What made Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to retire from social networks
Even ordinary people like me, unknown and certainly not very popular, want to take a break from social networks. Excessive pastime on Instagram Other social media platforms on the web are tiring. What can we say about people like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, about whom the whole world talks every day?
Almost a year ago, the whole world heard the news that one of the most popular couples of our time made a difficult decision to leave the royal family. Of course, this action does not happen only in words. These changes completely change the life of the couple.
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A post shared by Prince Harry (Updates) (@harry.dukeofsusse)
So, for example, the family almost completely lost public money, as well as the protection paid by taxpayers. Although he retained his right to the British throne, he lost most of his privileges. What prompted such a drastic decision?
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A post shared by Prince Harry (Updates) (@harry.dukeofsusse)
Social pressure played a major role here. The persecution of the paparazzi, the aggressive actions of the British press and much more became impossible to endure. The prince and his wife can be understood. They had many privileges, but They didn't choose that fate..
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A post shared by Prince Harry (Updates) (@harry.dukeofsusse)
Husband and wife are planning business. They also decided to move to the United States. Unfortunately, because of the coronavirus with the purchase of housing had to hurry. In order to get a green card, Harry lost some diplomatic advantages.
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A post shared by Prince Harry (Updates) (@harry.dukeofsusse)
But the couple did not stop at giving up their privileges. Almost a year after all these events, they decided to stop posting. on his Instagram page. Any photos or details of your life. Some people will find it difficult to understand them. People see only one side of popularity and often secretly envy not only money but attention. It would seem, well, who would refuse such a thing?
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A post shared by Prince Harry (Updates) (@harry.dukeofsusse)
It’s just hard to enjoy your life. Looking at the world 24/7. No amount of money will help here. Perhaps someone can say something in the style of: “Just buy yourself a villa away from everyone and hide there!”
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A post shared by Prince Harry (Updates) (@harry.dukeofsusse)
There's a truth to that. That's what life is like when you can't. Just go to the store or go for a walk with friends Without an endless series of camera flashes around? Even if the villa will be incredibly comfortable and beautiful, but its residents also want to be able to be in society. It is not easy to live a normal life and not feel constant pressure.
I'm not asking you to pity a famous couple. Rather, I want to show that all advantages and privileges have a downside. The longer a person is under pressure,the more unhappy he becomes.. Even with his enormous financial resources.
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Almost a year ago, the whole world heard the news that one of the most popular couples of our time made a difficult decision to leave the royal family. Of course, this action does not happen only in words. These changes completely change the life of the couple.
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A post shared by Prince Harry (Updates) (@harry.dukeofsusse)
So, for example, the family almost completely lost public money, as well as the protection paid by taxpayers. Although he retained his right to the British throne, he lost most of his privileges. What prompted such a drastic decision?
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Prince Harry (Updates) (@harry.dukeofsusse)
Social pressure played a major role here. The persecution of the paparazzi, the aggressive actions of the British press and much more became impossible to endure. The prince and his wife can be understood. They had many privileges, but They didn't choose that fate..
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Prince Harry (Updates) (@harry.dukeofsusse)
Husband and wife are planning business. They also decided to move to the United States. Unfortunately, because of the coronavirus with the purchase of housing had to hurry. In order to get a green card, Harry lost some diplomatic advantages.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Prince Harry (Updates) (@harry.dukeofsusse)
But the couple did not stop at giving up their privileges. Almost a year after all these events, they decided to stop posting. on his Instagram page. Any photos or details of your life. Some people will find it difficult to understand them. People see only one side of popularity and often secretly envy not only money but attention. It would seem, well, who would refuse such a thing?
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Prince Harry (Updates) (@harry.dukeofsusse)
It’s just hard to enjoy your life. Looking at the world 24/7. No amount of money will help here. Perhaps someone can say something in the style of: “Just buy yourself a villa away from everyone and hide there!”
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Prince Harry (Updates) (@harry.dukeofsusse)
There's a truth to that. That's what life is like when you can't. Just go to the store or go for a walk with friends Without an endless series of camera flashes around? Even if the villa will be incredibly comfortable and beautiful, but its residents also want to be able to be in society. It is not easy to live a normal life and not feel constant pressure.
I'm not asking you to pity a famous couple. Rather, I want to show that all advantages and privileges have a downside. The longer a person is under pressure,the more unhappy he becomes.. Even with his enormous financial resources.
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