Everyone sees different situations in different ways ....

At the beginning of the XIV century in Central Europe were working on the construction of the magnificent cathedral ... The supervisor was a priest who was assigned to monitor the work of laborers and artisans. The priest decided to see how the masons. He chose three masons, as representatives of different positions represented in their profession. He went to the first bricklayer and said:
- My brother, tell me about your work.
Mason looked up from his work and said a broken voice, full of anger and indignation:
- As you can see, I'm sitting in front of a stone slab meter high, two feet in length and width. And with each stroke chisel on the stone, I feel like leaving part of my life. Look, my hands are covered with calluses and natruzheny. My face was haggard, and his hair turned gray. This work never ends, it goes on forever, every day. It exhausts me. Where satisfaction? I will die long before the cathedral to be built.
The monk went to the second mason.
- My brother - he said, - tell me about your work.
- Brother, - said the mason quiet, calm voice - as you can see, I'm sitting in front of a stone slab meter in height and two feet in length and width. And with each stroke chisel on stone, I feel that I create a life and a future. Look, I was able to make my family lived in a comfortable house, much better than the one where I grew up. My children go to school. Without a doubt, they will reach more in life than I do. And all this was made possible by my work. I give the cathedral its ability, and he also gives to me.
The monk went to the third bricklayer.
- Brother, - he said - tell me about your work.
- Brother, - said the mason, a wide smile, a voice full radosti.- See, I sit in front of a stone slab meter in height and two feet in width length. And with every touch of the stone cutter, I feel like I'm carving their destiny. Look, do you see what great features show through the stone. Sitting here, I was not only embody their skills and their craft, I make a contribution to what I value and what I believe.
The universe, as reflected in the cathedral, will render to every one of us here around this stone, I am at peace with myself, and I know that even though I do not see this cathedral completed, it will stand for a thousand years, representing what is true in us, and serving the purpose for which the Almighty sent to this earth and me.
Monk and retired some time reflecting on what he heard. He fell asleep restful sleep, how did not sleep for a long time, and the next day he took off his powers supervisor and offered this position to the third bricklayer.