Carey Mulligan
This girl appeared as if from nowhere. And immediately fell to the list of "favorites" critics. Talented, touching and convincing in their roles.
Carey herself prefers to talk about the roles in theater and film, than about his personal life. But, all the same, despite the fact that she prefers to remain silent, something about Ms. Mulligan known reliably. So, get acquainted ...
Carey was fascinated by the theater as a teenager. She participated in all school productions, the thought raved about the actor's stage and rebelled against the idea of complete Oxford, as would her parents ...
Incidentally, this experience certainly useful to her in the film "An Education." And this film brought her international fame.
Then Mulligan's career went to take off. From film to film Cary reincarnated, changing the image of the blonde haired up. Then releasing the hair, then undercutting them in the manner of Audrey Hepburn.
Carey is the epitome of style and elegance on the red carpet ...
Secrets - secrets, but about a romance with actor Shia LaBeouf press still sniff. Young people met on the set of the film "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps."
Carey Mulligan is interesting to the public, so the editors of fashion magazines do not deprive her attention. Actress often invited to shoot in magazines and interviews.
With partners in the film "Never Let Me Go»
Carey Mulligan, apparently, thought about how hard to be a public personality.
Carey herself prefers to talk about the roles in theater and film, than about his personal life. But, all the same, despite the fact that she prefers to remain silent, something about Ms. Mulligan known reliably. So, get acquainted ...

Carey was fascinated by the theater as a teenager. She participated in all school productions, the thought raved about the actor's stage and rebelled against the idea of complete Oxford, as would her parents ...

Incidentally, this experience certainly useful to her in the film "An Education." And this film brought her international fame.

Then Mulligan's career went to take off. From film to film Cary reincarnated, changing the image of the blonde haired up. Then releasing the hair, then undercutting them in the manner of Audrey Hepburn.

Carey is the epitome of style and elegance on the red carpet ...

Secrets - secrets, but about a romance with actor Shia LaBeouf press still sniff. Young people met on the set of the film "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps."

Carey Mulligan is interesting to the public, so the editors of fashion magazines do not deprive her attention. Actress often invited to shoot in magazines and interviews.

With partners in the film "Never Let Me Go»

Carey Mulligan, apparently, thought about how hard to be a public personality.