LGBT movement

What is, in your opinion? Rainbow? Not at all! This is the flag of the LGBT movement, whose members try to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. In particular, just this week he was lucky: New York legalized same-sex marriage. Among the participants of this movement are many well-known personalities who could not remain indifferent and ignore the existing problems related to the deprivation of basic rights of sexual minorities rights. The reasons why they support LGBT people are different. Let's try to understand what makes them tick.
Anne Hathaway and all the members of her family changed their faith, when they learned that Anne's older brother Michael - gay. Lucky guy, he has strong support.

Chelsea Handler to the Council: "If you do not believe in gay marriage, do not leave yourself married to a gay man. There are no reasons, which can prohibit people from doing it. "

Zachary Quinto joined the movement after several gay teen committed suicide. He even took part in a special project because he believes that sexual minorities should be hope: a place where they can stay, and the people who listen to them.

Kelly Osbourne thinks pointless to forbid anyone to marry because of his sexual orientation.

Eric Stonestreet plays the role of a gay man, so I just can not stand aside and do nothing.

Kelly Raype said in an interview: "Me and my husband was lucky enough to spend the rest of his adult life in New York, where we have worked, lived and were filmed with the best and the brightest gays and lesbians - people whom I am proud to call his family" .

Pete Wentz says that the ability to marry - the legitimate right of any person. And because America - democratic country, such a violation of human rights has no place in its territory.

Lady Gaga has admitted that she has a gay friend, with whom she is friends since adolescence. Therefore, the protection of their rights for it - nothing more than a duty.

Adam Levine, though not a gay, but just a little envious of them: it seems that the man maintain a relationship with a man much easier than with a woman. Maybe something he's right.

Kathy Griffin refers to gay marriage as well as to the Race: consider them normal. She does not understand why they were banned.

Chris Evans says the funniest gay people. By the way, his brother Scott is one of them.

Kristen Bell is actively cooperating with the organization «FriendFactor», helping to legalize gay marriage. She truly believes that everyone should have the right to start a family with someone he or she loves.

Daniel Radcliffe in 2009, works in «The Trevor Project» - a support group for sexual minorities.

Photo: usmagazine.com