or her skin will look old, and his face will become bony, "- says Dr. Yang.
It would be great if Cyrus listened to his advice and kept their individuality.