The royal family through the eyes of Alison Jackson
The buzz surrounding the royal family gradually subside, but numerous photographs, remaining after the wedding of Prince William and present "Cinderella XXI century" Kate Middleton, and inspire millions of girls are forced to admire, dreamed of a fairytale marriage. But we have to be other, less noble and exquisite view of the royal family, which offers to our attention a scandalous and provocative photographer Alison Jackson.
Get acquainted with the work of Alison Jackson in more detail can click on this link vev.ru/blogs/provokacionnye-i-neordinarnye-raboty-fotografa-elison-dzhekson.html
The royal wedding was a topical theme for a long time, so the number of pictures dedicated to Prince William and Kate Middleton, the wife of his brother Harry, his father Charles and his grandmother Elizabeth II, Alison made sufficiently large.
Personally, I was very amused by these photos. They can be seen not only members of the royal family, but the singer Lady Gaga, Elton John, as well as a singer Cheryl Cole.
The future king and queen are already making plans ...
Who's the Boss, they have not decided yet ...
The wedding took place!
Elton John lights Elizabeth II, and Kate legitimate spouse Vicky Beckham ...
Elton John is an expert in swaddling babies ...
Gaga scares even the princes ...
Harry does not lose time in vain, and even more time to the wedding ...
Strange, but Kate always dreamed about it a red horse with a good kid smile ...
Familiar faces all ...
Even sitting on the toilet Prince William dreams of beauty ...
Sinister David seduces prude Kate ...
Just a sword and hammer can be cut a giant wedding cake Prince and Princess ...
Queen Elizabeth II loves chicken grilled ...
Pictures appear very plausible due to a great selection of twins, because, as you know, all the members of the royal family on these pictures just well hidden bogus actors.

Get acquainted with the work of Alison Jackson in more detail can click on this link vev.ru/blogs/provokacionnye-i-neordinarnye-raboty-fotografa-elison-dzhekson.html
The royal wedding was a topical theme for a long time, so the number of pictures dedicated to Prince William and Kate Middleton, the wife of his brother Harry, his father Charles and his grandmother Elizabeth II, Alison made sufficiently large.
Personally, I was very amused by these photos. They can be seen not only members of the royal family, but the singer Lady Gaga, Elton John, as well as a singer Cheryl Cole.
The future king and queen are already making plans ...

Who's the Boss, they have not decided yet ...

The wedding took place!
Elton John lights Elizabeth II, and Kate legitimate spouse Vicky Beckham ...

Elton John is an expert in swaddling babies ...
Gaga scares even the princes ...
Harry does not lose time in vain, and even more time to the wedding ...
Strange, but Kate always dreamed about it a red horse with a good kid smile ...

Familiar faces all ...

Even sitting on the toilet Prince William dreams of beauty ...
Sinister David seduces prude Kate ...

Just a sword and hammer can be cut a giant wedding cake Prince and Princess ...

Queen Elizabeth II loves chicken grilled ...
Pictures appear very plausible due to a great selection of twins, because, as you know, all the members of the royal family on these pictures just well hidden bogus actors.