New photo shoot of Russian models
"Top Model in Russian 2" gradually coming to an end. Girls participating remained only 5. But there is no limit to perfection, and in November will begin casting for the new season, which promises to be even better than the last (but, as we know, the promised three-year wait), and is on Muz-TV continue to show second season and working models. Three new photo shoot have been made. We look at the participants of the second season as Hollywood stars, brides and even some people (not fully figured out whom they portrayed, because each has its own way).
Katerina Bagrov
Olga Sexton
Dobromir Nepomnyaschaya
Yuliya Vlasenko
Catherine Streltsov
Angelica Tihonenko
Alina Fedulova
Katerina Bagrov

Olga Sexton

Dobromir Nepomnyaschaya

Yuliya Vlasenko

Catherine Streltsov

Angelica Tihonenko
Alina Fedulova